shes gone !! chapter32

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The Notebook- Chapter 32

Sophia’s POV

I yawn as I leave the airport; I was restless the whole trip, and didn’t get much sleep, I start getting impatient, “Sir could you please go faster.” we arrive and I sprint out of the car and to the house. I see all the employees there, “Where is he?”

“His bodies has been put in the casket already, we will hold the funeral tomorrow.”

“Why so early? Why?” I ask indignantly. “Why didn’t any of you wait till I got here?”

“I’m sorry Miss, we didn’t know when you would be back so-”

“That doesn’t give you the right to have done this. Get out…Get out! Leave! All of you,” I move to the side as they march out of the house. I walk to the living room and drop to the ground, “John, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here, I really am.” I grasp the pillow and bury my face in it, “I’m sorry.”


I look up, “Who are you?”

“I’m here to deliver this to you.” he gives me an envelop, “Excuse me.” he walks out the door.

I turn it around and see Sophia written on it. I open it:

My dearest Sophia,

I remember the day you were born, it was by far the greatest day of my life. You brought joy, love and light into my world, something I had never before felt. When I got to hold you, you extended your small hand to me and I cried for the first time in my life. I saw you grow up and blossom into the beautiful person you are now. You are your mother, you have her courage, her strength, her spirit. You are a fighter, so do that, fight for your future, for your happiness, don’t let others control you or mislead you Sophia. Fight for him. Wipe away those tears, you’re not going to waste time crying over me Sophia, go and find your happiness. I love you.

I clutch the letter and hold it to my heart, “I will John, I will fight.” I wipe away the tears, “I love you too, you were like a second father to me and I’m so sorry I never told you how important you were to me.” I get up and neatly put the letter back into the envelope and tuck it in my jacket. I walk to his room and look through all the pictures there, “I’m gonna really miss you John, you were one of the last people that I trusted with my life.” I hear a knock on the door and go to answer it, “Ryan? I-I thought you weren’t going to be here until tomorrow.”

“I couldn’t leave you alone in times like this.” he gives me a big hug.

“Thanks Ry, I really need someone right now.” I admit.

“Sophia, there’s something you need to know.” he takes my hand and leads me to the living room, “Zayn came to see you.”

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that Ryan. I know that you don’t approve of-”

“Soph, I need to tell you this before you say anything else.” he interrupts.

“No, I need to tell you that you need to start respecting my decisions, I am old enough to decide what’s good and what’s not. I love Zayn-”

“Stop! I would back off and let you do what you thought was right Soph, but not when I know that it’s not.”

“How can you know that it’s not?! I love him-”

“But he doesn’t love you!” he shouts.

I look at him in bewilderment, “What the hell are you talking about? How can you say something like that?”

He puts his head down, “Because when he came to the flat he was looking for you and I told him that you had to be here and I asked him if he would like to leave a message and I would tell you and he…he said that it’s best that way, that it’s best that you were gone.”

I shake my head, “No, Zayn wouldn’t do that, he wouldn’t say…”

He takes out a paper, “He asked me to give you this.” he hands it to me. “I’ll leave you to read it.”

I look up at him and slowly nod my head as I open it:


I’m sorry it had to end like this but I can’t find another way to tell you that it’s over. All those moments that we lived together will always be in my heart but I can’t do this to you anymore, I love you too much to put you through this misery. I hope you can find that happiness that as much as I wanted to, could never give you. I love you but sometimes love isn’t enough and I have accepted that, as much as it rips me apart inside. Take care and I wish you the best in life my love.

“No…Zayn no, don’t- it can’t just end like this.” I cry out. I shake my head in denial, “Not like this.”

Ryan walks back in, “Don’t cry over that prick Sophia, be strong. He is not worth it and I’m sorry to tell you this but I knew that he would end up doing this to you. He played with you and I bet that in that letter he says that he does this for you, bullshit! He did this because he’s an arse that…” he stops mid-sentence.

I look up at him, my eyes lifeless, “I’m not. Never again will I cry for him.” I look at the note, “I’m gonna go to my room.” I smile weakly and leave. I close the door and immediately curl up in my bed, “Zayn Malik, why did you do this to me?”

Zayn’s POV

“I don’t want to talk about it!”

“You have to Zayn, what’s with the sudden change?” Niall asks.

“Does it matter!? It’s over, I’m going to marry Perrie, end of story!”

“It does matter mate! It matters when you’re throwing your LIFE away.” Liam says rather harshly.

“Then let me do that!” I retort.

“What happened Zayn?” Niall continues to ask.

I look at the ground, my emotions in turmoil, “She left me.”

“What?” they both ask.

I lift my head to look at them, “She left without telling me anything. Her cousin told me that she’s tried of me playing with her and that she doesn’t want to suffer anymore and it’s over…it’s over.”

“No, I don’t believe that, she wouldn’t do that.” Liam says completely convinced.

“Doesn’t matter, she’s gone, she gave up on us and I can’t go off chasing her anymore, I have to think of my son.”

“So that’s it? You and Sophia, this is how it ends?” Niall asks bitterly.

“Yes.” I answer before walking out.

ok so there it is :) xx

Filed under Harry Styles Liam Payne Louis Tomlinson Niall Horan Zayn 

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