sophies world !! part 10

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The Notebook- Chapter 10

Sophia’s POV

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, Zayn, now let’s go.” I walk out to his car and am swarmed by paparazzi. I smile and continue walking until we get into his car. “Ok, I was not expecting that.”

“I told you. That’s why you should listened to your boyfriend.” he playfully berates me.

“Fine, you win this one Malik, milk it for all it’s worth while it lasts.” I smile and then look at him when I don’t hear the car start. “What?”

“I’m just happy to call you my girlfriend.” he blurts.

“Zayn, we’ve only had that title for a couple of minutes. Plus, I still have to tell Ryan and I don’t think he’s gonna be jumping with joy, per se.” I tell him as I look away.

“Why?” he asks concerned.

“Nothing.” I tell him, trying to get off the subject.

“Sophie, you are my girlfriend now, these things, I need to know.” he takes my hand, “Please.”

 A shiver runs through my body. “He doesn’t want me to be in the spotlight anymore.”

“Anymore? What happened?”

“In America, my parents were very known people and…well, I guess you can’t be that rich and prestigious without drawing attention to yourself. The media was always around them, I was out of it most of the time because my parents were very protective of me. But when they…died, I was harassed and followed by paparazzi for a week until Ryan brought me here to London to get me away from all that. He doesn’t like me being in the spotlight, he feels like I’m a lab experiment being observed and watched.”

“I understand him but Sophia, I want to be with you and if I have to get the Secret Service to protect you, I will.” he says determination pouring out with his words.

“I know you will Zayn.” I kiss him on the lips. “Now, drive before I get any more nervous.”

“Why are you nervous?” he questions as we start heading to his place.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because this will be the first time I meet your friends, which are basically your family. This whole time we’ve known each other and…I feel like I’ve ignored them and it’s all your fault.”

“Now it’s my fault?” he asks feigning hurt.

“Yea, you’ve had me all to yourself, you greedy boy.” I tease.

“Well, yea I want you for myself. I know those girls and the moment they see you, they will not let you go. So I needed you to be unconditionally mine for as long as I could.”

“Sweet but still. You didn’t even take me to see Niall like you promised all those weeks ago.” I remind him.

“Ok, for that I am guilty but at least now you’ll be able to.” he turns into a street and then we park. “We’re here.” he announces.

“Ok, how do I look?” I ask him.

He cocks his head, “Babe you look beautiful, stop worrying.”

I nod and get out of the car. Zayn walks over to me and takes my hand. We make our way to the door and I stop him before he can open it. “Are you sure I look-”

“Sophie, you look brilliant.” he leans down and kisses me softly. “Ready?”

I nod quickly and he opens the door. I walk in behind him almost using him as a shield. I hear a cacophony of noise and then silence. I want to peek over Zayn’s shoulder but am too nervous to do so.

“Well where is she?” I hear someone ask; the voice sounds familiar but I don’t know who it belongs to.

“She’s right here Niall.” Zayn moves to the side to reveal me. I feel exposed; I smooth out nonexistent wrinkles from my dress as I stand there. “Hello.”

I see two very beautiful girls walk towards me, “Hi sweetie. I’m Danielle and this is Eleanor.” one of them says as she pulls me into a hug.

“Hi. I’m Sophia.” I hug Eleanor. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Oh, she’s American!” someone yells. I may not know them but I do recognize them.

“Yes, I am from the US Louis.” I mutter.

Niall comes up to me and my first instinct is to hug him tightly and thank him for saving me but I restrain myself. “Hi Sophia.”

“Hi Niall.” I take a few steps closer to him and before I know it, I am hugging him. “Thank you…for saving-”

“What’s going on here?” Liam asks.

Niall and I pull apart and I look at Liam, “I was…I-”

“How bout we go out to the terrace and have our lunch.” Zayn cuts in.

“Good idea Zayn. C’mon Sophia.” Eleanor takes my hand and drags me to the terrace. “You’re gonna love this place. It’s spacious and…” I tune her out when I see a beautiful greenhouse on the side of the backyard. “…so what will you want?”

I look at her, “Um…what?”

She smiles and looks over at the current affinity of my attention, “You like it? Zayn’s been working on it nonstop for 2 weeks. He actually named it-”

“What are we talking about?” Danielle asks.

“The greenhouse Zayn made for Sophia.” Eleanor fills her in.

“Ohhh, it’s beautiful. Well, from what we’ve seen. He doesn’t let anyone else in besides Niall, he also helped make it.”

“It’s beautiful.” I look over at it and walk to it. I reach the door and look up and my breath catches in my throat. “Sophie…” I hear Zayn calling for me but I am too transfixed on this that I don’t respond.

“Sophie, I was…” he trails off and I look at him.

“You are amazing Zayn, beyond incredible. I can’t believe you remembered.” a single tear makes its way down my face and he gently wipes it off.

“Of course I remembered. You were so animated when talking about it and I know it’s something very important for you. So I decided to put some things together and I came up with this.” he says as he rubs the back of his neck, “I hope you like-”

“I love it.” I grab his face in between my hands and kiss him on the lips. I pull away when the kiss gets heated, not wanting anyone to see. “Zayn, this is…indescribable.” I look up at the name of it: Sophie’s World. “So can we go in?”

“Of course.” he unlocks the door and I take his hand as we walk in. I stay quiet mostly because my mind can’t conjure up any words to describe what I’m feeling and if I were to say something, it would come out like gibberish. I touch all the flowers and all the plants as he takes off the paper so that it is now see-through and clear. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “What do you think?”

I turn to the side and face him, “I love it, it’s the sweetest thing any guy has done for me.” I turn completely and kiss him again. The kiss becomes more heated and pretty soon I have my legs wrapped around his waist and his hands are roaming all over my body. We are interrupted by the ringing of my phone. He groans and I unwrap my legs and stand up.


“Sophia, get the hell over here, NOW. And don’t argue, just do it.” Ryan demands and hangs up. I look up at Zayn, completely confused at Ryan’s behavior.

ok, so i hope you enjoy!!!

just to clear some things, Sophie’s World is a book and i love it! so zayn named the place that: for Sophia b/c he calls her Sophie. she loves the book and flowers and all that good stuff, so that’s why he named the greenhouse Sophie’s World!..

feedback is appreciated!!! :) xxxx

sorry for any and all mistakes.

p.s. if you havent read Sophie’s World, i highly recommend it!!!

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