We need you back or zayn will fade !! part.17

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The Notebook- Chapter 17

Sophia’s POV

“You guys are really funny.”

“Thanks. So what do your parents do? I mean, look at this place, it’s massive.” Max asks.

“Actually, my parents are dead.” I inform them. An awkward silence falls upon us and everyone’s just looking at each other and giving Max a dirty look. “No, you didn’t know, I’m not mad at you.” he looks at me and tries to crack a smile. “So where are you guys off to?”

“We actually ended our tour yesterday. We are heading back to London today.” Nathan answers trying to ease the tension away.

“That’s nice. Time for a break right.” I grab a water bottle and take a sip.

“Yea, you could say that. So, why are you off to London?” Jay asks.

“I need to see a friend and I also want to visit my cousin, it’s been a while since I last visited.” my phone buzzes and I see it’s an email from Ryan. I ignore it and continue.

“Would you like to go for a walk Sophia?” Jay asks suddenly.

It catches me off guard, “Um, yea, I’d like that.” I walk to the living room and grab my bag. I see one of the security guards come out, “No, please, I want to be alone.”

“I’m sorry Miss but these are orders from John, you cannot go out without one of us there.”

“I’m sorry but I don’t want anyone following me so please go back inside, I don’t need a babysitter.” I retort.

“I’m sorry Miss.” he tells me.

I cross my arms over my chest, “Listen, I’m not going to go far, please understand that I want to go on a walk with Jay and I don’t need you there.”

“It’s for your protection Miss Del Rio.” he argues.

I shake my head in annoyance and look at Jay, “I’m sorry you have to deal with this, although you’re probably used to it.”

He smiles and nods his head, “But I can see that you’re not.”

“No, but I have to deal with it, there’s nothing I can do about it. Let’s get going.” we walk out and make our way to the park.

“There’s not that many people here.” he notes.

“Yea, this is more of a private area, many of the people that live here are always off on trips or doing business in other cities. Gets pretty lonely.”

“You don’t have any brothers or sisters?”

“No…I had a little brother but…”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” he whispers.

I even my breathing and calm my mind, even though tears seem to come of their own accord, “It’s been pretty hard but…it’s things that I have to live with.” as much as I want to stay strong, my emotions get the better of me and my voice starts to crack.

He stops us and turns me to face him, “You are a strong person.” he places his palm on my cheek, “You are…” he starts to lean in but I turn my head.

“I’m sorry, I can’t.” I place my hand over his and look at him, “We shouldn’t do this.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asks me.


“Then what’s stopping you? Why can’t we do this?” he questions “I fancy you.”

“Because I may not have a boyfriend but that doesn’t mean that I want one. I have a complicated life and my love life is even worse. I don’t want to jump into a relationship when I’m still not over my last one.” I reveal.

We drop our hands, “I can wait for you to heal. I can be the one to help you.”

I look at him, “Jay, trust me; you’re not gonna want to. I don’t know if I’ll ever be over him. Plus, you leave in a few days-”

“So do you.” he points out.

I nod my head, “Yes, but I live here and I don’t know how long I’ll be in London. What I’m trying to say is that this won’t work out.”

“I don’t know what it is about you Sophia, but I want to be with you. I don’t care if it takes two days or two decades for you to be ready.”

“Jay, I don’t want to give you false hopes; I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready…for you.”

He puts his hands in his pockets and looks away, “Why don’t we let time decide that.”

I give him an apologetic smile, “You’re a wonderful person. I would love to be your friend, can we be that for now?”

He smiles, “Sure.” he takes my hand and places a soft kiss on it.

Niall’s POV

“Where the hell is Zayn?”

I let out a loud, exasperated grunt, “I don’t know Perrie, why don’t you call him.”

“I have and his phone goes straight to voicemail.” she yells.

“Then maybe that’s because he doesn’t want to be bothered.” I tell her.

“I need to talk to him!”

“Perrie, I’m gonna try to make this as clear as possible: I don’t like you so there’s no way in hell I’m gonna help you so why don’t you leave and look for him or wait for him to call you.” she gives me a death glare before storming out of the flat. “Finally.” I hear a knock on the door, “Don’t you ever give up?” I ask when I see Perrie there again.

“Niall, I need your help. Please, I want things to work out with Zayn, I don’t-”

“It’s been months and he hasn’t gotten over Sophia, do you really think you’re helping. Perrie, we don’t get along like we used to and you know why but I still don’t want to see you like this. Give this up, you guys are never gonna get back what you had before. By trying to work on this, you’re only hurting Zayn and yourself.” she wipes away a few tears and then walks out again. “I really don’t want her to suffer.” I say to myself. I hear another knock on the door, “Perrie, I told you-” I freeze when I see who it is.

“Hi Niall.”


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