Marry me Please .........chapter 55

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The Notebook- Chapter 55

Sophia’s POV

“How are you feeling?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that Danni?”

She gives me the ‘stop, you know what I’m talking about’ face. “I’m hanging in there. But really though, how are you?” It’s been a week since it all went down, since Jones died and Perrie was taken to jail. I haven’t really had much time to assimilate the whole situation, “I’m glad you get to leave today.”

“Me too.” she stays quiet for a while, “I wish-”

“Stop it Danielle. You had no control of the events. I’m the one that’s sorry that because of me you could have…”

She comes over and hugs me, “Nothing happened babe.”

As comforting as her words are it does nothing to impede the tears, “I’m sorry.” she hugs me tighter. “But it’s over now.” I say when we pull apart.

“It is. Now is the time to rejoice and…let go of everything that’s happened. Start from zero.”

“I can’t exactly do that. I’ve lost Ryan, John and…my baby.” I manage to say through the lump rising in my throat. “But I will always remember them and honor them the best I can.” I squeeze her hand, “And with you guys by my side, I know the road to recovery will be much easier.”

“How are you doing?”

“Good.” I know he doesn’t believe me, “No, really, I’m doing better.” I assure him.

“That’s good to hear.”

“What about you Josh, how are you doing?”

“Much better, thank you for coming over and checking up on me even when I told you it wasn’t necessary.”

“Josh, you had done so much for me in the few days I knew you…I have to see that you’re ok. But please promise me that you’ll never do something like that again, it would probably give me a heart attack, please.”

He smiles, “I promise. So how are you and Zayn?”

“We’re great…but we have some unresolved issues that I need to talk about with him. I need to clear these things out.”

I walk to our home and take a deep breath before opening the door and walking in. “Zayn?”

I see him emerge from the room a few minutes later, “Babe, I’m so glad you’re back. How’s Josh doing?” he comes over and gives me a kiss.

“Good.” he walks to the kitchen and I follow him, “Zayn, we need to talk.”

He stops what he’s doing and looks at me, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

I take his hand and lead him to the table. “Zayn, I need…I’ve been keeping something from you.”

“What is it Sophie?”

I take a deep breath, “The reason I left the last time was because…I believed that you were the one that…” Tears cloud my vision, “I thought you were the one that had ordered the person to kill Ryan.” I look away and after a few moments I dare myself to look at him. His eyes are cold and his jaw is clenched.


“I’m sorry Zayn. Perrie called me and she told me and I wouldn’t have believed her had it not been for those picture- those stupid pictures I would have-”

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