Killed em all, heartless ..........ends well?...........chapter.53

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The Notebook- Chapter 53

Perrie’s POV

I lock the door and try to block out her cries for mercy, “No Perrie, you’re so close, don’t start second guessing yourself!” I berate myself. I walk to the kitchen and see Jones hunched over the sink.

“We shouldn’t have done this Perrie.”

“Shove it Jones, it’s done, we have to deal with it.” I run my hands through my hair, “Now I just have to get in contact with her people-”

He turns around, “She has no people! You killed them all off!”

I look at him, “Shut up! It’s not like I killed that servant of hers.”

He lets out a humorless laugh, “If he was in your way, you would of.”

I shoot daggers at him, “Now’s not the time for your stupidity Jones. I’m tired and I need to think of my next move. I can’t stay here, I need to go somewhere where no one knows me and I can hide until all this dies down.”

“Or until you kill them all you mean.” he walks to the table and takes a seat. “What are you thinking?”

I shrug my shoulders, “I don’t know. I can ask for some money and then I’ll just take her with me when they give it to me and-” I let out a cry, “I don’t know Jones, I don’t know what to do.” I say, sounding defeated for the first time.

“Maybe,” he takes my hand, “you should turn yourself in, it’ll be less-”

I roughly pull my hand away, “No! That’s not even an option!” I get up, “I can’t go to jail, that would- ruin me.” I shake my head as my tears fall, “I can’t let that happen.”

He looks down, “Then concoct this plan to perfection so that that doesn’t happen.”

“What’s wrong Jones?”

“Promise me one thing though.” I slowly nod my head, “You’re not going to kill yourself.”

I look at him confused, “What are you talking about Jones?” he doesn’t answer me and I don’t know what to make of his sudden change. “I promise.” I say after a pregnancy pause. “I’m going to sleep, it’s getting late already.” I get up and take one last glance at him before going to my room.

Zayn’s POV

We drive by the same place for the millionth time, “This is hopeless!” I stop the car abruptly and get out.

“Zayn! Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“I don’t know Harry, anywhere, I’m tired of-” I point at the neon lights, “we’ve passed through here ten times already!”

“Three.” he corrects.

“So you noticed too!” I pull my hair in frustration, “Ever second that passes and Sophia is not with me, in my arms is hell. I- I can’t help but think-”

“Stop it Zayn. We’re going to find her and…you guys are going to be together, finally together and for good this time.”

Sophia’s POV

I close my eyes, burning, needing the sleep. My body is exhausted and screaming for me to let it rest but I can’t, I need to figure out a way to get out of here. I’ve lost track of time, I don’t know how long I’ve been here but it’s been a while since I’ve heard any sounds coming from upstairs so I know it’s night time, “Please God, I need to get out of here. I need to…I can’t die like this, not by the hands of her.” I start moving around but freeze when I hear the door opening. I lie down and pretend to be asleep.


I hear the stairs squeaking and my heart begins to beat faster and faster. I hear him walk around and I don’t dare open my eyes. I feel him unlock the chains around my ankles and my heart is beating 1000 times per second at this point. “Sophia…get up.”

I open my eyes and look up at him, “Why are you doing this? Aren’t you also trying to kill me?” I ask, my voice weak and childlike.

He looks away, “Child, I never thought it would get to this point. I’m sorry.” I hear the hurt and remorse coating his words.

Tears start forming in my eyes, “Please, help me…”

He blindfolds me and I start shaking my head, ready to scream but he covers my mouth, “Don’t yell please. I need to do this…for all of us.” he covers my eyes and then unclasp the restraints on my wrist from the bed. He pulls my hands behind me and ties them, “We’re leaving.”


He remains silent, before I can ask the question again, he answers, “Home.” he carries me and I hear the stairs creak again and I know we’re going upstairs. I feel the cool, chilly air immediately and a shiver runs down my spine. “Duck.” he tells me and I obey immediately, not risking him changing his mind and killing me or taking me back to the basement. I settle in to the car and then I hear the door open, close and then the engine starts.


“Don’t.” is all he says and I remain quiet, the darkness becoming too much. I start dozing off until I fall on the ground when the car is hit in the back.

“What’s going on?” I ask panicked. “Where are we?”

“Stay down, stay down until I tell you.” he tries to sound calm but I catch the fear in his words. I feel the car speeding and as much as I want to get up, I know that it would only serve as a distraction. I start praying that this doesn’t end in a tragedy. About half an hour later I don’t hear anything. “Can I get up now?” I meekly ask.


I get up and try to remove the blindfold, “Please tell me where you’re taking me.”

“GET DOWN!” the imperious command is enough to make me do anything. I get down and then I hear gunshots.

“What’s going on?” the car starts swiveling around and I brace myself for the worst.

Zayn’s POV

We pass by some deserted roads and I see two sets of headlights and wouldn’t have thought anything strange about it but then I hear two gunshots, “What the hell is that lads?”

Harry turns, “I don’t know but we should help them.”

“Are you crazy Hazz? Didn’t you hear: GUNshots!” Liam reminds us.

“We can’t leave them, what if someone dies?” Harry remarks.

“And what if that someone is you?” Liam counters.

I park the car, ignoring Liam’s yells and protests, and get out. “They’re not stopping-” I start saying right before the two cars topple over and crash. “Oh fuck.” I run to them, my feet moving of their own accord. “Hello?” I go to the first one and my heart starts pounding so hard within the constraints of my chest, “Hello?” I step over all the glass and attempt to open the door, “Hazz, Liam, help!” I yell as I continue pulling on it. “Fuck!” they come over and start working on the bottom and slowly it begins to open. “Hurry.” a few minutes later we manage to get it open, “Hello.” I get in and start pulling the person out, “Hey-” my heart stops, “Sophia?” I pick her up and see blood trickling down her temple from the huge gash on her forehead.


I look up and see Perrie walking towards us, gun poised in her hand, “What the bloody hell is your problem! I know what you did! I know that you were never pregnant, I know that you were the one that killed Ryan and my baby!”

She smiles, “Then it’s a good thing it all ends here.”

sorry it’s super late but it’s here :)

sorry for any and all mistakes.

Filed under Harry Styles Liam Payne Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson ficNiall Horan Niall Horan imagine The Notebook Zayn Malik Zayn Malik ficZayn Malik imagine harry styles imagine one direction one direction fanficone direction imagine

The NotebookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora