Sad stories, confessions, heartache and No zayn u aint leaving me!

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The Notebook- Chapter 37

Sophia’s POV

I make my way to the lake as fast as I can. Every step I take I feel my heart thumping faster and harder in my chest. I run down the hill and start looking around, “Zayn.” I whisper, out of breath. “Where are you?” my eyes wonder everywhere but I don’t see him. The chilly air starts picking up and my hair whips all over my face, “Zayn.” I walk to the rock and sit on it when I realize that he’s not here. I feel a small drop of water on my hand and I look up and I know it’s about to start raining. I get up to leave but am stopped when I see him. “Zayn.” I run to him and we fall to the ground with a loud ‘umph’. “Ow, ok that was not a good-” I am cut off when his lips fasten on mine in a scorching, passionate kiss. We pull apart only when air becomes a necessity. He smiles widely as we get up, “We need to talk.”

He shakes his head, “No, I want to enjoy this night-”

“Zayn, I never left-”

His eyes turn cold, “I don’t want to talk about it.” he grabs my face and presses his lips to mine roughly; I feel his anger and desperation.

“We need to talk.” I repeat when we pull apart. I grab his hand when he turns away, “Zayn, I didn’t leave-”

“I know you don’t want to suffer, I just wanted to-”

“Zayn! Dammit, let me talk!” he looks startled but keeps quiet. “I left because John, a man that’s been and will always be important in my life, passed away and I-” I swallow hard and close my eyes before continuing, “I needed to be there. I didn’t get to say goodbye to him and I needed to be there as soon as I could, that’s why I left all of a sudden,” I take his face in my hands, “I never, never left because I couldn’t take the pain or I didn’t want to suffer. I would never give up like that Zayn.”

His eyes water up and he places a hand over mine and brings it to his mouth, “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s not your fault. I am to blame for this.” I look away, “Ryan gave me a letter…he told me that you had given it to him for me and when I read it, I nearly died. It said that you didn’t want to make me suffer anymore and I- it was-”

“Baby, I would never do that to you,” he looks down, “But I’m sorry. After I went to see you and your cousin told me all that, I hated you, I believed that you- I should have never believed that Sophia,” his hand wraps around my neck and he rests his forehead on mine, “Please forgive me baby.”

I close my eyes and a lone tear falls down my face, “I do Zayn. I love you.”

“I love you too.” he carries me bridal style and starts walking up the hill.

“Zayn what are you doing?” I ask amused.

Before he can answer, it starts raining, “You look beautiful.” His eyes shine with love and I can’t help but cry, “Don’t cry Sophie, I hate seeing you cry.”

I cup his face, “Zayn, I love you. I will not let anything get in the way of this, of us. I will fight, and the day I give up is the day I die.” I tell him firmly. “Where are you taking me?”

He smiles, “To my place.”

Liam’s POV

“Lads hold on.” I stop and they all turn around to look at me.

“What is it Liam?”

“Should we really do this? I mean, she’s in a fragile state, what if this sends her over the edge?”

“I never believed her when she said that she did that because she doesn’t have anything left. She can fool El and Danni and maybe even Zayn but she’s using this and her pregnancy to bribe Zayn into marrying her and had we not gone to Soph, she would have gotten away with it. She doesn’t love Zayn, she’s a manipulator and liar, and I won’t allow that anymore.” Louis all but yells.

“I know, I hate what’s she’s done but think about the baby.” I try reasoning with them.

“Liam, nothing will happen, trust us.” Hazza assures me.

I nod and we walk in to Perrie’s room. “Who are you?” I ask the man standing next to her bed.

“I am…I am Miss Edwards-”

“He’s my therapist.” Perrie answers. She turns to him, “Thank you, I’ll see you next week.” he smiles and then leaves.

“What are you lads doing here?”

“We came to tell you that Sophia’s back.” Louis tells her.

She looks surprised but also happy? “That’s good, I want her to be one of my bridesmaids.”

Louis and Harry scoff, “That wedding isn’t happening Perrie.”

“Do you really think you and Zayn were going to get married? Pathetic. We would do anything to make sure Zayn never went through with that wedding. You cheated on him, with one of his friends, you broke his heart and then you want him back all of a sudden? It took him a really long time to move on from that and he’s found someone, someone who loves him unconditionally. Someone that would die for him, not kill him.” Louis continues.

I look over at her and she is near tears, her face full of anger, rage. “Why the fuck would you come here and tell me that!?” she yells at him.

“Because we want you to be happy.” I tell her. They all give me weird faces but I continue, “You had your chance with Zayn and you blew it. You don’t know how many times he came to me crying, asking what he did wrong. What he could have done differently, what he could have done to keep you with him, to make you happy. He blamed himself and that really hurt me. Look, what’s done is done, I don’t hate you Perrie but you need to realize that Zayn loves someone, he’s moved on, and you owe it to yourself to do the same. For you and the baby.”

She looks away, “Get out.”

We all look at each other, “Stay away from Sophia.” Niall tells her before we walk out.

“I hope, for her sake and everyone else’s, that she listens to us and leaves Zayn so he can be happy with Sophia.” I say as we walk out of the hospital.

Perrie’s POV

“Fuck her! Fuck!” I throw the pillow across the room, “Fuck her!” I get up and grab the glass cup and throw it to the wall, “No Zayn, you’re not leaving me for her. She has no idea what I’m capable of.” I take out my phone, “Get over here, change of plans.” I hang up and look out the window, “Enjoy him while you can Sophie.”

Filed under Harry Styles Liam Payne Louis Tomlinson Niall Horan Zayn 

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