Ch 21 Lies with a Message

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Ch 21 Shoku POV

I had awoken in my hospital room paid for by the commission for me only, It wasn't as comfortable or secure as I remembered it being,The plants although beautiful made me very aware that although this was an atrium it was also an observatory the light that came in was mostly from the skylight and the surrounding windows although they looked like they led outside in fact weren't windows at all but led screens. with cameras so i could be watched. My room was in the center of the top floor in the hospital, the quietest and best place to keep Heros.

As I took in my surroundings I slowly sat up on the edge of the bed letting my quirk loose so they could do their job and heal me and create more of themselves, A knock at the door and a doctor entering pulled me from my observations.

" Good Evening Miss Shoku! Lovely to see you again!"

Dr. Kyudai Garaki An elderly man who had "been my doctor since I was young, he worked only for Hiro and had been the man who had removed my wings, he was followed in by a nurse who I hadn't seen before, she was young and seemed friendly. She held my ever growing medical file and would glance my way every so often like she had information for me as Dr.Garaki told me about my injuries. " Deep lacerations", " Permanent scarring" , " Damaged nerves from electric shock" The list went on and on, only some of his words made their way into my consciousness as I stared at the wall where the door sat. He rambled on a while longer before mentioning something that made my blood freeze

" It's a wonder why the LOV want you, you are basically dead as it is.."

He left shaking his head leaving his nurse with me, looked horrified by what had been said but she kept her smile as she stood before me.

" I kept these results from them" she whispered quickly

My ears filled with a rushing sound for a moment

"But when we admitted you ran the usual tests and only one came back positive, and i fear if they knew you would be killed and it would be taken. You are further along than we expected but looking at your charts and quirk I can see why."


"Why your Pregnant Silly"

She said the last bit with a hushed chirp.

" I've slipped Extra vitamins into your med list and it shouldn't be noticed.

She tutted my silence, patted my shoulder and headed for the door as she grabbed the handle she turned back.

" I may work for them but im pro life and anti child torture so it will be our secret okay?"

My blank stare must have been enough of an answer for her as she promptly left with a skip in her step.

I turned myself back around trying to calm my ever rising panic, What was I to do? I had been one time with Aizawa my first time and this happens.... Tears brimmed my eyes and I did the only thing that had ever calmed me, I hummed a soft lulling tune to my busy quirk.

My song had continued even with all the sounds the door and footsteps had made, I knew who had come in by sent alone.His cologne subtle but memorable, one of my favorite things about the man I was about to break along with myself. I couldn't break away like I wanted. I had been naive about everything. Now Aizawa's heart and trust for me would shatter along with mine and the last of my fight against Hiro, I had to protect them, my Erasure hero and the fast growing child within me.

The obvious fight he was having with himself and The sound of him Clearing his throat grabbed my attention.

" Ginga? Can you tell us what happened?"

I could feel my body tense fists gripping the bedding in a tight grip. My Quirk became agitated and they sped their flight up,

" Yeah .. I just ran into some Villains that were too much for me."

I kept my voice is monotone as possible to hide my rising need to have him beside me

I looked to nezu who had shown up with Hizashi to answer Aizawas question, pretending it had been nezu who had spoken. while I spoke, I watched Shota Aizawa break in a way I had never seen before,It was just a flash before his usual stone and irritated facade was back.

" Nezu, I spoke to Hiro earlier and he had no intention of letting me join you. I apologize I was greatly looking forward to working with everyone at UA Permanently . HIro said that they need me for the LOV recon and I just can't turn down the offer"

I watched Aizawa flinch at my words

" Shoku, I understand thank you for telling me in person, Though I do wish it was in better circumstances. The call I received to come to you was quite worrisome, Though clearly you are well and clear headed."

" Call?"

The scoff that left Aizawa was a huge sign about how he felt at the moment the sound even caused Hizashi to gape at him. I myself had let my eyes look at him quickly before going back to Nezu.

" I agree Nezu I will continue to teach though as well as attending the Gala with a very important announcement. Thank you for checking on me and seeing that I am mostly in one piece, Tell the kids I"ll be back soon and to continue what we have been practicing this week."

" Of Course Shoku, Well I'll be off I have schedules to adjust and meetings to prepare! Come Mic I'm gonna have you cover Her absence."

Their voices faded as they left the room and walked down the hall leaving me the recon hero and the man I had come to love alone, the only sound our breathing that had quickend with the pressure of conflict. He spoke first.

" Shoku? What the fuck is this? What really happened!?"

I shook my head lightly as tears threatened to spill again. I pulled myself into my protective shell and spoke pint blank to the man breaking in front of me. I was going to try and tell him everything as vaguely as possible without actually saying anything.

" I'm Hiros Recon, and He needs help with the LOV, I can't just drop him he made me a hero! I'm also to be with Hawks. He's in love with me and I am too good to be with some other underground hero like you. I am carrying the weight of this Mission on my shoulders just let me go. This will come full term soon and I can't be playing house with some nobody like you. I need to stay alive and thriving with someone as high ranking as him. We can save the children of the future he and I. Goodbye Shota." 

I had never struggled to lie and say something in my life, every word felt like daggers. I can imagine how he felt hearing me talk up hawks, I can only hope he can put together my odd speech pattern and get the message. 

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now