Ch17 Wings and Scars

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Aizawa's POV 

     I awoke in Shoku's bed the memories from the early morning flooding my already full mind. Feeling movement beside me I glanced down to see Shoku curled around an Orange tabby cat the two in a tight ball next to me like I had been wrapped around them too only a moment before waking, two scars ran down her back by her shoulder blades un noticed by me in our moment this morning. 

      The position she slept in reminded me of protection between a last standing hero and lover. " Is that what we are now? Was this just Lust? Those scars..." Getting out of bed carefully I pulled the white sheets over Shoku's bare form. Picking up and donning my clothes I walked through her dorm taking in everything I could. From all the plants, books, writing desk, and large window to the fairy lights the hung dimly inviting stray moths to them all complementing the dark wood floors. Her kitchen is also full of plants and a shelf full of different types of coffee and tea. 

       A large coffee maker with all the stops. The Dorm was filled with sunlight filtering in through all the windows. She had chosen a corner dorm with large windows on both outer walls starting coffee for the both of us. I went from wall to wall looking at photos, some from her as a child small, smiling, with " Wings? Why doesn't she use them instead of eclipsing" with who I would assume are her parents going down the line of photos you watch Shoku grow and lose that smile. Then further are pictures of her and Hawks. " They look so close .." Glimpsing at the placement of wings on Hawks The scars on Shoku clicked in place. " What the fuck." 

      some pictures at the end had my fists clenching tighter and quirk reacting at the sight of Hiro his hands low on her hips as they posed for the photos. Looking like anything but a Parent and child. "What is going on in the Commission That they maim Children as they beat them into heroes . The sound of feet padding down the hallway brought Aizawa from his thoughts as Shoku emerged from the hall wrapped in a sheet. Her short hair messy and sticking every which way. The white sheet hanging low in the back as the hem of it dragged behind her, on it her orange cat lay on its back waiting to play. Making her way to me I open my arms for her as she nestles into my chest.

"Good Morning Shota" her voice filled with sleepy admiration.

" Morning" My own voice still filled with agitation about the commission's treatment of heroes.

My fingers finding the slightly raised scars on her back as I trailed my fingers across her. The feeling of her tencing under my arm as I did so. Raising her head she looked to my eyes the words that leave her lips startling.

"The Commission only needs one winged hero." It came as out in a very stated way as if she had been talking about the weather.


only her name came from my lips as I pulled her closer in comfort not only for her but me too.

         After coffee for both of us and a long conversation about how Ginga wanted to take Nezu's offer and drop the commission. Where she had spoke of how she had stopped her undercover work for them last night and how she had been avoiding their calls. She spoke of how the choices she had made recently were wrong and punishable but was hoping that the fact Nezu had shown interest in her, they would just let her go.

I ended up leaving just before noon, Headed to Nezu to make sure the paper work for the transfer had been completed by both parties and would go smoothly for everyone involved. If shoku acquired any more scars not from actual hero work he was afraid about what he would do. 

 Shoku POV

After Shota had left I went to my home office to prepare for my future meeting with Hiro and the commission's office as well as check my messages. As I reached my desk I noticed a flash of red at the window. Leaning over the desk I cranked it open letting the red feather flash in and land in front of mer. It was from Hawks with a note attached. Running a hand through my messy hair I unfolded the note.


Listen up buttercup you cant just up and stop reaching out when contacted. You are in deep shit with Hiro. And on top of that you got a member of the LOV caught that's awesome!? But What are you thinking kid exposing your self like that ! ( I know I know you are older) But come on.I'm worried about you to say the least things are happening at the commission and with the LOV that .... that are happening at the same time kid. And they cant hide you anymore or aren't willing to. You need to come in. Settle things with Hiro ... and go back to work.


I released the feather back out the window as i grabbed my flashing work phone with several of the same messages in my inbox all from Hiro.

Hiro: You have till the end of the day to come in or Ill have you hunted and dragged in.

Stomach dropping to what felt like her knees, Shoku got ready to head to the commission. Hands continuing to shake as she slipped her shoes back on. Giving Edd one last pat I burst into her Eclipse and slipped out the still window.

I landed in front of the large commission building fidgety and hyper aware. Clenching her fists and steeling my nerves I headed in. Making My way to the stairs I went floor by floor until I reached the top. Standing in front of the double doors for what seemed like hours before knocking and waiting for entry to Hiro's office.  After finally bending allowed in I kept my head down to avoid eye contact with his eerie yellow eyes " Oh Shoku. What have you done?" The voice itself had her cringing back it was sickly sweet and angry at the same time. The sound of my name on Hiro's lips had me looking at him.  " Oh Fuck.."   

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum