Ch 10 Letting feelings Slip

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Aizawa POV

Aizawa had brought his thoughts to Nezu right away. He had been well aware his affection for the tiny moth hero were

showing and had hoped Nezu took that fact and ran with it.

Shota wanted to protect her even if she was a heroine and could do it herself. He had only become more attached over the past weeks working with her. He often caught her moths in leading him to her or him finding her elbows deep grading the kids homework. Sometimes on patrol he would catch an eclipse over the city knowing it was her. Those green moths of hers aren't native to japan and are hard to miss if you knew that.

Nezu POV

With the information I had received from both Shoku and now Aizawa it was time to move my pawns across the board. The opponent The Hero Commission and the next LOV. But first we needed Shoku out of their toxic grasp.."Probably doesn't even know that her situation is bad" The "Move" Nezu had decided after hearing Aizawa's clear feelings of the heroine was to put the two together on night watch at the pier the two would be an unstoppable team and maybe Aizawa's stubborn opinions and feelings would open her eyes while she helped take down the Commission from the inside using the LOV. It was only a matter of time before they knew about her watching them and getting classified information from their own mouths. The notification of our meeting was sent. Next Move is yours.


Shoku POV

Nezu's meeting at the end of the week was on all the teachers minds as we tried to focus on strengthening our students. Most of mine had already figured out new moves with their quirk for stealth while others learned that having a partner who was proficient at stealth while they were at hand to hand made for the best option. We were now working on finding ways to pass information off to others in a way that could only be understood by their partners or other hero's they worked alongside so the information didn't get in to the wrong hands. With all of this I was still avoiding going in to the commission,working my ass off at Melody Noir, and dealing with my quirk dragging Aizawa around because of my feelings. If I wasn't careful he would figure it out.

I headed to the teachers lounge after my class ended for a much needed cup of coffee. As I came in I noticed Nemuri with Hizashi and Aizawa waving at the three greetings as I made my way to the coffee. The three were talking about student quirks, drawbacks of over use and how some were like another entity. " Shoku your quirk does that right? That's what happens when you are to focused on things and they go off on their own and drag me out of my much needed sleep." " They get to you both too I'm sure." I had never spun around so fast or felt my face heat up as hot as this before. Nemuri who had been taking a drink spit it at the two men in laughter.

The whole thing was a mess Mic laughing with Nemuri both for different reasons Aizawa looked like a wet cat about to commit a murder and I probably looked like a fucking tomato. Grabbing paper towels for Hizashi and Aizawa. I helped clean Nemuri's mess who couldn't look at me without busting up again. Giving her a Ill Kill you glare she calmed enough of save my dumb ass. Sending a we Will talk about this over drinks look. " Yeah I get them every so often when Shoku works out or is grading tests." " I haven gotten any what's up with that Shokuuuuuu?" Mic whined my name. " I have no control on who the choose to go to dude."

Shortly after we all decided to head out Nemuri coming with me to help move into a dorm and harass me about Aizawa and the moths. As we got in the door the first thing she did was whip around " Sooo Aizawa huh? And here I thought I had you in my clutches." " It's a relatively new thing these feelings and with the commission and my hero work I just don't know." Edd swarmed my feet so I picked him up cuddling in to his soft orange fur. Then back down to start packing boxes full of flowering plants I kept for my quirk. " Are you happy with that? Not letting yourself love?" A deep sigh escaped before I answered " Look it is not about letting myself, it's that for me being a hero means everything." It was quite while we packed up the last plant and Moved to my desk that is being packed last because of hero work. "Ginga?" The way Nemuri said my first name had me stopping and looking in her eyes. She knew I usually went by my last because my first I shared with my mother who had died of lung cancer the year before the commission picked me up. My father was never in the picture, not that it mattered, my parents were quirk less and I was an anomaly . " Sometimes the best hero we can be is for ourselves." The words hit me like a truck as Nemuri taped over the box she had been packing. "Maybe she is right.."

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now