The Gala pt 1

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Shoku Pov

I held those fucking wings in my hands letting my self process what i had just been told. You would think I would break, scream, throw them something. Instead I handed them back to Jeanist. I was done, over it, beyond pissed, I had had it with Hiro's games trying to make me so afraid I might piss myself at the thought of defying him. I'm a Hero and I Don't need this shit, or him or anyone. I stood standing in front of the mirrors as the wings were stuck on my back, my fists clenching and unclenching. My quirk reacting to the rage I had pent up inside for so long.

" Umm Ginga?"

I look up to him in the mirror, his hands raised, eyebrow quirked up and his eyes flash in pain. That's when I noticed the small trail of red marks over his hands that looked like broken blood vessels and small blisters.

" Jeanist?" I whipped my head to look over my reflection. Sure enough My quirk had responded violently to my anger, tiny spines covered me the pattern and color of the Lepidoptera, now a golden yellow with a black eye on either side of its wings. Automeris Io.. a Toxic moth caterpillar that causes extremely painful sting most compared to a sudden amputation.

" Oh shit I'm so sorry, I never know anymore when this will happen! Someone bring me packing tape!"

The pain Jeanist was in was obviously getting worse as I was handed a roll of tape big enough to match Seros daily output . I place the tape over his palms and pull it off removing the spines and toxin along with it.

" Go wash your hands with soap and hot water, I'm so sorry."

" The tape helped a lot, I should have waited for you to calm before placing the wings on you. But if you look in the mirror again, I don't think Hiro saw this coming. "

As he walked out of the room I turned back to the mirror Although I was a different species I didn't think that's what Jeanist Meant. As I looked myself over I turned around looking all over for what he meant. I stopped in my tracks as I noticed the adhesion for the wings was well not there and the scarring although still prominent against my back now outlined the connection of the wings that were the same color as the new species fluttering around me.

The surprise changing the golden yellow of my quirk back to the bright green I always am.

" Well this is interesting, My quirk reattached my wings like they would heal a new wound. So much for only one winged hero now."

The thought gave me an idea of my arrival to the gala, I shook my head at the idea of flying in out of nowhere deciding to keep my now working wings a secret, from Hiro, Hawks the world. I would enter how we planned. I'll arrive by car while Hawks shows off by flying, keeping the cameras on him, but I'll need some extra costume so movement from my wings looks like they are still "Fake" and attached, Jeanist should be able to do it.

The flashing cameras, loud cheers and Mics shoved in and out of my face was the thing I'd only ever seen in movies and T.V. My wings I kept folded down in a resting position while I walked through the crowd, Keeping a smile the whole time waiving and answering where I thought needed clarification, Loud cheers started to erupt and the Paparazzi rushed past me quickly making me follow the line of sight of the others. Just as I had been about to raise my hand to shade my eyes from the setting sun I was shadowed and the red wings of Hawks shaded me as he landed beside me and put an arm around my shoulders followed by one right wing wrapping around me as well.

" Sorry I'm late to Mariposa but it's fashionable to be late to these things" .

We waved and answered relationship questions between our small conversation while looking flirty and involved with each other.

" Tch, yeah right you just like the spotlight and undivided attention your showy arrivals cause."

" No no I swear chicky in the celebrity world this is how it is."

Flashing a wink my way while smiling for the camera crew at the door he grabbed my hand placing a kiss on its back.

" The long hair is new, The balls on your head really make a moth out of you tonight, they look like antennae ."

Nudging one with his finger and laughing at its solidity we walked in to the venue and out of view and microphone shot I gave the bird beside me a glare.

" The hair change was not my idea, And they are space buns reminiscent of Sailor Moon and You look like a penguin in that tux, Hawks."

I ignored his next comment and the crowding heroes that swarmed us raking my gaze over the open ballroom searching for the one man I knew wouldn't be in front of us or on the dance floor.

I found him at the bar, his back half turned towards us. He watched with that expression of disinterest that he is known for. He black eyes hooded as he swirled the drink in his hand, the only thing giving away any hint of emotion. My gaze was pulled away from Aizawa and filled with the frame of All Might, who asked to dance. Looking over his tall frame was not an option even in heels, he very skillfully danced with me across the dance floor going on and on about Bakugou and Midoriya and how proud he was on their growth. I was snatched away from him abruptly by Endeavor, who had to dull his flames for a dance.

" Shoku Ginga, Mothera..." My name on his tongue gave my own a bitter taste. I knew a lot of this man and his family, his own son, a student close to my heart, our scars of abuse, a connection no one else understands.

" Just Shoku please." The request came out nicer than I wanted to be, my years of training kicking in to shield any of my dislike. My moths agitated fluttering on my wrists made secrecy interesting.

" Hmm, Very well. Shoku, Thank you for teaching Shoto. He talks about your classes often and has softened some since you started teaching."

I gave him a nod and a small smile, he was trying I'll give the man that much, Endeavors change at home reflected in Shoto. Who had improved greatly. I once again was flung across the dance floor and into the arms of another hero, one I knew from UA. In fact that started a trail of me dancing with UA teachers one after the next leaving Hizashi and Nemuri for last.

Hisashi dancing reminded me of a gangly suburban dad although his movements were on beat. We laughed and laughed as the song ended before he sent me to Nemuri who had been patiently waiting for her turn, I told her everything the moment I was in her arms. My eyes full of tears as I gave her all the information that I had and what happened, the condition I was in as well as where I sat with Hiro. By the end we were both in tears smiling at one another like we wouldn't see each other in the teachers lounge at school on monday. 

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now