The Gala Pt 3

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 I stood on my tiptoes, the Red bottoms I wore leaving my heels as I made it to Hawks ear and him bending to mine.

" Before we get down to business flutterby, I want you to know that I am willing to make this fake relationship real. I have felt this way for a while."

his hands started at my back moving slowly as his words registered in my ear. I jerked back to look at him grabbing his hand to stop its movement. my eyes going to his and then over his shoulder.

" Keigo! Are you serious right now? I'm pregnant..and trying to be with Aizawa while stopping Hiro." My voice came in a choked whisper as I looked at my childhood friend and again over his shoulder starting to panic as I saw Aizawa leave. " I see you as a brother."

" Awe come on Chickpea, We have history, we can be more than this. I don't care that you have a little bug on the way!" His voice cocky and sure, wings tightened further around us. I placed a hand on his chest pushing slightly.

" Keigo no, you feather brain."

" Alright alright, Sorry sorry I thought I'd offer. Besides Hiro has a mission for you in a week that I will but won't be at."

Breaking free from his wings and scanning the floor for Shota. I had watched Shota Aizawa watch me. I wanted to show myself off to him sending him glances, that I had hoped he caught but that hope came crashing down as I saw the look on his face over the shoulder of Hawks. A similar disappointment of Mic's had her rushing as fast as I could in heels and a tight dress after the erasure hero.

" Stupid Bird Brain!" I grunted as I dashed through other heroes.

As I arrived at the elevator it was blocked by Cementos, so I ran to the stairs ripping off my heels on the way as I skipped steps almost tripping and falling multiple times. As I got out of view of the others I hiked the dress up over my hips for more leg movement. I rushed to the roof entrance busting through the door like All Might into the Teachers Lounge. Dropping the use of his quirk he turned back to the cityscape as I walked up to him. I stood there for a moment staring at him my eyes flickering across his face before speaking softly.

" Please listen to me before you get angry. My message should have said everything" The silence that followed was deafening before I spoke again. " I thought it was obvious how I felt about you both!" My hand going to my barely-there bump.

Aizawa scoffed at me ignoring my use of the plural " This is what you came up here for like All -Might after Midorya to tell me it should have been obvious you didn't like me romantically and it was Hawks the whole time. Who I might add is barely 22! His voice was gruff and angry as he spoke, only turning to look at me in the end. His eyes catching her hand placement widening at the implication, he began to turn away.

In a bigger panic and tears, I grabbed the front of the man in front of me by the lapels of his suit and pulled his lips to mine.

Pulling back I whispered  "It's always been you. the message you missed was that I don't have a choice you were threatened, love you, that I'm pregnant and that I needed you to live."  He didn't touch me at first letting my words register then gave in wrapping me in his arms and kissing back firmly.

I pulled back a little to look at him " Stupid I meant my feelings for you in the message, I also was just speaking with Hawks as he gave me information about what Hiro wants and keeping appearances ."

Shota looked in my eyes like he had been splashed with cold water, my wings fluttered silently at the intensity of it, his gaze shifted from mine to them as he went from one shock to another. Taking me by the shoulders he spun me around so my back was facing him. " These are real?! How?" his fingers tracing up my bare back softly grazing the skin that connected them to me.

" I thought Hiro took them from you?"

" So did he. And then he gave them back and my quirk reattached them. It's probably because of our baby, all the extra stuff" I wave my hand around trying to both air my face and the tension.

"Our baby, they are growing quickly as I did, it's a matter of weeks now," I said this over my shoulder as Shotas hand stilled at my words.

Suddenly I was spinning again only to stop as I faced him again, his face switching from shock to a soft look that said a million things at once. " Our baby? " It was a whisper as he smashed his lips back into mine running his hands up my back into the curls of my hair. Stopping the kiss to breathe, Shota ran his nose along my jawline up to my ear. ( I knew I was running out of time with him having to be back with Hiro soon. Much like Cinderella at the ball.) My head tilted, eyes closed as I breathed in his cologne. Shota breathed softly in my ear as he whispered " I Love You." I let my heart burst much like my quirk in that moment as I was whisked into the air in a fluttering eclipse.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now