A Dangerous Game

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Short chapter

Nezu POV

I had just left the prime minister of Japan's office, the sun starting to peek over the horizon, I had missed the Gala, a minor speck in my own opinion, with the duplicitous man who seemed to have all the control over new and old heroes. The proof I had was circumstantial at best until our plan played out in a few day's time. Heroes' plans had gotten to me by the number two hero working from within two villainous institutions.

A Dangerous Game endangering more than just him but a handful of heroes and even students. My nose twitched with irritation at the situation I was about to put several heroes into, the plan itself had a one hundred percent success rate. My calculations had Hero sending the League to attack my group of heroes, proving my point that Hiro had them in his pocket.

I continued to walk my way home, its location interestingly close to the Commission's office. A cup of tea sounded absolutely satisfying until I caught a swarm of movement out of the corner of my eyes, The movement I recognized from the school hallways and young heroes practicing stealth. My thoughts racing as they flew into the open window at the top of the building. I was putting my whole plan on the fact Hiro was obsessed with shoku and wouldn't risk her. 

But seeing her now and remembering how she had been in the hospital I started to doubt. I pulled my cell from my front pocket, Sending a mass email to my staff that there was to be a meeting hours before the sting operation was to happen. I wanted the best of them on stand-by in case Hiro decided Shoku was a piece to be played. 

It had been a few days since the Gala our meeting thirty minutes away, I scampered down the hallway to our conference room, I needed Vlad King, Present Mic, and Eraser Head to be the heroes to intercept if anything went wrong, This whole plan was not just to take down the corrupt people in the commission but to save Hawks, Mothera and any other young heroes in training under their thumb too. 

Entering the room I noticed it was tense and quiet an unusual mood after a day of teaching, Eraser Head who usually was half-asleep looked stiff and uncharacteristically pensive, Mic and Midnight were no different. Getting to my stool to talk to the heroes in front of me. I need your assistance. During my plea for their help, I received a message one that I had hoped not to.

After explaining that he and the heroes were two late and that the sting had happened early at Hiro's request causing Pro Hero Mothera to be captured  Eraser jumped up and ran from the room Mic chasing after him. I quickly used a passage to get ahead of them. I stood and waited by the Exit surprising them both as the two turned the corner.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now