This had happened Before

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I stood there as Shoku turned her back to me, It felt as though I had been punched in the chest by ALL Might. My hand had been running through my hair, the loose strands getting caught in my fingers as it fell to my side and at her words clenched into a fist. Before I knew it I was storming down the hall of the Hero's ward, Hizashi following quickly behind me. The air felt thick and hard to breathe, my ears felt clogged and filled with a ring as I finally burst through the doors leading to outside, where I found myself on my knees catching my breath. I blinked several times till my vision came back into focus, I Could feel grass under my hands as they clenched in the dirt, which was odd because I distinctly remember the sting of cement on my palms. Lifting my dirt-covered hand to my face I inspected my palms and sure enough, there were small red scrapes.


"Shota ...."


The sound of Hizashi yelling my name had whatever bubble I was in pop, looking up at him from my position on the ground was .. odd. Another strange thing was the look of worry on his face instead of the obnoxious smile he usually sports. Looking around I pushed myself back to fall on my butt, fishing my eye drops out of my pocket, as I tilted my head back I felt cold trails down my cheeks, My usually dry red eyes were filled with an aching burn as they brimmed again.

"Shota man, are you .... Do you need anything?"

I looked to Hizashi as I touched the wet streaks running down my face.

" Yeah, How did I get here Yamada?"

I grumbled as I took in the green side yard at the hospital was from what I could tell on the other side of where I had exited.

"Well, Shota..."

I turned fully glaring at the man who was rubbing the back of his head and avoiding eye contact.

" I had to carry you... you busted from the hospital and collapsed. I haven't seen you like this since ...well you know. "

Nodding my head at mics words my mind filled with thoughts of my best friend Oboro who had died while we were in high school during a villain attack. IT was like a United States Smash right to the chest again the combination of the two hits had me clenching my chest again.

" Thank You, Mic."

"What happened Sho? We all see what's between you and her."

" She told me she is choosing the commission and Hawks, She spoke funny I'm not sure if it was the injuries or meds."

" That doesn't sound right man what exactly did she say?"

" You saw her Mic she looked pretty coherent... She said  " I'm Hiros Recon, and He needs help with the LOV, I can't just drop him he made me a hero! I'm also to be with Hawks. He's in love with me and I am too good to be with some other underground hero like you. I am carrying the weight of this Mission on my shoulders just let me go. This will come full term soon and I can't be playing house with some nobody like you. I need to stay alive and thriving with someone as high ranking as him. We can save the children of the future he and I. Then she said goodbye it all gets pretty flashy from there. It was like she was struggling on where sentences started."

" Shota I think maybe we should talk to Nemuri and Nezu I also think there is more to this that you are seeing right now." 

My voice sounded off in my ears as I explained to Mic what had happened after he and Nezu had left the room, Nezu who had called us here, me here, only to leave us behind to do whatever the hell the rat thing does since clearly, he knows more that he says. Who had called Nezu? Who had Found and brought Shoku here? There are too many questions and variables. I relaxed my shoulders as much as the stress would allow and  I let myself hope That Nezu actually did know what the hell was happening. 

Hizashi and I had gone our separate ways, Opting to meet up at Nemuri's and then all together go to Nezu that night. When Hizashi and I had gotten to Nemuri's she had, of course, opened the door in a manner that would make the most professional hero blush, When she was done cackling and realized we had come on serious business she quickly suited up and got serious loosing her silly little persona.

"Nemuri I need your opinion about something Shoku did and said today." As I explained to the Woman who knew Shoku best, She mentioned that Shoku Had wanted to be a hero For other Children like her and Hawks Manipulated by a system flawed and corrupt on the inside by more than just Hiro and that although Hiro was the top it would seem there were other " Handlers" for the budding abandoned or manipulated future heroes. Those handlers taught skills to help both hide the abuse the heroes had gone through,to aid in publicity, and also how to communicate without leaving a real trace of evidence behind.

" In Middle school, she was really popular among the student for teaching them ways to write notes that read like nonsense to anyone who didn't know what to look for. You both are familiar with code we went through a basic class on it in our second year of UA. I bet if we ask around other heroes at the school and some agencies we will be able to get samples of how she writes and see if she may be left a note for you in her words Aizawa."

And so our group of three, headed for Nezu, hopeful he would share what he knew and give ideas about how to stop the commission.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now