My Wings

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 It had been a long week after getting discharged from the hospital and getting back to the swing of things at school, Aizawa and I had been avoiding each other as Nemuri and Hizashi were left to switch between their two friends who obviously were pining for one another. 

Now I stood in the middle of Best Jeanist's workshop as he tailored my beautiful one of a kind open-backed gown, My mind wandering to the gala that was just a few hours away and if Aizawa had gotten my messages if he was getting ready and if he was going to look as good as he did for the press. These thoughts however had my quirk restless and fluttering everywhere some of my green friends even fluttering out of the room as doors opened and closed around me with Jeanist's sidekicks moving about. 

My quirk making Jeanist irritated at the little things constantly changing, as well as ME because when he had measured a week ago I had been smaller in places that now were a bit larger.  Either he had been wrong  (Unlikely) or I was hiding more than why I was covered in new scars and hospitalized more often than not.

" What exactly has made you thicker in the waist, bust and hips Shoku do tell." The tall man asked with a chuckle like he had already figured it out and just wanted verbal confirmation. I was trying my best to be the doll Jeanist wanted but that question had my head jerking toward him faster than Grand Torino is his hay day. I began studdering on my words as I tried to come up with a plausible excuse.

Starting with a grunt then a chuckle Jeanist removed the pins from his lips

" I have been making your clothes since you were first starting out I was bound to notice, but do not fret no one of consequence will notice and I feel the same way about the Commission as you do Ginga. Who is the father? Hawks? That will be an interesting quirk combo"

" Thank you. But no, he's not" Was all I could say to the man In Question the number Three hero and clothing designer to the like. I always seem to forget he had been there for all my costume designs both failed and successful. Continuing with a nod he finished the last touches on my dress before sending me to one of his sidekicks who had quirk to deal with hair, from what I could gather they could manipulate, grow and use it as an extension of themselves or in this case, grow it out and style it.

Hiro has specified that my hair made long, his opinion on it had been that as long as I could remember. I remember the punishment the day I had had enough and cut my long hair in the bathroom at school leaving me with the hair cut I now keep regularly. My hair started to grow first to my shoulders then past, all the way to my waist. Part of my hair was put in Sailor moon buns the rest left down and lightly curled.

"He has one more request I do before you are ready Shoku, I am sorry about this." He went across the room and uncovered a set of wings, they looked exactly like the pair I had forcibly removed when I was younger, the only difference being they had Silicone where they would attach to my scars. My breath quickened at the memory of their removal. The words "One winged Hero" going in and out of my head like an echo. As Jeanist got closer he looked absolutely sick.

I shook as Jeanist placed them on my back over the raised scars of the old. The silicone was cold but the wings light lighter than I ever thought they could have been. I struggled to identify the fabric they were made of, My own quirk finding the addition interesting as well as I.

" These are very accurate you did an amazing job, What are they made out of?" My voice came out stronger than I felt with the new adornment on my back. Jeanist paled more as he took a deep breath. 

" I didn't make them Ginga..."

" what?" the word left my glossed lips in a weak whisper as I stared at jeanist like he grew a second head. " No no no." My eyes grew wide at the implication the man in front of me was implying.

Jeanist looked down, scowled then looked back up at me. his hand clenching and unclenching. Finally, stilling as he straitened himself out. 

" They are yours, He kept them Shoku.."

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now