The Gala pt 2

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 Aizawa Pov

I watched as Ginga entered the gala in a long Gold dress that looked to be made of silk, It was low in the back just barely above the beginning of her rear. A pair of wings fluttered with each of her steps as Shoku walked with Hawks. The wings themselves made my stomach turn as the memory of them from the photograph flashed in my head, The scene making me shoot my drink like it was a shot. (It was not)

Shoku greeted many others there, Now that she was known she had caught the attention of many heroes old and new. I sat at the bar nursing a new drink watching as she made her way across the floor. Her quirk was active across her pulse points telling the crowd almost exactly how she felt. The jealousy became worse and worse as I watched her dance with the hero after hero. Just as she was dancing with Nemuri, Mic appeared at my side.

" You have it bad dude just talk to her! It's been obvious for months how she feels whatever happened between her and Hiro was bad. Quit sulking, about Hawks and what happened in the hospital she's been side-eyeing you since she walked in. If she agreed with Hiro I don't think she would have given you that message. Trust me if i have learned anything about her since we've met, it's that she is really honest. " .

" I can't even decipher the message Mic. It took help for me to even get what I did earlier. Whatever the rest says it can't be any worse that the Commission working for the LOV.

I was still watching as Hawks approached her after her dance with Fat Gum. I had only seen her Light up the way she did now with Hawks once and it was the morning after our first night together. They quickly embraced and started to dance. The two looked close as shoku rested her head on the man's shoulder.

Swaying to the song, red wings encased them Hawks bending to reach down as the heels of Shoku lifted. I couldn't watch her anymore, at this point it was a waste of time even being this hurt. It was time I got my shit together to take down the LOV.

" Hmmm, I'm sorry Shota I thought for sure it was you." Mic's voice was unusually quiet as he stared at his drink.

" Yeah well, you and I Thought wrong." I shot back my drink enjoying the burn as I swiftly walked to the elevator.

Leaving was not an option for any of Nezu's heroes, They were mandatory attendees. The finding for us heroes not with the commission came from benefactors. I trudged my way to the elevator some pieces of my hair falling from my bun and into my face. Pressing the button marked with the letter "R". I rested my head on the cool metal doors as it took me up.

Standing straight up and undoing my tie the bell for the arrival of the roof let out its ding. the doors opened up to the roof of the plaza a light breeze cooled the hot skin. I stopped at the edge leaning my hands on the railing, looking over the city, the clamoring paparazzi below trying and failing to get a look inside the party. I faced the sky taking in the cool night air, my mind going to what Shoku had said in the hospital, How Nezu was MIA he wasn't even here at the gala he helps plan, and Hiro's involvement in the biggest villain group around as well as being a commissioner.

It seemed things were crashing down around us heroes. I wasn't going to let this small bump in my life affect my duty any longer. There were too many lives on the line, our students, innocent people and even other heroes. I'm not sure how long I stood looking over the city the sound of the door opening up to the roof once again knocking me out of my thoughts. 

I'm not sure who I was expecting but it wasn't a breathless Shoku her heels missing, long hair askew, her dress hiked up well above where it should be. As she collected herself I looked back over the city selfishly pretending she wasn't there. The pat of her feet on the roof, Not There, Her soft pants of breath, NOT THERE, Until she was.


My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now