Ch 18 Repercussions

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* Trigger warning graphic violence*

It's impossible to tell you the fear I felt as Hiro shoved me into the small wooden chair he used to punish me since I was eleven. I had chosen to leave the commission and had gone to face Hiro about that and my lack of communication. As soon as I had closed the door he was in front of me hand full of my hair. His face full of rage only a half inch away from mine. " I'm Sorry." It came from my lips quite and breathy. This seemed to set him off more as he shook the fist in my hair jerking my head around. " Sorry?! please you enjoy making me angry and the pain that comes with it or you would have learned by now!" His scathing voice and hot breath came out in a seething whisper. Hiro's eyes swallowed me whole as they continuously went over me from the top of my head to my toes back and back. " Please." whimpered from my mouth as he pulled his eyes back to mine and decided to drag me to this fucking chair.

Metal cuffs held my wrists and ankles, the wooden arms dug into my hips with every breath. I kept my head down trying to collect myself to stop the shaking and prepare for whatever was next. Hiro was speaking but the rush of blood in my ears from my racing heart prevented me from hearing exactly what he said. I could make out a word here and there things like " Insect"

" Disappointments" "Wanting you" " Coming next" " Hurt you." I Glanced at his last words through my lashes as he grabbed the tool he relied on to keep my quirk under his control. Using it's different settings for different things.

" Hiro I promise it won't happen again I'm sorry ..please no.."

I couldn't get the shaking to stop it crept into my voice, betraying my need to appear strong. I knew I couldn't stop him as suddenly he was holding my jaw bringing my focus on its pain as my hearing cleared.

" You hid some of you quirk from me Bug. and on top of that you have been playing with that underground hobo of a teacher!."

I shook my head vigorously

." I didn't know I could change species. He he h..."

" He he he Bah! Nezu wants you too and I can't deny it without good reason so the reason is going to be you saying No and that you want to be with your new lover Keigo ! And YOU had the NERVE to ignore me for the Erasure hero like he can protect you! while the media eats up the news of Hawks being taken by their new obsession. all of this will come out at the Heroes Ball and after you will flutter home to me little Insect and if you talk to Aizawa Shota about anything other than the future of the students in UA I promise Ill tear the man down on one of his patrols it will be a " Terrible accident" "

The tears had started as his fingers dug deeper into my jaw. You would think after growing up with this treatment I would be used to it by now.

I tried to go to a happy place in my mind but the pain wouldn't let me. I wanted to be saved this time. Hiro changed tactics and his rage swung so violently my body could never keep up. He clicked the dial to a three causing a sharp shock to shoot through me from the metal cuffs. Some of my moths shot from my skin trying to save me from the pain as others died instantly and fell to the floor. I was heaving breath and covered with sweat as I felt them die. " You are so beautiful like this Shoku." " OH God No.." I felt the pain ease as the clicks indicated him turning the device off.

" IF you weren't wanted so bad by the LOV I would do so many things to you.

This sentence brought my mind back to Toga and what she had said.

"Things that would ruin you make you mine forever."

He had walked over to me holding my jaw again only this time in the palm of his nasty hands. Rubbing his thumb in circles as his eyes catching the movement of my jaw clenching.

Ripping away from me he slapped my forearm splattering blood as he killed my moths. My screams echoed off the walls and rattling the windows in his office. Each time one Would flutter out me he would smash his fist down on it like whack a mole that lasted for what felt like days... it probably wasn't. Leading my screams to sound more and more horse and raw. I was covered in shaped bruises, Wing shaped wounds, and blood splatter. It danced across me like I had been shot over and over by a paintball gun. After a while he stopped and un-cuffed me, dragging me down to the floor by my hair as he put away the chair and device. My own blood smearing the cool white marble. I lay perfectly still willing my quirk to hide. My eyes closed not wanting to see it. I heard the door open and shut then open again causing me to tense.

" Oh Kid.." 

At the sound of Hawks's voice my eyes shot open looking for him. I finally found the tips of his boots. I tried to motivate myself to move but there was too much of me missing.

 " Don't move Kid I'll get you."

 " No! Please don't touch me." 

I croaked the words but they went ignored the sobs wracking my body.

 " Well I'm going to pick you up and fly you to the infirmary." 

" NO! Please please please no" 

sobs came from me making the pain worse then I remembered Aizawa's words from the other night "I want to protect you."  " I let the pain guide my words even as is begged for him though my stomach was in nots at the repercussions of my words. 

" Aizawa! please tell him please he said he said" "Shhhh shh sh you will bring Hiro back if you are too loud you know that. You also know I can't do what you ask." 

Giving in to the panic I let myself lay helpless on the floor as my vision blurred and breath came to quickly to actually catch it my mind racing with thoughts of the rough looking man.

Hawks scooped me in his arms lightly making me take a sharp breath in and the tears trail into my hair like cold fingers.

 " I warned you Flutterbye...I'm so sorry."

 His movements stilled as I heard a swoosh then felt a whoosh of wind as a window opened. I felt the air sting and dry my wounds as he flew. It was Better than him walking so I tried not to whimper so much. As the hero Infirmary wing of the hospital came into view, hawks hovered over the domed window as he waited for it to open. Hawks had crashed through the hospital sunroof so many times for treatment either for himself or me they had installed one that opened for him automatically. He glided us down as doctors on standby for heroes prepared a bed and IV. I was placed on soft muslin cloth as a precaution to my open wounds. They had learned early in my career that they couldn't skin graph me or use normal medical treatment because of the nature of my quirk. All they could do was the IV, muslin cloth, and have an atrium just for me. I healed better when my quirk was free to go and eat from plants like wild moths. So I lay here nude under and on muslin singing to them as my moths flutter to and fro mating and forming new moths.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now