Found and Lost

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Hawks Pov

I had been distracting The two heroes that had joined Shoku on her mission, It hadn't been necessary. I watched toga push her through the portal. I flew quickly to the hideout he had moved to for this only to be called to Shigaraki to help pack and move our things before the heroes got here. Hiro stood to the side excitement visibly running through him at the thought of a new quirk. 

" You won't be leaving our side till later Hawks." Shigiraki rasped out as he handed me a box. 

Too soon did the building explode, too soon did a hero show, and too soon was I Helping those who were oh so guilty.  There was smoke that lit with a blue glow as a small fight was heard in one direction and a bigger fight that was being used to hide Dabi and Shoku's location. 

As quickly as the fights had started they ended Dabi walking through the smoke towards the van. I expected Shoku to be being dragged behind the man and to be given back to Hiro only for Dabi to be alone and his face running with blood. I looked to Hiro who didn't look surprised at the loss Dabi lit the surrounding buildings on fire circling the battleground.

 I dropped the box I had been meant to load and flew to a shadowed lump on the ground bearly seen through the smoke.  I didn't see or look down as I lifted the body rage bubbled up in my chest as I walked straight ahead, I could hear a slight rasping of breath but it was shallow and wet. 

Aizawa POV

I Stood surrounded by the smoke as a blue wall of flame circled the area, trying to pinpoint the location of the League to find shoku. I could hear the sirens getting closer as footsteps alerted me to someone coming I adjusted my stance in preparation of a fight but who I saw walking through the smoke had me gobsmacked.

" Hawks?" My call was met with silence as the winged hero broke through the smoke and into my full view.  

" No.."It came out choked as Hawks laid her in my arms and flew off I kneeled with shoku in my arms. 

  The others arrived sirens blazing .. my friends stood behind me in shock at the sight of the moth hero. She was very broken missing pieces of her self the only thing untouched was her pregnant belly. black and blue all over and almost lifeless the only indicator was the gurgling sound as she breathed. I bowed my head to her ear " I'll make sure you get help baby. I Love You." It was a whisper barely heard by himself over the crackling of blue flames and sirens tears dropped onto Shoku's face as they lost their life becoming dull. 

I choked on my breath as her solid form became light as paper as thousands of little green moths descended to the sky being caught on the breeze leaving behind a Small crying baby in my arms. An uncontrollable sound left my lips as I held the infant close. I heard the others drop to their own knees. Others I heard adjust as they watched me a usually stoic man crumble. A very brave Paramedic walked up to Aizawa asking for the child who was still screaming as Its father now silent sat staring off into nothing.

 He Held the infant closer as the man tried to take the child to the back of the ambulance to prep her. Before I could reach Shota he had stood grabbing the Paramedic by the throat then arguing with Me before giving up and handing the baby over. Nemuri squatted next to Aizawa, arm around his shoulder as he sat in shock. She lifted him up bringing him to the back of Nezu's ride to bring their friend to the hospital. 

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now