Ch 13 Spilled Secrets

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Walking through the door of my dorm Edd was right there mewling like he hadn't seen me yesterday morning. " Yes yes I know baby mommy was gone all night." I cooed. Picking up the cat he leaned in to me kneading my arms careful not to catch them with his claws. I gave Edd a few kisses before putting him down and heading to my desk. The Orange tabby follows behind. I plopped in my computer chair causing me to roll backwards a little. My hands were shaking again and breath was coming to quick. " A Panic attack." My mind full of what toga had said last night I wasn't ready to prove her words right.

{Flash back}

" Hahahah poor little hero! Doesn't even realize she's being used by those who made her! I bet your blood is delicious!"

" What are you going on about? Have you finally lost it Toga?"

" Oh? You know my name, you must really like me to know my name already!" Pulling out a knife she puts her finger to the tip and runs it down the flat side of the blade.

" Just tell me what you know Toga"

" Hmmmm The commissioner is pretty...... Obsessed.... with Stain you know. As well as you.

Tapping the knife to her chin as she pretends to think of her words.


" Oh yes! He went to help Kurogiri personally. Haha haha"

That's when I pitched a frequency at her beginning the fight.

{End Flashback}

Edd was weaving between my legs as I sat with my head between them trying to breath. His tail flicking my nose making it hard to focus. I didn't want to go to the Commission's office and see Hiro even more so now that Toga had put seeds of possibilities in my head. The issue was Hiro's actions with me and other things practically proved Toga's point already. Letting myself slump to the cold floor I lay there watching the ceiling fan spin as I avoided thinking. Edd was perfectly happy to sit on my chest as I panicked internally.

Author POV:

Shoku wasn't sure how long she had been home or on the floor when her phone buzzed. Reaching with one hand on the desk patting around for the device. Heaving a sigh she resolved to sit up and grab it letting Edd slide to her lap to get comfortable again. Checking she had a new message it was from Aizawa.

Aizawa: Could have woken me, now you have my number.

"To the point just like in person huh. should have stayed there.."

Shoku : Sorry, Next time?

She wasn't sure what else to say to him, wasn't sure where they stood. Him saying he wants to protect her could mean so many things. She wasn't even sure of her own feelings right now. He was handsome and kind sure but how much of that was real? Putting that thought aside she moved on with her day.


Shoku POV

I opted to not contact Hiro even though I knew the consequences so checked my requests from other heroes with Edd the cat. My " head quarters'' had always been my apartment and now the dorm. I didn't do sidekicks even if I wanted to. It wasn't up to me since I was an unknown hero controlled by the H.C. That time was ending now that the video of me fighting Toga was all over YouTube and the News. Everyone was asking who I was with no answers being given from the Hero Commission or anyone for that matter. I was in more danger the more the public knew about me with my specialty being recon. It would ruin my usefulness.

Currently Toga sat in the villains hospital recouping from my attack.... I still needed to figure out my quirks new ability and why I hadn't discovered it sooner, how far could I change?, Was any type of moth an option?, How dangerous was my quirk really? Did the commission hide the full extent of it from me to keep me submissive? I might never know I also needed to prepare for what ever Nezu wanted to do either with me or the LOV situations. All of it was getting to be too much. I had " work" tonight at Melody to request information from several Pros about Nomus, LOV and some petty mob movement. Melody was first on the list I had one show at midnight then the rest of the night to gather info.

The night had gone by successfully even though I hadn't gotten any sleep I was preparing for my day with the kids. Walking straight to the teachers lounge to grab coffee then to the meeting Nezu had called last week. When I arrived I took a seat between Nemuri and Aizawa who sat next to Hizashi. Shortly after Nezu scuttled in taking his place on his lifted chair so he could see over the table. " Good Morning hero's I have a few things to announce this morning before classes start. The first being we have caught wind of the LOV bringing recruits from overseas. Yes we have warned the hero's over there and the Commission.

Taking this information in to account we will be setting up night patrols there will be teams of two every night at the piers,beaches and airports. The teams will be Cementoss and Midnight, Present Mic and All Might, Ectoplasm and Power loader, Hound Dog and Vlad King, Snipe and Thirteen, and finally Mothera and EraserHead. All the teachers looked at each other then at their teammates. " Any questions? Other than a few growls and barks from Hound Dog and no's from others around the table everyone held their opinions. A lot of eyes flickered to me like I was the sole reason they had night shifts. " I'm the messenger not the criminal." I mumbled looking back to Nezu receiving a chuckle and elbow from Nemuri.

"Alright next something fun! Two weeks from now is the annual Hero's Gala and you are all to attend. Obviously shifts will be included with your attendance so I expect you there when your shift ends and there while you wait for your shift to start. This time groans erupted in the room. " None of that we have to bring in donations and this will be the world's introduction to our new teacher and Hero Mothera." My eyes bulged as I choked on my coffee. " Excuse me?" It came out in a croak as I gaped at the dirty rat who calls himself principal. " Oh yes I plan to have you moved permanently to our organization as soon as Hiro approves my request. He was supposed to contact and tell you. Has he not?" Clenching my hands as Nemuri rubbed my lower back I looked down and to the side noticing Aizawa's hands matched my own. Composing my face I looked back to Nezu. " No sir and to be honest I'm not sure I understand why you are requesting me ?" " That was a bold lie Shoku and you know it". " Stay after and Ill explain my thoughts."

With that Nezu dismissed everyone. I stayed seated and noticed Aizawa had stayed as well. "Eraser you needn't be here." " If she is to be my partner I believe I do." " Hmmmm alright. Look Shoku after your fight with Toga. Some of the staff who were there and I noticed... well that you haven't been trained to know your quirk very well and feel it would be best if you worked here as a teacher and a student to learn your quirk.. among other concerns that we have."

" My quirk.... Concerns? Look Nezu with all due respect which at this point is thin I dont think you understand! I have to be a Hero. It's what I've trained and have worked toward since I was little. The commission gave me that and took me in when i had nothing and now you think because of one interaction I'm some hurt puppy?" My anger was just under the surface I could feel it building much like with Toga. " Shoku.. its more than one interaction." 

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku Gingaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن