Death of a Hiro the Birth of Hood

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Hiro watched wide-eyed at the glips of his most precious possession broken and unmoving in the arms of Shota Aizawa, the smoke fading in and out as a soft breeze from the Firefighters water quirks pushed it away. I filled with fear and rage as I realized that the deal they had made had been broken. I looked to the league as Dabi stood to my left and that crazed blonde Toga to the right a knife pressed to my kidney. 

"Let's Go, Hiro." The girl pressed harder to my side causing him to feel a stinging sensation. 

Hawks walked to the group head down face was hidden from view, his wings pulled in tight behind him as they crammed into the van and sped off as Heros gave chase. As the van hit a small hill it flew up gliding heavily through a portal. They landed with a heavy thud followed by a screech of tires. 

" Where are we !? you said you would take me to All For One!" The group looked at each other for a moment before Twice spoke.

" I'm not gonna tell him! " he yelled hand raised in a number one. Quickly Twice smashed his hand into his fist " Tisk tisk, Little Hiro you are done" the second voice growled. Togan started to giggle maniacally, My fists clenched at my sides as I went to stand to get out of the filthy van we had all been crammed into.  

" Like I'm to believe the two of you," I muttered reaching to find the handles of the double doors missing. 

I turned to look behind me. 

"What are you doing? Bunch of Children, The league wont get anywhere with out me! I am the sole provider of heroes for your little clique!"

the group was relaxing  into the seats as one by one they were all pulled through portals. 

" Bye Bye Commissioner man!" Toga giggled as she sunk into a purple mist.

"See ya!" "Glad I'm not ya" Twice said waving like it was a game.

" Easier to dispose of you now," Shiggaraki spoke low while scratching his neck with a smirk and vanishing.

They left me with Hawks whose face looked blank and grim at the same time I felt relief at the thought of being safe until Panic built back up inside me as he was slowly pulled into a portal. I grabbed for him only to grasp the leg of his pans. I looked at him my voice pitched in a way I had never heard before. 

" Hawks .. Keigo please I'll stop forcing you, you can be your own hero just save me Please Please PLease."

 The winged man looked at me shaking my hand off his leg knocking me across the vans metal floor.


Hawks scoffed as he was sinking deeper into the purple misty portal. 

"At any cost, Those were your words when you had me start this mission, Looks Like the cost is you." 

the words came from the usually sassy and chipper hero in a stone-cold voice as he disappeared into the mist completely. I sat gobsmacked on the floor of the van it was completely dark the only sound was the soft pant of breath. "Wait... breath... I'm not breathing that hard." It was hard to focus in the Pitch black, Chatter chatter chatter,  I whipped my head around to the front of the van quickly shuffling myself to the other side my back pressed to the locked double doors. 

The speakers squealed as a voice I recognized from the T.V at the LOV hide-out spoke.

" There is a difference between us and you Hiro, You see we want to change the world and that means what we do is violent If casualties happen that's on the Hero's shoulders, not ours. We are fighting to bring down an unjust hero society to create a level playing field for all. You on the other hand just want to control what already rules. We have no need for someone who does this for fun instead of gathering to fight a cause.

  My own voice started to play over the speakers now, It was the audio from the night I had taught Ginga a lesson, Chatter chatter chatter, My heart pounded in my chest as I felt the van dip underweight  My yelling at Ginga, the chattering, not being able to see was debilitating. My own breath now shallow and coming quick. I could feel the cold sweat bead on my brow before I felt something run across my arm, It left my skin tingly and numb. Chatter chatter chatter. The sound was right in my face, speakers on full bast of me yelling at Shoku. Before i knew it i was grabbed by the ankle and pulled toward the chatter at the front of the bus.

The League and Hawks sat outside the van ten feet away listening, watching the van tilt and sway with the movement of a heavy, and hungry Nomu now trapped in a box with its sight blocked but the smell of food so close. IT was a special Nomu All for one had made for this job alone, normally Nomus had to be forcibly made from a quirk user but this Nomu had a quirk placed within him that turned whatever it ate into a duplicate of itself and with a few other quirks that change DNA and make the change permanent they were looking at a very promising outcome. 

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now