Ch 7 Soft Agreement

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Shoku POV

Teaching. I came to find out was Hard, keeping their attention Hard, the questions Hard, the obnoxious attitudes Hard, Fuck even one of the kids was Hard! Literally! When I started Class I expected some struggles but Vlad King was no help controlling his mouthy blond copycat. Aizawa was either asleep or missing . The girls seemed to just take physical control every time " And has got to cause brain damage.." one of these kids was a fucking mushroom and this wasn't even the troubled class. Pinching the bridge of my nose I resolved to end my lesson on stealth early. Some have an easier time than others due to their nature, others needing extra help. Granted some of the students would blossom

when adding their quirk to it. But for now the goal was to learn it quirk-less so the young hero's could have advantage if they couldn't activate their quirk.

Making my way into the lounge I made herself Another coffee and slumped into the desk that had been given to me. I could feel the stress and aggravation affecting my quirk along my neck and shoulders. Soft wings fluttering along them. Placing my elbow on the desk to rub my neck I closed my eyes enjoying the pressure and ignoring the noise of someone coming in and sitting across from me. I hoped not to pray that they would leave me for my self massage. "Rough day already huh?" " I'm never that lucky." " I knew what I was getting in to Nemuri." " Hmmmm. You sure about that Shoku?" " If you are gonna flirt with with me Nemuri you should keep it serious and not on school grounds..." I could feel the corner of my mouth fighting to pull a smile. Nemuri burst out laughing, throwing her head back. "You know I wasn't expecting you to play that way. But I'm glad our new addition can roll with me." " Oh Nemuri Always!" Sending me a wink as she turned and sauntered away I moved my hands to my temples rubbing slow circles into them as the fluttering calmed. " She is definitely Harder than the kids."

Finishing my coffee I was about to get up and head out for the day when Hizashi Busted in to the lounge with Nemuri like she had gone and retrieved him. " SHOTA! SHOKU! LET'S GO OUT TONIGHT!" As the yell reverberated through the room a simultaneous grumpy "No" and a soft flitting was heard. Followed by an equally simultaneous " What the hell" From Hizashi . The hero watched the moths swoop around in the air for a moment before they shifted into a human like form then solidified into Shoku. The Recon hero looked absolutely livid as some struggling moths settled into her skin. I had intentionally not told most of the staff of my quirk to keep my info delivery system hidden. ( Appears the point is moot) " You are going to blow my quirk if you keep jump scaring me in here.." Nemuri and Hizashi noted that in her anger she was soft spoken, sounding deadly. Aizawa who had been watching not only the exchange between Nemuri and Shoku but also what had taken place after started to chuckle. Three heads whipped his direction two looking more shocked, the other still very angry but softening.

I was distracted by Aizawa,'s gruff chuckle and let my anger drop as I looked at his friends. " Look guys I don't think I'll be joining you. I have some ... grading to do?" I cringed at the sound of my words that came out as a question instead of a convincing lie. " If I didn't know better I'd never guess you were a hero with how badly you hide your emotions and lie." Standing to the side of Hizashi was Aizawa. He was slipping his now compact sleeping bag into his pocket while he made eye contact with me. "Now Shota let the girl settle. We clearly haven't seen all her tricks yet.... Although you don't seem surprised by her. Why is that?" Nemuri held a sly smirk on her lips as she used Mic as a hold to lean around and eye Aizawa" Fine! I'll go and answer your questions if you guys just stop terrorizing me at work.." The squabbling that was happening between the two continued as Hizashi looked to me with a large grin and a shoulder shrug. Slipping around his friends Hizashi grabbed my hand and led me out the door leaving the other two to figure out they had left.

As I left with Hizashi he had his hand on the small of my back guiding me to the school doors. " You know Shoku you didn't have to agree just because Garfield let his attitude slip." " Yeah I know but what he said and How everyone here knows so little about me. I might as well share with the few who have been welcoming to me." Nodding his head Hizashi's almost sentence was cut off as Nemuri and Aizawa bound down the front steps of UA. " You Jerks Just Left US!!" She shouted dramatically dragging Aizawa behind her with one hand and waving at them with the other. Shoku looked to Aizawa then to Hizashi who had just done the same both burst with laughter at the sight. After the two caught up and the laughing died down they made their way to a bar a few blocks away.

Sitting at the bar in the order of Shoku, Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri. They ordered their Drink of choice and settled into a light conversation about work. Nemuri and Hizashi being the main speakers as the other two nursed their drinks while pretending not to stare at each other from the corners of their eyes. Noticing the tension between the two quiet Hero's Nemuri leaned in to the counter to look at Shoku and catch her attention. "So Sho What's with the moths and how come the public doesn't know of you?" " what a loaded question dude." Giving her a what the fuck look I froze.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now