Her Capture

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Aizawa POV ( there may be some spoilers in this chapter depending if you don't keep up on MHA news or manga)

Her capture hit me like a hurricane... a tidal wave I felt as though I was drowning. I didn't think I just knew I had to get to her. I run from the conference room Mic chasing after me yelling I don't know what.  Next thing I know Nezu is standing in front of my only exit facing me. 

" That is quite enough Eraser Head! I know you care for her very much but Shoku is a pro Hero and can handle herself!" Nezu sounded like a parent scolding me like he knew everything, but I knew for a fact he didn't.

 " No, you don't understand I love her and she is pregnant with my Child! I HAVE TO GO TO THEM! " I lost it at his word spilling our secret just so he would let me go.

Nezu was not normally surprised about anything Being so intelligent he knew most outcomes But the look on his face made it obvious this was the last outcome expected.

 Nezu stepped out of my way " I'll get the rest of the team... Come Mic."  I barely heard what the rat said blood rushing in my ears along with the wind from the speed I was swinging at. As soon as I had hit outside I had used My capture ribbon to swing Myself across the city. 

A blast of smoke and debris had me rushing to a building on the outskirts of the city to a large industrial building,  Fighting could be heard from the smoke followed by hysterical laughter and a showman's voice. The heat that preceded the smoke was unbearable, Running into the frey smoke burning my already dry eyes. I shot past every villain I could so I could find Shoku before I had to fight with Spinner and Kurogiri. 

I was on my own fighting them again to protect those I cared for.  After a few minutes of useless fighting clearly a distraction, they pulled back leaving me standing lost in the smoke.

Shoku POV

I had met up with two new heroes I didn't know, we all arrived in the south district keeping our eyes out for the league, I knew I was a target thanks to hawks, but I wasn't expecting to be snatched so flawlessly. I had been perched on the roof of a building while one of my partners scoped the ground and the other used their bat quirk to listen for movement before I could even yell toga had popped in front of me through a portal, she then pushed me back and I fell through another one as she followed after.

I had landed on the cement floor of an empty building the landing had been hard and the sound I made when I landed had Togan in giggles as she circled me knives in hand.

" Dabi payment has been made it's all yours now!"

He came from the shadows the metal of his jacket shining in the faded light as he walked.

" I've been waiting for you little bug.."

 I felt the blood leave my face and it wasn't Togas knife at my throat that caused it. it was the realization of just how close Hiro was to the league that they knew my trigger words that he had used his favorite plaything as payment. I was In trouble. I called my quirk into action making it compile like armor around my stomach. 

" Tell Me what you know of me! Who have you told !"  

I spit at his face, it was not the best idea nor the smartest as he ignited the room. Toga danced away laughing as Dabi and I fought. 

" Dabi Dabi Dabi. I know who you all are but your name isn't really Dabi is it?" I said this in a snarky whisper leaning in a little as he shot flames in my direction. 

" You know I teach your brother right?" 

That was all it took for him cause an explosion I was sent flying backward skidding and destroying my restored wings. Dabi was on top of me in a second his hand hot around my throat burning as he squeezed. 

" I'd kill you for less information than knowing my little brother, knowing  my real name is more than enough " 

He squeezed tighter I could hear and smell my skin sizzle. I swung my leg up kicking him in the back of his head catching him off guard and knocking some of his facial staples loose as he fell to the side, I rolled over to get to my feet and run as Dabi grabbed my ankle. I used the moths I had left to attack, they were gone in an instant Dabis flames turning them into nothing, the pain was awful.  it slowed me enough for him to pull me back to him as he started to burn what he could grab.  

His laugh could best Togas as we went at some point I disassociated for some reason this still wasn't as bad as Hiro's constant reprimanding. His hands on my ribs had me back in reality as he burned me away, my quirk utterly useless against fire. 

" Toya Todoroki, I could have given you justice" It came out raspy as my lungs filled with smoke I reeled my quirk tighter around my belly as Dabi pulled his hand away blood running down his cheek. 

"Too late." 

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now