Ch 9 Truth and Tangerine Dreams

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  The League was sitting at Melody Noir in a far corner that was dimly lit. Discussing the performer that Dabi had been getting more and more obsessed over the few weeks. They had been concerned with why their plans and recruits were being snatched up by hero's conveniently nearby. They had had trouble recruiting as well with the diminishing villain numbers. Which is why they are bringing hero's from overseas. Dabi's little obsession hadn't shown any proof of knowing anything, not that it mattered; they would get her just to shut Dabi up and to prove a point that hero's were shit when they didn't come after her. Dabi had thrown out the gang about the moths around them all the time when they were here. That was proof enough for him and Shigaraki who was angry enough to to be ribbing into the skin of his neck as he scratched. They planned to watch the woman from afar for now. Letting Toga and Twice take shifts or the next few weeks here at Noir and if they saw her anywhere else.

Hīro Kōan was at his desk elbow up, hands clasped as if he was praying. But his face said different . He had called for Shoku only to be ignored. Damn Insect.. the words mumbled from his lips like a threat. " She better hope she was caught by the League and is being tortured." As a Commissioner for hero's that thought shouldn't have come across his mind but he hated and was infatuated with her. She had grown into a beautiful woman but shot down his every move, proved time and time again she was nothing but a tease. And now she had the audacity to ignore him when he called. " Even if it is just work'." Even this thought made him shake with rage HE had found HER. HE had made her USEFUL and a HERO. His own quirk rumbled under his skin making it look like it was boiling Although nothing came from it as he had been injured years ago on a mission causing irreparable damage to his ability. He had met Kurogiri when they had caught and imprisoned him, Hiro had been told of the Virtues the League had. Hiro wasn't stupid, he knew that Kurogiri was trying to sway him. To bad he hadn't needed to be swayed he was already leaning the way of Stain The Hero Killer. He just wanted Shoku to submit first.

Principal Nezu had sent a email to his staff about an important meeting to be held on Wednesday while the students where on independent study time. This meeting was to cover the information Mothera had given him and to set up the night watch groups. Two or three per group depending on quirk, open communication through mics and earpieces, and enemy contact protocol. The next thing Nezu had to deal with was the Hero Commission having a hold on Shoku. From what Mic,Aizawa, and Nemuri had said she was not in fact loyal to them only controlled " Ill have to prove that.." more like owned from the story the three heroes had told. Nezu had to find a way to break the chains and if Aizawa's feeling's weren't blatantly obvious Nezu would have struggled finding her an out. But Nezu knew the Moth hero would break free for some one like Aizawa. Nezu hadn't planned for things to go so smooth with all the hero's he had gathered to take the corrupt Commission and League down. Shoku had been the last piece and here she was fitting right in and the others following suit. Sipping his tea with a small smile Nezu spun his chair to look over the school grounds " CheckMate."

I was playing a dangerous game between blabbing to my friends and ignoring the commission call in. I knew my loyalties had to be with the commission. They made me a hero and changed my life. Even if it was hard and sometimes worse, I just want to feel ... normal.. well as normal as a hero can feel. As I prepared for her lessons my mind drifted to my childhood or what little I actually had to do to my quirk. What stood out the most was my childhood home and the flowers that grew in mothers window boxes and the color of their soft petals. The name of the plant had always made her giggle " Tangerine Dream'' they prompted little Me to eat and fall in love with the orange popsicles called "Dreamsicles." " I was always more of a fruit person anyway.."

The thought faded as Class 1A filtered into the room. Bakugo harasses Izuku, Kirishima trying to calm the explosive boy down. The girls gossiping and Mineta trying to cop feels. Getting fed up with them not quieting down or noticing me I made a high pitched sound with the echo location part of my quirk. That quickly got them to look in my direction and promptly sit down. "I shouldn't have to use my quirk to get you lot to settle down and sit!" " Is your quirk a voice quirk?" The question belonged to Midorya who now had a notebook and pen looking starstruck as ever. " No. Now class lets begin with suiting up and heading to the gym to practice practical uses for you quirks to be stealthy." One sigh and multiple cheers later we were standing in the gym as I delegated what each student should do. Some students were born for stealth so I had them practice moves to disarm opponents and pressure points to knock them out completely.

By the end of the day we were all sweaty and tired. Changing quickly they headed to their dorms That I would be moving into shortly so I could be on campus not only as a dorm mother but so I could assist in emergencies. Which I have been told happens more often than not when it comes to class 1A.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now