Behind the Screens, Wings, and Ears

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Author POV

The Hero commissions Hiro Kahn watched through the screens of Shoku Ginga's Hospital room as the Erasure hero followed by Nezu and the Voice Hero Present Mic had come to the room. Some heroes are not as composed as others at the sight before them. Hiro's best handy work if had any say in the vote of it. The large man watched as Shoku delivered her lines effortlessly Nezu taking each one in stride like it was a completely normal response.

While Present Mic stood behind them looking shocked, green, and surprisingly quiet at Shokus wounds while each word she spoke was breaking the normally composed Erasure hero. After Nezu and the other riff-raff left Hiro reveled in Aizawa's body language and face completely giving the man away. Each held back flinch at Ginga mentioning Hawks and her intentions with Him. Hiro laughed and laughed. " Now I have broken Nezu's little hero group,his best hero, I have the LOV in the palm of my hand, and Shoku is as broken and compliant as ever nothing will stop me from bringing stains view in to  reality."
even after the hero had barely made it out the door of her room he continued to watch the hospital footage of him breaking outside of the hospital.

Hawks had sat quietly and unobserved behind Hiro as he listened to the script she was given leave her mouth only smiling when he heard Shoku's own message go over the head of the laughing man in front of him. To the hawk himself though the message meant little when it came to his own plan of wooing shoku while they were playing house it was of no consequence to him if she was with child or not. He would sweep her out from under Hiro and Aizawa at the Heros Gala when he confessed to her and every other hero there making it a big deal in front of the press. If the Heroine he had grown up with still chose the grumpy, and homeless-looking Aizawa well at least he gave it his best shot he will continue to help her no matter the outcome even if it risks his job with the LOV.

Nezu ears were simply twitching with agitation and contempt with the commission's treatment of from his opinion best asset when it comes to Reconnaissance. Even with her little slip fighting Toga and the press getting video she was still hidden and unknown by almost everyone. The public hadn't seen or heard of her since the little spat happened months ago.

Of all the things Hiro could have pulled he had not expected this choice it was an interesting move indeed, Giving your own desire to someone right in the nest of those trying to bring the Hero society down. Showing your true colors in the middle of the fight was a mistake, Hiro, I know where your loyalties lie now and the evidence to take you down the thought making a smile spread across his rodent face.

The next thing Nezu had to address was the Gala and to update the team on Shoku's "Choice" to stay with the Commission. Her staying as a teacher was obviously Shoku's way of saying where her true loyalty was and that she intended to continue to fight against the very thing that made her a great hero.

Students of classes 1A,1B, and general study had all been told of their teacher's hospitalization and had set up a schedule for them each to visit while she recuperated, each student felt that her teaching them had improved them, she respected their boundaries but pushed their limits both physically and mentally making her in their book their favorite teacher in UA.

Some were going to her side to support her return to UA while others went for more advice thinking a distraction would be best while she healed. A select few students had decided to pretend they could care less only to plan on showing up while there was a gap between visits.

The girls planned on going on small groups to make it like a girl's day, planning on pampering the moth heroine. There was one boy who always chose the early morning shifts opting to bring her coffee if she was allowed to drink it that is. The purple-haired kid had found himself looking at shoku as a mother with how she helped him with his confidence and always seemed to know where he was in his head. He had been using her as a counselor and let him practice his quirk with her as the subject making the trust and bond they had a little more relevant than the other students.

The Leauge of Villans had had Twice following Shoku for Moths now confirming she was in fact the one leaking their plans to the heroes. The fact that Hiro had control of her was just the cherry on top now that he was fully committed to their cause along with the corrupt Hero Hawks. Dabi's unbridled rage about the Moth hero only grew when he had found out that she was responsible for Toga and she was with the heroes who were seeking to bring them down. The leash she was held on to by Hiro didn't seem like enough, He wanted her gone like he knew she had secrets about him that would destroy his own plans of bringing down the current number one hero in Japan.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now