Ch 14 First Fight

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Shoku POV

  Aizawa's words caused me to boil over. Standing with my hands flat on the desk I looked to him. " You just took it upon yourself to just share my private life with Nezu? One that I trusted you with after my fight while I was obviously vulnerable. My Anger was visually appearing through my quirk, my moths lifting and changing from green to a peach brown unlike the color that showed when I fought toga. The species name that came to my mind was " Lonomia, or Assassin Caterpillar." automatically usually this species was harmless except when a caterpillar when it was deadly and produced neurotoxins that killed people annually in South America. The feeling of rage in me turned to fear as I realized like the vampire moth change this one had also been altered. Making the moth itself deadly.

Nezu stood silent as he watched the changes with Shoku as she obviously aimed to hurt Aizawa. He dared not make a sound out of cautions being attacked too. The change in Shoku's face from rage to fear as she realized something was obvious. I whimpered " Aizawa" as I looked to him with scared pleading eyes to use his quirk. I could feel the unstoppable attack coming. " Please." As the word escaped so did the moths but before they took full in flight they reverted and sunk back into my skin. Followed by everything going black while muted voices sounded above me.


Aizawa POV

The pleading sound of Shoku wasn't something I was expecting when I watched her anger become fear. Nor was the attack aimed at me for what I assume was her feeling of betrayal. The change in her moths and skin was amazing. Wings popping out of her skin aimed and ready for attack. Their bodies covered in fuzzy barbs. " A new species." I quickly activated my quirk canceling out the attack. As soon as she looked human again she fell forward towards the table. Steadying her I looked to the oddly quiet Nezu. " How interesting!" The mouse exclaimed as he smacked his paws together. Grunting with a nod I watched Nezu fetch Recovery Girl. The old woman had me carry Shoku to the infirmary instead of using her robots. We passed many of our students who held back their questions after a quick glare and harsh " No" from me. Laying her down on the bed, Recovery Girl shooed Nezu and I from the room, calming we had done enough and that Shoku was going to end up a frequent flyer like Midorya. Walking to my classroom I braced for the questions I would get serious or otherwise.

End Pov


My eyes shot open and I bolted strait up " Mistake ugh." The nausea was strong as well as the dizziness as I let myself plop back down into a lying position. " Fuck." " How you feeling, dear? It can be good with that sick look over your face and quick maneuver." " Oh no." Recovery girl shoved a trash can in my hands as I puked my morning coffee into it. " Well that answers that." Heaving " Answers what?" " You didn't eat this morning, overused your quirk and now this" she waived her cane around my direction as I laid back down holding the can by the rim on my lap. My hair stuck to my face with sweat as goose bumps erupted on my skin. " You need to take care of yourself as a hero Shoku. That means eating full meals! Ill have Lunch rush send you something light to start you off then you need to go home and rest." " Yes Mam." The words quiet as I let my head fall back with my eyes closed.

The silence didn't last long as a small knock came followed by what looked like one of my students from 1C although the shushing and scuffles from the hall told me it was probably all of them. " Shoku Sensei we brought you some of Lunch Rushes miso soup." Propping he bed up so I could sit without becoming sick I smiled at them as many heads peaked around the door frame. " That was very sweet of you guys Hitoshi." " You guys? what do you mean?" He gave an airy laugh scratching the back of his head. " Come on guys you can come in." To my Surprise all three of my main classes were there crowding the room and the door. I felt a smile cross my face as I took in the sight of my little heroes in training. " You all came.. even though this isn't serious. Even getting along with each other." " Tch of course du.... Sensei." Laughter took over at the look of my student at Bakugo's almost slip up. Most of them wished me well then left as others stayed to talk with me about how their training had gone without me today.

As the last of students trickled out Aizawa came in and sat in a chair by my bed. " You are very popular." " Hmm yes it would seem so... Look I'm so sorry Aizawa" He reached his hand out causing me to flinch a habit I picked up from working with the commissions Hiro. Dropping his hand and placing it on mine. " I really think you should consider Nezus offer." And just like that the moment was gone making me scowl I was feeling better after the soup the kids had brought and opted to get out of bed at Aizawa's comment. " Come Ill walk you back to the dorms." Giving him the silent treatment I scooted around him making my way out the door. He followed behind quietly until we reached the grounds outside of the teacher dorms and I spun on him. "What is your problem Aizawa!" "My problem Tch ! Maybe if your head wasn't so far up the commissions ass you would be able to see what's right in front of you!" " I front of me!? The only thing in front of me is a man who has no respect for people's trust !" " It's not that I don't respect you Shoku, it's that you are letting someone pull you through hoops and danger. For an alternative motive you are too blinded by being a hero to see. I made a choice to be the hero I am but at least I'm not beaten for it!" ..... spinning on my heel I walk away my face and eyes hot the latter filling with tears but my head held high not wanting to give off the impression of weakness.

" Yes run back to the people using you for their dirty work.You have people here you know people who care and won't ..." My ears clogged in the middle of his sentence like he was just background noise with not actual annunciation tears spilling . Flinching with the trails of them running down my face I give one last comment over my shoulder turned just enough as to not be seen . At least you had a choice at being a free hero Aizawa. Some of us had to actually sacrifice things to be the hero they are. Before he could say another word I eclipsed making my way to my dorm and cat.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now