Ch 8 Quirk and Tell

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Shoku POV

 Nemuri's question rang in my ears. It wasn't per say that I didn't want to tell them . It was that I wasn't really a hero or at least I don't feel like one. I wasn't out fighting or facing the villains personally. I was just there for information gathering and sometimes distraction tactics. I didn't want Them especially Aizawa to look at me like I didn't belong in their group. All of these feelings fluttering in my stomach were from past insecurities. Middle school and Highschool hadn't been easy because my quirk although flashy seemed useless. So I made sacrifices to make it useful.

Taking a sip and gathering my thoughts I began. " Well my name is Mothers for obvious reasons'' I lifted my elbow to the bar and revealed my wrist to the three beside me as a green moth morphed from its skin and crawled to my hand. It took flight and lightly wove between the hero's and then back to me as I continued. " I can become an eclipse ( Group of moths), They talk to me and it sounds like whispers.

I studied the moth's movement between my fingers, almost a whisper itself. The three friends sat and listened each in their own form of rapture. Nemuri just watching me with a dumb grin , Hizashi leaned in his chair like a child hearing a bedtime story, and Aizawa leaning on to his folded arm as he rested against the bar and stirred his scotch with its black decorative straw. "

"Like most people with physical quirks I was born like this being able to release them or become them when I wanted even when I didn't. It's accompanied by following the moth's growth cycle, so as a child it was caterpillars, I grew quickly. Faster than that of an average child. And when I hit I guess five months I was five years physically and I was basically quirk less when everybody else was getting theirs because of the change from caterpillar to pupa. I was ten when the moths emerged but I looked fourteen or fifteen physically and mentally. After the moths emerged I started to age at a human rate. I skipped some grades which caught the attention of the hero commission who scooped me up and sent me to high school both there and at UA. This caught the attention of the group as they all glanced at each other speaking with their eyes. It hadn't gone unnoticed. We found other things my quirk was good for. I can hear echolocation and communicate through it,jam, startle and warn other moths or echo users with it. I can emit a frequency through my voice that attracts anyone by making them attracted to me."

Aizawa POV:

This caught Aizawa's attention as he was listening closely. Looking at Shoku as she was now facing Nemuri he activated his quirk. He was questioning his feelings and was on the verge of anger ... no betrayal when he realized that his feelings stood true even with her quirk erased. Releasing his quirk he went back to his drink as she continued mostly unaware of her surroundings. " I can carry things while in eclipse. The weight depends sometimes it's a new trick. I can feel when they die. They replace themselves really it's like losing hair but if they die by physical means it's painful. Looking down at her arms and Taking a deep sigh Shoku looked to the others " You see I'm mostly used just for info by the commission and other heroes. Don't get me wrong I know how to fight but it's never necessary when I'm hardly personally there. I guess you can hardly call me a hero.

Aizawa could see the distaste for the Hero Commission in Shoku for every time she spoke the name her nose would scrunch right along with her mouth like she had eaten something sour. " It's cute but worrisome at the same time." The thought came and went like one of her moths as he prepared to speak his thoughts. " Shoku I don't think any true hero would say you weren't one. In fact as far as I can see you have single handedly helped to bring down villain after villain. Yes you weren't there physically. But without you the hero's wouldn't have been able to win and the Hero Commission's line graph wouldn't look very good without you." " Yeah Shoku You are just as much a hero as All Might probably even more so." Hizashi had walked to Shoku placing a hand on her shoulder rubbing small circles into her shoulder blade. Although the touch should have brought her attention to the voice hero instead, Aizawa Shota found her looking at him. The look on Shoku's face said hope. Her cheeks flushed with both embarrassment and alcohol. " Well thank you for tonight guys but I'm going to head home." Aizawa watched her get up and go, not even Mic stopped her. They didn't really know what to say. But They did know they would discuss her after she was through the door.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now