Ch3 Show and Tell

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Aizawa POV

I had sort of worked with Shoku before, so her hero name came to no surprise. The real surprise was how she stood in the front pretending to be confident as her quirk said otherwise. As she stood with Nezu during introductions and you could see flutters of wings at her pulse points. She was indicating her nervousness... that was the thing that caught my attention most what a ... beautiful tell about anything and everything. Nemuri's face during the meeting told me the two had known each other for a while. As we walked out, I noticed some of our Co-workers seemed uneasy with her. Whether it was the fact, she could disappear in a breath with the information she picked up. Or that she very well could pose as a double agent at this school. I wasn't sure, but for some reason, I didn't think that the latter was the case.

Yamada took to her immediately. Especially with the joke that she pulled at him in the meeting, she would fit right in with the loudmouth, especially with her being Nemuri's friend. She made an excellent addition To the group. Quiet, but she had a bite laced with humor that seemed to come from the same place that my blunt no-nonsense originated. As much as I had observed her, I knew the only things were obvious and not what I wanted. I want to know what makes her Shoku. This was throwing me off. I wasn't one to see a pretty face and chase after it. This must be something else. Maybe I was just extra tired and was getting my senses mixed.

Walking into class 1A Shoku was in everyone's conversations, everything from her looks to what her quirk could be. Not even the problem child knew much about her.

"Be quiet and sit down. This is a hero class. It took you 8 seconds to comply that 8 seconds a villain had to hurt someone!" "You are going to be having self-study time to Finnish your assignment from Monday that's due tomorrow." "Don't wake me," I mumbled as I slid into the corner in my yellow sleeping bag.

I felt something tickling my nose a while later. Busting open my eyes while using my quirk, I aimed to scare the kids who had the guts to mess with me. Only to find the room empty and my nose still being bothered. I put my finger to my face only to feel something crawl on to it. Shaking my head at the abrupt feeling, I watch a green moth flutter above me, just out of reach. It seemed to be trying to get my attention by coming closer then flitting away. Letting the curiosity get the best of me, I sat up, grunting at it to let it know I understood. It allows a whispering sound out as it went from me to the door. Stepping out of the sleeping bag and compressing it to pocket size. I follow the fluttering green irritant throughout the halls of UA. Eventually, it stopped in front of the doors to the teacher's training gym. The moth slipped between the cracks of the door disappearing inside. I pushed the doors open and headed past the weight room, biking studio, and pool, only to stop at the studio's open-door meant for practicing martial arts.

The moth had landed silently content on my shirt when I made it to the room that had morphed into a gymnastics floor. A floor to ceiling pole in the middle and large fabric ribbons hanging down to the gym mats. I hadn't seen the moth heroine at first until she was flipping in a back handspring down the middle of the room. As it finished, she jumped instead of landing.

Arching her back, and grabbing the pole in the middle of the room, swinging around it using the handspring momentum. I stared as Shoku hooked her leg around the bar holding herself straight out using her abdominals. Raising herself up, she grabbed the pole with her hands and released it from her legs' grip as she swirled down the floor in the splits. Why had she sent a moth to me if she didn't require help? It couldn't have been to get me to watch her practically pole dance, had it? No, that seemed unlikely... Knocking myself out of my trance at watching her, I noticed she hadn't caught on to my presence yet.

I was going to try to slip out unnoticed. But I made eye contact with her While she was using the ribbons for a form of aerial acrobatics. She gave me a slight nod as she slid herself down to the floor. As Shoku stepped away from the ribbons she removed the earphones I hadn't noticed and walked over to where I stood. " You called ?" I started causing her dark brows to scrunch and head to tilt to the side a little reminding me of a kitten. The low rumble of my voice quaked, causing the green moth to flutter back to Shoku. Settling in the center of her chest and disappearing.

Bowing, Shoku apologized, "Please let me buy you a coffee for interrupting you."

Raising a brow to the woman who seemed not only to be plaguing my mind but now, my time, I nodded, wanting to get to know her more, "They do that often?"

"Only if I'm hyper-focused on something. Let's go."

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now