I can see the End

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I had had a lot to think about sitting in the hospital, My mind Mulling over, over and over how all of this would play out. I had to protect the life inside me, the man who let me love him and loves me in return scars and all, My students too. They had all been drifting in and out over the past two weeks distracting me from the inescapable future that I saw looming ahead. I had not heard or seen Aizawa since the day I was emitted to the hospital.

The first thing I needed out of the way was to figure out a way to get my story and the corrupt commission out into the public is to have someone else confess too and hopefully, the number two hero will help me. My next issue was my knowledge that 1. The LOV now had Hiro or has had him under their belt. 2. They had been tailing me by using Toga but who else? And 3. I was/am one of their targets. I was too sloppy with my moths in my hero work when I was performing. The gala was closing in and Hiro expecting me to go with Hawks, I had so much to do if this was going to go how I planed needed Aizawa to get the message for him and the rest for Nezu.

It was early morning now the final week of my hospital stay, My woods all mostly healed minus my right elbow and left shoulder blade that had gotten most of the damage, id be lucky if I had full movement of either. A knock sounded at my door it was too early for the nurse or even the doctor to show up. Me voicing my okay to enter was followed by the smell of coffee and a mess of purple hair.

" Ah, my little insomniac! And you come with a gift! I giggled at the emotionless look with an eye roll on his face as I said the same thing I had been since the students started coming.

" Shoku Sensi, I know you can't have caffeine so I got you a decaf of your favorite."

" No formalities, please Hitoshi, Although decaf is blasphemy to my ears I'll take it and respect that you are keeping me in line." I shoot him a wink as he sits on the edge of the bed handing me my drink of caramel coffee with cinnamon on top. " So what's on your mind ?"

" Well Shoku, I ... I'm struggling with everything I know, the others know I have more information than I say and some of them are getting pushy that and on top of it all Aizawa's extra training to get me into the hero course is him being extra hard on me like he's fighting someone other than a student or he cancels after I'm already on the field or in gym Gamma. It's been like this since you have been here."

"Hmmm, I am sorry Shinsou it seems our closeness and the ... relationship I have with Aizawa is affecting you directly. I can help with the other students but until Aizawa pulls his head out of his A.. Bottom he's gonna be... rough." Correcting my foul mouth had been my biggest struggle as a teacher and continues to be I trip over my words constantly even though the students say they don't mind it.

" How do I pasify the others? Bakugou and his gang of morons are the worst followed by Mydoria, the Gange corners me any time they see me and ask question after question, Bakugou uses brute force to get me to spill anything I know before he calls me a dumbass extra and saunters off. Izuku just wants me to get information on your quirk he has asked at least a hundred times."

I full-on laugh at the classic 1A attitude poor Shinsou is receiving,

" I'm sorry for laughing." wiping my tears away I give him the info and permission he needs " Tell them all what my quirk is kid. Make it seem like it's a huge secret that only they individually are aloud to know though it will be fun to watch them squirm around each other." That gets a snort from the smart boy in front of me.

" I forget how much you like to mess with people Sensi."

I shrug with a smile, If I ever get the chance I would adopt the poor boy in front of me, As we grew closer throughout my teaching career we discovered we had a lot in common absent and or dead parent being one of them. We sat in comfortable silence as we nursed our drinks, Shinsou drifting off a little, I run my fingers through his fluffy hair after a while to wake him.

" Wake up Drifter, you don't wanna miss Morning classes." He swats my hand away playfully as he grunts gising from his slouched position on the bed, his back had rested on the footboard along with his head.

" Have a good day, Shoku," he grumbled as he dragged his feet out the door.

I nodded fiddling with the empty cup in my hand, My mind going back to my plans to deal with the multiple enemies in front of me. My hand rested on the movement within me I was only five weeks but with my quirk that set me at five months, I wasn't showing this being my first child and being so fit it wasn't likely that I would. Following the flow of events soon to come my next move was to contact Best Jeanist for a dress that would both complement Hawks suit and set me apart from the other heroines. Something that said I'm Alive and you can't touch me, Since this was like a red carpet event it will be nationally broadcast making it the perfect taunt for the LOV.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now