Ch 15 The kiss

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Aizawa POV
Play Video Above for Shoku's dance.

The fight I had with Shoku told me a lot more about my feelings for her more than watching her practice, coffee, Or even working with her had. It had been a few days since then and I still caught myself with thoughts of her. Our night shifts are quiet but not the kind of quiet I had been enjoying with her. It was a deafening soundless quiet between two people who didn't know how to continue with that they had started. I decided I needed a distraction so I did the one thing I always regret doing... I called Mic. After blowing my ear drums off with his excitement. We headed for Melody Noir. As we arrived I noticed it was a lot more crowded than usual and admission was a little pricey too. I looked at the schedule they had posted by the ticket booth and noticed tonight's performance was by their more popular performer "Dusk".

She was the ribbon aerialist the last time I was here. Mic led me to a table in the center of the room as he ventured off to the bar for drinks. I wanted to talk to him about Shoku, her quirk, situation, and my damn feelings. The night went by quickly as we chatted and waited for the midnight show. Hizashi listen intently as I spoke of our newest friend he had more to say bout my feelings than the fact her quirk had undiscovered uses or about her being used by the Hero Commission. Finally midnight struck and the performance began. I watched the small dancer walk on stage as her black ribbons dropped behind her. She wore a very skimpy leotard with a face covering resembling that of a cartoon ninja. And once the music began so did her dance.

As the woman's act ended I still wasn't sure of my next step with Shoku. But Hizashi pulled me away from those thoughts as he pulled me from my seat. " Come on Sssshhhhoohhhtaaaaahhh" " You are drunk Hizashi." " Nooooo I'm fuuunnn" " Sigh." " Come on Ill bring you home but you better be on time tomorrow." I walked the man back to his apartment arriving around two thirty. I pushed him through his door and plopped him on his couch where he quickly fell asleep in his clothes and shoes. " How annoying Hizashi." Grumbling to myself as I propped his feet so he wouldn't look as though he was melting off the couch. " How many drinks did you have?."

After leaving Hizashi I made my way back to the dorms. Before I could enter the building I noticed someone on the roof of 1As building. As quick as my scarf would let me I made my way up silent as ever. As I approached I could hear heartbreakingly low singing no lyrics just A familiar voice I stopped in my tracks watching as the clouds shifted letting moon light fall upon us. She stood face lifted to the sky as moths danced around her face streaked with trails of tears. If the singing hadn't already taken my breath away the view in front of me would have. I swiftly made my way to her, pulling Shoku into my chest. I couldn't bare it any longer. I couldn't hold anything back, not here and not seeing her like this. " I am sorry Shoku.. I was out of line. Please know I only did what I did because I care for you so deeply." Her hand clenched the breast of my shirt as she brought her face up to just below by ear. " But you were right.." her voice was whispered and broken. "Had I don't all of this?" " I am the one who should be sorry Shota.. you didn't deserve to be spoken to that way." Shoku buried her face into the crook of my neck straining on the tips of her toes to reach closer to me. My name falling from her this way I had never felt this much concern or affection for anyone and it was this moment that made me realize how deep and far I had actually fallen. " I'm in love with her.." I held her closer as I enclosed her face in her hair placing a kiss above her ear on the crown of her head. Dragging my nose down tracing the side of her face as I pulled her away ever so slightly, my trail stopping as our noses met breath intermingling as I looked for a sign from her for me to stop what I was about to do. I Brushed my lips ever so lightly across hers "so so soft" my grip tightening like she would flutter away at any moment. I felt her hands move up as she wrapped her arms around my neck pressing her lips on mine hesitant at first then we both fell into a rhythm hungry for each other like both of us had been waiting for years to touch like this. Shoku's fingers wrapped themselves in my hair tugging slightly as my hand made its way into hers holding her head steady for my kisses. Pulling away, our foreheads rest together, panting the only sound as the sky started to lighten with the rising of the sun. Untangling my hand from her hair I lightly run my knuckles down her face to wipe the remaining trails from tears away. " Ginga." " hmm?" The sound came soft and light as she leaned her head into my now open palm, her eyes closed. I stood there with her in my arms taking in how she looked at this moment her thick dark lashes the swelling of her lips after my attack of them. The way her quirk fluttered with her racing heart. At the lack of my response Shoku opened one eye as the other was in my palm. " Shota? Is everything okay?" As she said this her arms dropped and I could feel her moving away I let my hands fall to her hips holding her in place as I composed myself. "Please .. Stay." The voice that came from my lips barely sounded like my own. Lacing her fingers with mine she led me to the teacher dorms. 

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon