Ch 6 Oragami Notes

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 Hīro Kōan of the Hero Commission was standing at the window of his office arms behind his back holding each other watching the rushing tail lights of cars in the night waiting on information he had requested. The LOV investigation was not happening fast enough for him. As soon as they were behind bars he would receive a large sum of money enough that he would be able to retire. The Heroine Mothera was due to deliver and Hiro was getting angrier by the minute. He feels the heroine useless when he has the number two hero in the depths of the LOV... although he is leaking info he doesn't get all the juicy details because of the lack of trust. Mothera .. got details. She could probably get the color of shigaraki's panties If hiro asked. As he was pondering this he caught a new item on his desk: a folded piece of paper in the shape of a moth. He was instantly both excited and enraged. Excited because Shoku had delivered Enraged because she had caught him by surprise again slipping in and out of his office without him hearing or seeing anything. The note itself simply stated that the LOV was recruiting from overseas that was it no details no info on when from where. Or even if they were using shipping containers of the boats or if they were going to bring them over by legal means. " Fucking useless" he muttered slipping the note in his desk and locking it away. His night was over.

The number two hero had only been in his very lavish top floor apartment for five minutes when he caught sight of the origami moth. It was placed precariously on the kitchen counter. It had only caught his attention because the bright green color that stood out against his black countertops. Chuckling at the little thing he picked it up unfolding its little wings. Shoku always made sure the hawk hero saw his messages knowing he was very much like his hero name sake. The note itself was elegantly written and stated:

Dear Bird

I've gotten information on the movements of your new friend group. Planning on hosting a party are we? Be cautious Hiro knows he isn't invited and The large rat has an incredible knowledge. Proceed with caution if you don't want our parents to find out.

Ps: Be safe.

partner in crime : Geometrinae.

Hawks smiled to himself about Shoku's silly cover up of info in the note, the best part being the scientific name of the moth her quirk embodies. Although she had gotten better from when they were kids together in the commission. "Smart little bug" he thought as he held a lighter under the note letting it burn in his sink.

Nezu was prepared to see a moth come to his office at the school. But the fact it was carrying an origami moth made the rodent chuckle. "Clever" the note itself he noticed was to the point and held notes of concern and urgency as the Principal read:

Keratin User 55,

I hope this letter finds you well, We have seen the Movement and hear they are immigrating from the seas. I suggest your neighborhood watch be vigilant around the docks and keep eyes on overhead UFOs. Things are in motion. I'll see you on the flip side.


Nezus brows scrunch at the info. Clear and precise for who it was intended for but confusing for those who might have caught it. What worried him was the fact they were recruiting from overseas. Things were in fact in motion.

Shoku POV:

I had eaten a quick dinner of a sandwich followed by the longest shower I had ever been able to take in my apartment. Sitting with my orange tabby cat in my lap head resting on the padded headboard of my bed. Messaging Nemuri about this and that. But I know planning to capture the LOV in the next few months would be rough. They had to get them before Villains Outnumbered them by over wheeling numbers. The thought clouding my mind as My fingers run through the tabby's fur purrs lulling me to sleep with visions of Aizawa as Mario flits about fighting the LOV before turning to a much more X rated dream.

I woke up covered in sweat and laid there staring at the ceiling. It was and wasn't surprising I dreamed of the caterpillar man. The moment I had connected with him on the roof I had felt the red string of fate wrap between us. I was having a hard time pushing my growing attraction to the man away after seeing the fascination in his eyes as I had performed last night and before that when he had caught me in the gym. " Stupid quirk." I hadn't planned on gaining interest in someone the way I do Aizawa and his silent company. The silence we held together was familiar and comforting. I was now hoping for our bond to grow. I am tired of being alone and untouched. Pulling myself from my musings I got ready for the school day showering again and throwing on my civilian clothes. I made my way to the coffee shop first to grab much needed caffeine after the 4 hours of sleep I had gotten and the restlessness of my dream.

Standing at the door of her first class this week even though it was Thursday I prepared to teach these budding hero's.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now