Ch 4 Conversations and Coffee

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Shoku POV 

I wasn't about to tell the Erasure hero; I was hyper-focused on the thought of him. I also wasn't going to say to him why I was using a stripper pole to train... So I asked him for coffee instead. " Cha Cha Real smooth Shoku."

Shaking my head with a small smile, my inner thoughts became mischievous. I indicated to the door hoping the man would drop it and coffee would distract him enough. " Mission success." There is a coffee shop not far from here that I frequent.. its quiet and out of the way. Wait for a moment while I change, and I'll walk with you." I spoke as I walked from the gym to the changing room taking his silence as acceptance. Slipping into the locker room, I quickly stripped and showered. Even though I wanted the hot water to ease my muscles for work tonight, it wasn't an option. Aizawa was on the other side of the double doors, the thought causing heat to fill my face.

I rinsed the sweat off, towel-dried, and slipped into some regular clothes. My leggings are a welcome softness compared to my usual medical wrap. Slipping a large shirt on and my ballet flats, I gathered my dirty clothes and shoved them into my gym bag to wash at home later. Pushing through the doors to Aizawa, I see him in his sleeping bag yet again. I debated for a moment whether to wake him, Leave him, or drag him to the doors. " What a wicked thought, Shoku.." Suppressing a laugh, I take the first option owing him coffee and all. "Aizawa. Come on." Getting up like he hadn't just been sleeping in a hallway, he collapsed his bag as I led the way.

The Hideout. A little hole in the wall coffee shop that had a more alternative vibe to it than most. The music they played was at a low volume, but it was catchy. The shop was painted a dark grey with black booths, the only color coming from the pastel flower garlands, fairy lights, and patrons' donated books. A booth towards the back next to a window mostly covered with green foliage is where she had the hero sit across from her.

They looked over the menus that sat under the glass of the table when the heavily pregnant waitress whose name tag read "Susan" came to take their orders.

"What can I get for ya?" Her voice was a little too high and too perky for this type of coffee shop.

"Hmmm, a medium caramel coffee with cream and cinnamon on ice, please.?" I spoke while watching Aizawa. He orders a black coffee with cream on the side. As the waitress leaves, a silence settles on us, much like the one on the roof did last night. I watch him from under my lashes as he leans into the back of the seat.

"This man interests me on levels I didn't know of.." Images of the game "Mario" flood my head with Aizawa as the tiny plumber. At the thought, I almost lose my composure.

"Shoku?" His voice brings me out of the thought as I drop my gaze that had slipped to full-on looking at him. I noticed myself leaning on the table as if there was a pull. Just then, our coffee arrived only in time for me not to have to explain why I had been staring and leaning towards him. I swirled my coffee and watched the light-colored cream and dark coffee mix like rolling storm clouds. When his voice caught me off guard again, my eyes flicking to his. I felt like I was going to be interrogated.

"Do you have patrol tonight?"

"No, I have ... Recon at a popular nightclub our villains frequent."

"I was trying not to let slip my other job."

"So so smooth."

"Do you need ... Never mind, I know you have it handled."

"Was he gonna offer help?" His last comment spoken with a hint of something I couldn't Identify yet.

"So not an interrogation?"


"No, it's supposed to be my night off."

"Supposed?" As the realization of Mic dawned on me Aizawa and I both spoke his name out loud. The former nodding his head as a smile creeps to my own face. We chat a while longer about random non-work-related things as I glance at my phone. I notice it's close to my curtain call and I had a mission from the HC.

"I hadn't realized we had been here so long. Thanks for letting me treat you Aizawa. I have to go. But have a Good Night." I throw our payment on the table as I grab my bag, pulling the strap on my shoulder.

"Yeah... Thanks for the coffee Shoku." I gave him a little wave and head to the door preparing for the night ahead.

Melody Noir was the lounge's name "He didn't say." that some of the league frequents. The music wasn't loud yet this early in the night. It was just small side acts and comedy skits. Tickets were pricey, and that paid us, performers, handsomely, letting us buy the makeup and props we wanted for our performances. I walked in through the back door greeting the girls like always and heading to the dressing room with my bag in tow. My usual partner closes behind me, chatting about her excitement about performing a rock song. As she chattered, I let my mind wander to the workings of Noir.

This cabaret only did topless nudity on occasion. Mostly cleverly hidden strip shows were on the menu for guests. This left me with options to get up and close with the guests going pieces of my quirk or just acting like a bimbo while picking up bits of information. Tonight I was using my quirk while performing on ribbons to my partner's guitar playing and a pre-recorded song. Dressing in a skimpy leotard with mesh sleeves and tights, I applied thick makeup then placed a copper lace mask on my face.

Sending some moths from me out to the club seating so I could listen and collect anything interesting—the absent moths leaving wing-shaped "scars" where they once sat. As the performance before mine ended, I walked to the stage entrance to stand with my partner. I wasn't particularly close with any of the other girls or guys here I just was someone who came and went. The Curtains rose and the performance began.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now