The End

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Aizawa Pov 

I sat at the beginning of it all, back on the roof from the night I sat with her till sunrise. I take out two incense sticks and lit them placing them in the small private shrine I kept here. It wasn't the prettiest nor the most convenient, it had been a few months since her death. I sat on the edge and tell her all things I didn't get the chance to say in her life nor at the funeral, This was my Therapy.

" Ginga, I miss you... we all do. Shinsou is taking it the hardest. All of them came to your funeral, you know. I hadn't realized the bonds you made with the others were so strong, they all told stories about you both hero and student. I... I wasn't strong enough Ginga not for you... just like I wasn't for him." 

I choked on my words my sorrow making it hard to breathe, I sunk deeper into my scarf watching the horizon light up. I opted just to give her a play-by-play.

" I adopted your cat, he fits right in. The heroes at UA are collectively raising our daughter, she looks about five now. She doesn't know I'm her father I couldn't do it shoku she's you to a T the only thing she has from me is dark wavy hair. She scared the hell out of Hizashi when he brought her home and she burst, he screamed so loud he busted his soundproof windows. Nemuri helps out a lot too although no one dares to leave her unattended, Nemuri would corrupt her too quickly. I named her though,  "Yawarakai Habataki"  She is a sarcastic but serious girl so I guess her hair isn't the only thing she got from me."

" What am I supposed to do? I feel like I'm failing her and them... Bakugou was Kidnapped, right from under my nose. I wasn't even able to rescue him!  Midoriya and some other students did, They all knew Shoku. The kids used your stealth lessons to do it. The Lov has been bolder since they killed you I think they feel safer knowing no one is able to gather information ... How am I supposed to protect what means most when all I can see is your death." I sat there the smoke from the incense fading, I kept expecting a sudden answer but none came. Heaving a sigh I traveled across the city back to UA. I made it back to the dorms and was greeted by class 1A, Shinsou, and Hizashi who held a sleeping Yawarakai.  We all went about fighting harder from that point on.

Author POV 

The sun rose over the City once more as the Eraser Hero made his way across the city, If he had looked back to the shrine he would have seen a small green moth fluttering through the smoke of the incense. It danced within it before fluttering off to join a much bigger group of itself. 

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now