The Mission Trap

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Hawks POV ( From within the LOV)

My focus kept switching between Dabi's ranting fury and how Ginga had simultaneously turned me down and left me on the dance floor to run after a man she had only known for a litter over a year, Watching her go must have been how the prince felt when Cinderella ran off leaving her shoe. Only this time I wasn't the prince and there wouldn't be a happy ending for me...

" You Fucking Turkey are you laughing at me!?"

I came back to myself just in time to sidestep a wave of blue flame. My hands in my pockets as I gave the man a sheepish look.

" Now now my fiery friend I was simply entertaining an idea... You just seem so bent out of shape that some nobody hero MIGHT know a secret of yours that you are burning the base and risking us moving again to avoid detection. Man what a MOOD"

Pretending to dig something out of my nails as the last word left my mouth a smirk followed. Big mistake. The fight that followed left us both with burns and a lack of feathers that would take days to regrow.

" Now look at this Dabi you got some rage out I got a few new scars to impress the ladies and we are that much closer to the day we can get that moth hero."

" Shut up! Do you ever stop talking, you blabber like a parrot. Your talking makes me trust you even less you have a lot to prove before I decide that roasting you for fun isn't a good idea." his chest heaved with exhaustion as we both lay on the floor, the smoky air settling around us with a sour tinge of burnt feathers a common sent ever since I had "joined" the villains.

The door burst open with a kick revealing a manic and smiling Toga followed by twice, Shigaraki and Hiro.

" hehehehe I'm back! Did you miss me? Or have you replaced our love with a rotisserie? The thought just makes me wanna carve him up Daabi."

" Go back to the loonie bin you Nutjob"

" AWWW if I'm a problem then why do you always try to burn our allies Hmm?"

The girl spun around leaning back as she cradled her own face. Shigaraki's groaning while he tore at his neck finally brought Hiro to his wit's end, his face red."

" That's Enough! All of you acting like this makes me wonder how you ever achieve anything. I brought her back to help with the capture of Mothera not so you children could flirt."

" Toga likes Dabi! I might cry, Toga wants to kill him, I'm gonna help!" The outburst from twice had Hiro's skin bubbling with rage.

" Don't get me started with you! you have baked thought. Now listen in a week's time Mothera will be going out with a few underground heroes to come and bust the likes of you! And during that time you will rid the world of them and take her. At that point, our deal will be half done and I'll expect my new quirk and meeting with One for All. "

Hiro made his point by tugging at the lapels of his work suit calming the rage that had his skin bubbling.

" Yes , Yes Hiro Father will reward you promptly after we get her here."

" Good, Now Keigo you have an interview in an hour and you look like something a cat ate and spit up, get yourself to Jeanist and get cleaned up.'' The distaste that came with my own name had me mentally back to when I was a child, the cocky front I used here gone.

" Yes sir, I'll be prompt." As I made my way off the floor and to the door words that flowed from Dabi's mouth had me halting.

" I just had an epiphany! Hawks, if you want our full trust why don't you kill the number three hero! You have plenty of opportunities coming up and of course, One for All will want his body as proof.."

I could hear the grin in his words, as the others agreed, I was in no position to argue at this point and so I only nodded leaving them laughing behind me.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now