Ch 54

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I stared at my older brother who is currently sipping on a cup of coffee and looking cool, I am feeling extremely sceptical of what he is going to say to me. The two of us don't exactly have a good relationship with each other ever since he announced that he had divorced his wife of 17 years and they have already resolved the divorce and she left him with his three children for him to take care on his own.

He must have thought that he found true love at the age of 18 and he was wild back then, he left home and did some bad things outside, met some wild girl which turned out to be his ex-wife and he knocked her up. He initially wanted to have the child and raise the child on his own without my parents' help but he doesn't have the money to, he is technically homeless and he dropped out of school making my parents even more disappointed in him.

It was only until his wife was close to giving birth that he decided to throw away his pride and came back and begged my parents to help him in raising his soon-to-be-born child and have him complete his high school education, it took him a while but he still came back home. He got the approval to marry his ex-wife and they lived happily for the next 17 years with three lovely children and the next thing we know is that she had an affair with some guy she met at work and she decided to go with him because she felt nothing for my older brother and she had to leave him.

And my older brother is an idiot for letting her go so easily instead of engaging her in a lawsuit that might last for the next 5 years, at least he is making some effort to get her back legally but he didn't do any of that. He accepted the fact that his wife cheated on him and he let her go just like that to have her happily ever after with her new man while he suffers alone taking care of his children.

And he thinks that he can decide to choose the man that I am going to date while he had a failed marriage himself and he couldn't get his wife back to his side, he is just making me laugh. "Just order what you want and stop staring at me, it is not like I will put poison in your food the moment you turn your head away from the food."

"You seemed that you will do exactly that, do you remember that you put a fake cockroach once when I was 10 years old? I avoided kimchi fried rice for almost a year because of that." He burst out laughing and I slammed my hand on the table. "That wasn't funny at all, that was truly traumatizing for you and I can never look at kimchi fried rice the same way again. You are lucky that we are at an Italian restaurant so that you can't put any fake cockroaches in my Aglio olio."

He grabbed the menu that was at my side of the table and he sighed loudly. "I will just order the same thing as I have now so that you will stop accusing me of killing you when we are eating the same thing." He called for the waiter and we finished the ordering.

I waited for him to say a thing to me but he doesn't and sips on his coffee while he waits for the food to arrive, he is keeping his promise of not saying anything personal about me until we have finished eating so that we will not lose our appetite halfway through our meal. The food arrived and we ate in silence except when I wanted to add more Parmesan to my pasta and there aren't any so I forced my older brother to get it for me, that was the only time that we ever spoke to each other for 45 minutes of our lunch.

It was until I placed my utensils on the sides of my plate when he cleared his throat. "How did you meet that guy?"

"Don't address him as 'that guy', he has a name and he is called NamJoon." I corrected him.

"How did you meet NamJoon?" He asked the same question again now that he has included NamJoon's name in his question.

"That is none of your business and I don't have an older brother like you, don't pretend that you even cared for me all these years," I told him. "That is all I have to say about you and you have no say about my love life, I have the right to be with anyone that I love and my parents have already approved of the both of us being together, your opinion doesn't matter at all." I stood up from my seat, ready to take my leave. "Thank you for the meal today, I will be glad that you would pay for my meal but if you don't, I will send my bank account number over and you will wire the money to it."

"Don't leave, Haeun. And I only wanted to know more about your life, I will not ask you to break up with your boyfriend." He said to me and I got even more furious but a phone call came in and it was NamJoon. I glared at my older brother and he pointed to my phone. "You better answer that call, he is supposed to make your stay. He came to me a few days ago begging me to have a word with you and resolve our relationship, so that is why we are having lunch together."

"He did that?" My older brother nodded his head and I heard a knock on the door, NamJoon is right there panting with his phone at his ear.

"Go and have a talk with him, I will wait for you here." He said to me and I went outside of the restaurant to tell my boyfriend to go back to work and not get so worked up about me, I wouldn't be that crazy to kill my older brother like that.

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now