Ch 46

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I smiled to myself, I have missed my girlfriend's voice a lot and I longed to have a conversation with her on the phone every single minute but she is always so busy with her work and she barely has the time to pick up my calls. I feel bad that I would always interrupt her in the middle of her meetings just to pick up my call but that is the only way that I would get to hear her voice, we both lead very busy lives and we don't really have the time to meet each other.

Sometimes we will have dinner together but it will only last for a while because HaEun would usually cut it short to go back to work, or I will be the one who will cut short on our date to settle on my work things and that only decreases the time that we have as a couple. I don't really blame if HaEun has to get back to work most of the time, it is her job and she is working for the better of all the other couples who come to seek her services.

The both of us are working for our future and I would want to do the best for the both of us, and plus we are not young adults anymore, we don't really have the time to spend time with each other just like how young couples do, go on spontaneous dates and do reckless things that just doesn't make any sense. HaEun and I are a couple who are a little older than the average couple and we are a little too cooped up at work to do anything spontaneous, we think of each other a lot and we call each other to check up on our lives every day.

That is how the kind of couple that we are and I find that we are a very lovely couple who gets all the attention because we are both very lovely and handsome, especially Bang HaEun who is a total badass princess. I got out of my studio, looking for some food to fill my stomach with so that I would be in a better mood to work the night away.

I found some bread in the office pantry and I looked for the toaster so that I can make some toast to go along with the instant coffee that I am making right now, it is a simple meal but it is the only thing that I can't mess up. I am not that good at cooking and I would burn everything that I cook, including making instant noodles and I would burn the noodles to a crisp.

I simply don't have the talent in cooking and I would always rely on SeokJin hyung on the cooking part when we were still living together with the other members but now we have all lived separately, it has been hard trying to cook on my own in order to feed myself. I have seen HaEun cook and she is a better cook than I am, I guess that I would have to depend on her to cook for the both of us in the future if we were to cohabit together.

I placed my bread into the toaster and waited for it to get toasted but it doesn't heat up at all, the light isn't switched on at all and I have no idea why it is like this. I looked around for anything that might help me solve the problem that I don't even know why it is, a hand reached for the plug for the toaster and the toaster starts to work. So the switch wasn't switched on, no wonder it wouldn't work at all.

"You should make sure that the switch is on so that the appliance will work out the way that it should be, if not you are just waiting for nothing to happen and there will not be any toast." The person said and I looked at her, she is the girl that JiMin has been crushing on the past few days.

"Right, I should do that in the future. Thank you for the advice, Kang Seulgi ssi." I thanked her for the little advice that she gave me about the toaster.

"You know my name? But we haven't been properly introduced yet, and it has only been a few days since I started working here."

I better start getting close to Kang Seulgi to make things move faster and in order for the plan to take place naturally without making it seem too weird and out of place. "I have seen you several times and I have gotten your name from the CEO, he told me that you are a new intern and you will be working here for a few months before you get posted to somewhere else. So, you are a graphic designer, is it hard being a graphic designer?"

She shook her head. "It is my dream to become one and I have never thought that I would land an internship in this very company, I am the only one out of my batch to have my internship here." The toaster makes a 'ding' bell and I retrieved the bread out of the toaster using tongs and I begin spreading the toast with strawberry jam, it is one of the best spreads for toast.

"So you must really be the one to be able to be posted here for your internship right?" She shook her head. "Then did you request to be posted here? Is it because of someone else?"

"I came here purely out of luck and I really want to stay here for a very long time so that I can continue to see you for a long time as well, RM ssi. I mean the other members as well, I would want to work with all of you someday but I don't know if I would have the chance to do that."

I smiled to myself as I have just lured her into our grand plan, I don't even need to do anything much for that to happen. "You will definitely have the chance to work with us, I have a feeling that you are going to make it big from working with us. I can help you set up a meeting with the other members if you want to, there is a member who is skilled in the arts and he would like what you have planned for us."

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now