Ch 16

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I stared at the white sandy beaches that I saw through the car windows. "And it is the remarkable experience that you were talking about?"

He smiled with all his teeth showing and his dimples were on full display. "Yes, as a matter of fact, you agreed to it." Why do your dimples have such an impact that sends my heart beating fast for it?

"But I didn't mean that we have to travel all the way to Busan to have that experience, it is way too much for us to be travelling together. We have only dated each other for a month, don't you think that it is too fast?"

I wonder if he had booked two separate rooms so that I won't have to face him at night, I have seen him in the day and I'm already trying to avoid his charisma and charm which is oozing out of his body. He is way too dangerous for me to stay close to him.

"What too fast? It will be just like a school trip where both genders would be present at the same location doing the same thing. Have you not been to any school trips before?"

"Of course I have but I'm just worried about one thing." which is the bedroom problem.

He placed both of his hands on my shoulders. "What are you worried about? There would not be anyone that we know going with us, there will only be the two of us."

"I know..." I said I couldn't look into his eyes. It is an embarrassing thing to say about because I have not dated anyone before and he is the first, brought me all the way to Busan without any notice.

That day, when I was still crying from the aftermath of dealing with my hand that was shown in the picture that was posted on their official Instagram account, he told me that he would protect me and all that. He even told me that he would help me make my first ever dating experience into a remarkable one.

But I never thought that he would book us a trip to Busan straight after even before I had enough time to react, he sure is fast at things like this. And the fact that we arrived in a private jet. How much money did they even make to afford that?

"It is very embarrassing if I tell you why I am worried," I mumbled but his smile never falters, his dimple is still making an appearance.

"Just tell me the reason why and I promise that I won't laugh at you for that, I promise." He stared at me with such gentleness that I feel so bad for not telling him the truth.


"Go on, I won't laugh." Why do I feel like he will laugh? "Really..."

"Fine, I'm just worried that something bad might happen," I confessed. "With the rooms."

"What about the rooms?" He asked looking very confused and then he laughed. "I'm so sorry..." He laughed and I tried very hard not to hit him. "But I'm very sure that there aren't any ghosts around, I will protect you from that."

He can be really innocent when he can be. "Thanks but I'm not afraid of ghosts," I told him. I could watch a horror movie and not be afraid of anything after that, I could go to the toilets without the fear of having to look around properly before I do my business.

"Then what are you worried about?" Now, we are back to square one after going around one full circle. Is he that dense to not understand what the hell I am saying?

"Forget it, you will understand later at night," I told him and he let go of his grip on my shoulders, looking a bit upset, his lips gutted out as he pouts.

I better think of something to make him smile. "Didn't you say that you wanted to have fun? You said that you liked to play by the beach."

He gleamed up in delight which made me relieved for once. "Right." We got out of the car which I drove instead of the idol rapper himself.

He didn't have a car license, he said which made me so shocked. I thought most K-pop idols would learn how to drive a car by the age of 30? But he wasn't like any of them, he doesn't drive because of world peace. He said that he was a very clumsy person who would literally break a chair in half after tripping over them so he chose not to drive to prevent anyone from getting injured because of him. I wished that he learnt how to drive instead...

We walked to the sandy beaches where he squatted down and was looking down at the sand, trying to get something out of it. I squat down next to him in order not to make him feel so awkward for being the one who is squatting while I'm standing just staring at whatever he is doing.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I watched him dig out some sand with his fingers and man, he had really big hands. Maybe that is why I feel so warm and comfortable whenever I touched his hands...

"Finding some of my little friends." He placed something small and white on his palm and I stared hard at it, trying to figure out what the hell he is finding. It has tiny legs and a tiny body that resembled the shell of a crab. Don't tell me... "That's your little friend? Does it have a name?" I asked getting more engrossed in his tiny crabs.

"Crabby?" He shrugged his shoulders and he looked up to face me, he looked really happy doing that. "I don't know how to name stuff but it is cute right?"

I nodded and he placed the tiny crab in my palm. "I didn't know that you like these kinds of things." He is adorable to be liking such tiny stuff when he is so big and tall. Like what they say, opposites attract.

"Is it weird for me to like things that are small and tiny?" I shook my head. "My fans told me that I am adorable for liking such things but I don't think so, I look weird for a grown man to be looking for tiny crabs and frogs."

"Nope, they were right. You looked really happy and it is not wrong to do the things that you like."

"Really?" He scratched his head in doubt of my words and I nodded.

"You're adorable like that, NamJoon Oppa..." I smiled at him and I saw tiny rain droplets on the sandy floor which increasingly became bigger in a mere second. "It is raining! Let's get out of here..."

We ran out of the area immediately and were scurrying around to get back to my car when I realized that we were very far away from the car, it was parked in a parking lot and it would take minutes to reach there.

I could feel like my face is melting soon with the rain which rained down on my face and smudging my makeup but luckily it was waterproof, good thing that I decided to wear them today. But I could still get sick if I don't get out of the rain in time. NamJoon oppa too, I'm afraid that he might get sick.

I looked up at him and he was sheltering me from the rain by using his big and rough hands, holding it at an angle that the rain doesn't hit me but him. He was smiling like an idiot when he was doing that and I couldn't help myself but smile along with him. How can someone still look so charming even when he is drenched in the rain?

We got to a shelter quickly and we were waiting for the rain to stop before we could get into the car, it would be too wet for the car if we get to be in the car. He was wringing out the excess water from his shirt and trousers and I was looking out for the rain if it ever stops.

"I thought that it wouldn't rain today, I guess that we couldn't just rely on the weather forecast after all." I looked at him and he had his hair slicked back due to the rain, I couldn't help but to get closer to him, stop whatever he is doing and just kiss him right at the moment, placing my hands around his neck as I kissed him.

How can someone like him get overshadowed by his members all the time? No one could ever dislike him with his mannerisms, I liked that side of him from the very beginning. That handsome face of his is just a bonus.

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now