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I waved at my boyfriend as he waves back at me before he goes back to work, him smiling at me brightly and he nearly knocked into a pole but he swiftly avoids it and then falls down to the floor, all of it happening in less than 30 seconds. He is still very clumsy and I don't mind that about him, at least he is still a human with flaws, just like any other human in this world.

I waited for him to get out of sight and I went back into the café, to the three ladies who harassed NamJoon just because they were so curious about it. They could've just asked me to bring him along with me if they want to meet him, why do they want to go through extra mile for things like this?

I initially thought that I was going to have an interview by one of the hottest wedding magazines out there and then I would go with the girls to have lunch, all of them had taken their days off and they decided to launch a sneak attack on NamJoon while I am not around.

I sat down and Eunhee passed me my drink. "Calm down a little, I know that we are in the wrong but we were just curious to know more about the guy who changed you entirely."

"I know right. He seems to be a lot different from the other celebrities out there, even though he is filthy rich  but the way that he acts is just so humble and down to earth." AeRan added on.

"You sound like you regretted not having a celebrity boyfriend, they are easy to find but you have to suffer the consequences. Just like today, you three risked your lives to have a meeting with NamJoon where the whole situation will start rumours and everyone would be affected by it. Especially those fans who love him to bits and would do anything just to keep their idols safe."

"I am fine with it, he is a lot better than my children's father, he works all the time but he is a little boring for me." Yong-rim sipped on her cup of coffee. "Tell us more about him, he seems to be a very interesting guy."

Yong-rim is normally the type of person who will keep her mouth shut about these things and would only take action when she needs to, other than that, she is more like a kitten than a cat which flashes it claws out when they are annoyed by something. Despite her mannerisms and personality that makes her stronger and crazy, she is just a working adult who is married and has two beautiful children, and she is also very soft at times, she cries very easily as well and her husband would have to comfort her all the time.

She has definitely toned down a notch ever since she got married, marriage is the thing who made her the person she is today, trying to understand people at their very best and not being ignorant to everything in sight. Those are the very few reasons why I
still stayed friends with them 10 years after our graduation, these people have the right personality to match mine and we work hard to match others as well.

"He is really considerate though he is a little clingy at times I couldn't blame him for that, all boyfriends would want to stick with their girlfriends for as long as possible and they wouldn't want to be away from them. Even though he is busy with his work, he still tries to make time for me who is also a workaholic and he brings me out to places for me to relieve my stress."

"He definitely doesn't sound like my husband, I am the one who brings him out to places for him to experience things. But it is good, at least he makes time for you to spend more time with you." She took another sip of her coffee. "Does anyone out there know that you guys are dating?"

I shook my head. "I don't plan on revealing our relationship so soon and I don't think that it is the right time either, we have only started dating and he is a celebrity, I have to take note of everything around me and to take care of my image so that it doesn't affect him but there were rumours of him dating me and it hadn't been confirmed yet."

AeRan nodded in agreement. "Right, dating gets harder when you are always in the eyes of the public, I'm sure that NamJoon ssi knows about that very well and he is trying his very best to protect you at all costs."

"And he is also willing to give up his entire career just for you, isn't that too much? He is really an angel." Eunhee added onto the point and I was stunned. "I was very surprised when he said that to us."

He is indeed an angel from heaven, no one will be willing to give up a job that he has done for the past decade just to protect me from any harm, there is no way that anyone would do that without hesitation. While I am being very selfish for wanting to protect my career, he is the one who is happy not being a celebrity and he is willing to be a normal citizen just for me.

I nodded. "He is the best person that I have met and I don't think that I will ever meet someone else like that again." I took a deep breath, I have to do that or not I will feel like crying, I am just too touched by NamJoon's actions. "Well, enough of that. I don't want to cry at this timing so let's move onto the next topic. How's your love life, AeRan?"

She was flustered, totally taken off guard by my question. I could never forget about her boyfriend whom she told me last night, even though I have no idea who she is dating but she is definitely dating a celebrity. "I am not dating anyone at the moment, I swear! I'm single as hell." I doubted her words of course, I could never believe that she would be single when she is so beautiful and attractive.

Yong-rim pointed at her face. "Your face is turning red, tell the truth to me before we start whacking you in public and you definitely don't want that to happen to you."

"I..." Her phone started ringing and we took a glance over at the caller ID, it is definitely a guy and she even added hearts to his name. "Min Yoongi?!" The three of us gasped.

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ