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I made a smooth turn into the parking lot and I parked my car, getting my stuff out of the car and I made my way to the lift where I would make my way home. It has been a long day and all I want to do is to relax on a couch and then supervise Kim NamJoon cook his romantic dinner for us, he told me that he is cooking tonight and we are spending our date at my place.

And it has been nearly 3 weeks since I met him but it feels like forever and I feel like I am in a long-distance relationship with Kim NamJoon even though we live in the same country and the same city and we are only about 30 minutes away from 2ach other and we don't meet each other that often, so I treasure the time that we spend with each other every time we meet up.

He wanted to bring his dog along with him as well and have a double date and I wanted to reject him not because I didn't like his dog, his dog is adorable and he gets along with my puppy and I don't want to spend all of my time trying to take care of 3 babies so I wanted to tell him to leave the dog at home and he would come to my place on his own but I just couldn't reject him and the look in his eyes just doesn't allow myself to reject him.

I have to owe it to his dear friend for saving my life, Min Yoongi called me earlier and he is wanting to convince his best friend that having a double date with our dogs is a bad idea and he finally let go of that idea and he is going to spend time with me alone and we are going to have the best time together. And we are celebrating our 5th monthsary, it has been 5 months ever since we have been going out with each other and it is a record for the both of us.

Kim NamJoon has never dated anyone beyond 5 months and I have never dated anyone for so long before, and I am happy that we lasted 5 months together and there are going to be more celebrations from now on. I got out of the lift and made my way to my apartment, entering the passcode and the door unlocked and I was immediately greeted by the aroma of food.

And the smell of the food is not bad smelling at all, it smells like a feast and it made my stomach growl, I am hungry but I feel odd about it. There is no way that NamJoon can cook like this, I was expecting to see a whole mess of pots and pans being used and cluttered at the sink, the whole apartment would smell like it is on fire but I don't smell anything like that at all.

And then I heard another voice that is not Kim NamJoon, there is someone else at my apartment and I am not aware of it. I walked to the kitchen and I saw a woman who is wearing my aprons that I bought just because they looked nice, she is not just some random woman that my boyfriend had decided to bring back home. Why is she here anyway?

"What is this?" I said and the two of them turned around, happy to see me around. What is even happening in here?

"Hey, you're home already? You can go wash up while I prepare dinner with Yiyeong Omma." He said to me.

"Why is the babysitter even here for?" I asked him. "And I thought that my brother has already fired you," I said to her.

"Yiyeong Omma, you can continue on the cooking and I will come over later." He said to the babysitter and he turns towards me, taking me out of the kitchen.

"I thought that you were supposed to be preparing dinner, why is she around then?" I asked him as he sat me down on the couch.

"I met Yiyeong Omma at the supermarket and she was just going around to buy some groceries and I heard from Sehyun that she is good at cooking and I figured out that it would be better for me to ask her about the cooking and I told her to come here to prepare dinner on behalf of me and you wouldn't be able to witness me setting your kitchen up on fire."

I stared at his eyes and it didn't waver at all, he is not lying to me and he is just worried that he might ruin my kitchen if he actually cooks and he is just asking Han Yiyeong to cook for me, there is no hidden agenda in his plan and I have been so harsh towards him. "Then why did she even agreed to cook for me? She works for my older brother and she is not here to cook for us."

"About that, your older brother gave me a hidden mission and you are not supposed to know about it." He whispered to me.

"You are already telling me about it and you plan to tell me the entire thing as well, so just spill," I told him, leaning in closer to him that I could smell his scent, he smelt really good today.

"Your older brother had a thing for YiYeong Omma and he is planning to take her back, it wouldn't be a problem since Sehyun already likes her so much and he even calls her his mother when she is only a babysitter." My face stiffened and I don't know what to feel about this, my older brother has barely got his life together after getting divorced from his first love and he has a lot of things that he needs to take care of and now there is a new woman in his life.

She might be good to my older brother but they have a huge age gap between each other and she is even younger than me and I am his younger sister, she must be so good that my older brother is willing to be with someone younger than him own younger sister. "Does your plan include a third person? Because I want to help my older brother get a wife."

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now