Ch 30

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I looked out of the window, pouting as I waited for the rain to stop but it just won't stop, it could rain after we have gotten out of the car and left for the hotel nearby but it just decides to rain right at this moment in the middle of the road miles away from the destination. "When will it stop raining?" I asked HaEun who is focusing on her driving. "Will it affect your itinerary?"

She shook her head. "Don't worry, we will be indoors for now until the rain stops and there is still a while before we arrive at our destination. You bored?"

I replied with a 'Eung' and she just chuckled. "What are you laughing at?"

She laughed once more. "No, it is just that you looked so sad while looking at the rain. The sky is going to clear up any time soon and we are able to proceed with the next part of our trip once the rain stops." She held my hand. "It's okay, the rain is not that depressing, I love the rain when it is drizzling and I am indoors."

"I enjoy long walks in the park when it is drizzling but not like this, we are practically in a rainstorm right now and it is scary for me," I told her. "What if it floods? I don't want to join Prince Eric who drowns in the ocean."

I know that it sounds really stupid but I had dreamt of this exact situation when I was a young boy, the rain would continue to rain until it starts to fill the entire place with water, it doesn't stop until the place becomes an ocean and we get sucked into that ocean, the dream ends with me drowning in that ocean and I die as a result. I was very traumatized with things and it didn't change even as an adult.

"Then I'll be your Princess Ariel who will save you from drowning and make you fall in love with me without hearing my voice." I was expecting HaEun to mock me for having such a childish mindset towards things but she didn't laugh at all, she played along with me without having a hint of mockery in her voice, it is exactly like that time when we went to the beach a month ago, she could've told me to shut up and act more like an adult but instead she chose to play along with me just to make me feel like I'm normal and I am normal. "Or I can be the evil witch that curses Princess Ariel to never fall in love with you."

"I want you to be my Princess Ariel for me, I mean it. You are just like a princess to me but I feel more like a princess in this situation, you are driving the car and I am here, helpless without a car license and being injured here." I pouted sadly as I looked out of the window, seeing a view that I have never seen before. "Where are we going anyways? It doesn't seem like we are still in Seoul."

"Yep, we are not in Seoul, Incheon is the exact location that we are going to." She replied. "It is kind of close but I'm sure that you will enjoy it a lot and there are beaches in Incheon as well, you will get to see your little friends and hopefully it would be sunny when you reach there."

I nodded, getting excited that I will be able to play with the little crabs and me am just excited that I will be going to the beach, I have always liked beaches since I was a little kid even though I have a fear of getting into the water, I enjoyed playing around in the sand where there is a lot of things to play, the little crabs that look even tinier in my huge hands, colourful seashells of all shapes and sizes that I can bring home to decorate and I could take pictures of the beautiful skies and the scenery in front of me.

"But it wouldn't be today." I immediately frowned. "All of today's activities are going to be indoors but it will be enjoyable if you trust me in it." She drove into the driveway of a particular apartment and she stopped the car. "This would be the first stop."

Someone wearing a butler's uniform opened the car for us and I got out of the car, totally confused with the whole situation. I didn't know what was going on until I heard the butler greeted HaEun with the same term of endearment that how they address their female bosses in dramas, the level of classiness that separates them from the normal people. "Ahgasshi..." How rich is she even?

I had known that Bang PD has made a lot of money over the years with his luckiness in creating and managing our group and composing songs at the same time but I didn't know that he was already rich before that, I didn't know that they were wealthy enough to have butlers waiting at the car porch to escort you right to the room and support you with their sturdy arms.

"Thank you guys, you guys are the best!" She thanked the butlers and the servants before closing the door, she turned around to face me. "Are you really shocked?" She said referring to the situation earlier.

I shook my head. "It's nothing, they are really strong though. So this is where you lived?" I tried not to sound like a gold digger but I am really curious about her life, other than the fact that she is my boss's daughter and she is a wedding planner with 3 other scary girlfriends, I have no clue about her life.

She nodded. "Why? Do you feel uncomfortable? We can go to a hotel if you don't want to."

"It's okay," I reassured her. "Will there be anyone staying here?"

She shook her head. "Though the entire family would be here to have dinner, that is the first activity that we will be having."

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now