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I patiently waited for HaEun to arrive after her work ended and my hands and feet say otherwise, they were shaky as heck, I am so nervous that it would be hard for HaEun to help me on this. I called her earlier while she is at work and I told her all about JiMin and the unknown woman who came into the dance studio and made him fall in love with her, she wasn't really willing to help me on this because it is not her expertise and she deals with couples who are already together, not two random strangers who don't know each other.

But she was willing to give it a try and she can't guarantee that it would really work, she is a wedding planner after all. And I hope that she can find JiMin get closer to the unknown woman, this is JiMin first time at love and I want him to have the best experience ever.

"Relax, NamJoon... HaEun ssi is going to turn up, and she is not going to scold you." SeokJin told me while trying to balance a boiled egg on his forehead. "Instead, try doing it to help you get rid of all the nervousness."

"No thanks, SeokJin hyung. I am fine with not doing anything, I will just wait till she comes." I told him.

"Does JiMin really want to get matched with that woman? It could be just a little crush and it probably means nothing much, and plus he only saw her once." HoSeok reminded me once again.

It is true that JiMin only met the woman today and it is only once but I believe in love at first sight, it is proven to be the purest type of love and people who fell in love that way will tend to love the person for the rest of their lives but it doesn't always mean that it would work out for everyone. Feelings take time to develop and it depends from person to person, some people fall in love on their first meeting while some takes months or even years to develop hard feelings for the person that they have taken a liking to.

"HoSeok hyung is right, what if she rejects JiMin hyung? Wouldn't he be very devastated? We wouldn't want that to happen at all." JungKook nodded his head and the others nodded in agreement. "JiMin hyung wouldn't be the same person and it will be because of you, NamJoon hyung."

"But at least JiMin has experienced falling in love and getting rejected, he needs to do that since he is going to be 30 years old," Taehyung said and he looked at me. "Should we still continue with this secret operation since there are some disagreements?"

"Let's see after meeting HaEun, I can't guarantee that it would work for JiMin but we assume that it would work for now," I told him. "Wouldn't it be a waste if JiMin doesn't get to know that woman and someone like her wouldn't appear ever again?"

The doors to the meeting room opened and HaEun appeared behind it, still dressed in her work attire and she looked so beautiful and charismatic in it. "Sorry, I am late. There was a traffic jam leading up to here, I am so sorry." She apologized to all the members except for JiMin because he is not supposed to be here and she takes a seat next to me.

"It's okay, we forgive you since you are our dear leader's beloved girlfriend and future wife." SeokJin finally stops balancing the boiled egg and he starts to peel it. "We are the ones who troubled you to come all the way here for a tiny request, we need to get JiMin a girlfriend and we need your help on that."

"HaEun, you can take off your heels if you want," I whispered to her, she could've spent a whole day walking in them and I know how much it exactly hurts. "Do you need any drinks? I will go buy them for you."

"Do you know who the lady is and what she works as?" She totally ignored my words and my presence, looking at the members with the look that she gives is being very serious. "I need all of this information or I can't start investigating her to make sure that she is the right individual for Park JiMin."

HoSeok passed her his phone and it was a picture of the lady. "This is her face and she is last seen going down the lift to the ground floor of the building just this evening, I think that she is meeting someone and then leaving."

"That is not enough, it is obvious that she is meeting someone. I need more evidence on her, does anyone have more information on her?"

Everyone shook their heads, all of us have been cooped up in the dance studio for the entire day practising our dances and we only ended our practice an hour ago, we only managed to capture the woman leaving the building and that is all.

"Her name is Kang Seulgi, age 31 years old and she is an Aquarius born in the year 1994. Her hobby is painting and she is a graphic designer in BigHit entertainment, today was her first day at work." All of us turned towards Min Yoongi hyung who just blurted all of that as if he recited it and we were all shocked, I can't believe that he knows all of that when the rest of us have no clue about her birthday or her name.

"How did you--" I blurted. "We were in the dance studio all day and we didn't leave the studio at all, how could you have gotten information on her?"

"I have my own ways of getting information and I am not telling anyone about it." Yoongi hyung turns towards HaEun. "You got all of that down? I can repeat it to you again if you want to."

She shook her head. "That is great, thank you Yoongi ssi on getting all the vital information on Kang Seulgi. And we are able to start on the first mission very soon, you guys have to wait for my cue." She cleared her throat. "I have no idea what will exactly happen if Kang Seulgi rejects Park JiMin but I wish him all the best that he can get himself a girlfriend before his 30th birthday. Who's with me?"

All of them raised their hands up in agreement and we have become an alliance to commence operation 'Getting JiMin a girlfriend', we shook hands with each other to complete the alliance and we promise to not betray each other during the whole operation, not that it will happen but just in case that it might happen.

All of us left the building and we didn't have dinner with each other like we wanted to because some people have other plans and so I decided that I would have a date night with HaEun, it has been a while since we have done that and I would love to spend even more time with her. "You really don't have to get me your slides, I am fine with my heels."

"They are not comfortable at all, they are murder weapons to your feet. And slides are better, they don't make your feet hurt after a long time of wearing them." I told her. "And you can wear comfortable footwear when you are at work as well, nobody is going to judge you if you are wearing slides while in a meeting."

She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Fine, I will try to wear slides more often from now on so that you wouldn't complain."

"Thanks, I have to make sure that you are comfortable." I intertwined her hand with mine. "Because you are my girlfriend and I care a lot about your well-being." I kissed her on the temple.

"Where are we having dinner anyways?" She asked and I gave her a mysterious smile. "A restaurant that you have never heard before but I am sure that you will love it and you don't need to pay a single cent for it."

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now