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I gathered all the ideas for Mr Kang's wedding and Mr Jung's wedding and wrote down in my notebook.


I turned to my left side, I saw Hakyeonnie standing up with his paws placed together leaning on my knees. Hakyeonnie must have woken up because of me typing furiously on the keyboard. "Hakyeonnie, do you want some late-night snacks? I'm going to the kitchen for a while to get my coffee." He barked again, saying that he wants it too. "Glutton..." I chuckled and got up from my whirl chair stretching my whole body at the same time.

It is 2 am and I am still awake doing my work, unlike most people who were already asleep at this hour or those people who are still partying in those sleazy nightclubs until they drop. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, revealing the contents inside of it, there is only one word to describe it - empty. I must have eaten it all during my weekend solo drinking sessions again.

I don't even know how much I actually eat when I am drinking, I would only realize when I open the fridge the next time I want to eat something. My mother would only come on Mondays to restock which is still 3 days away. There are only Hakyeonnie's cotton candy flavoured dog treats which are only fit for animal consumption which HwaYeon bought just today, I would rather choose to die than to eat his treats.

I sighed. No matter how much I hated going out to buy stuff at night, I still have to for the sake of my hungry tummy that hasn't digested any food since 8 pm. I poured out a moderate amount of dog treats into Hakyeonnie's bowl and gave him water at the side. "Omma is going out to buy snacks, be a good boy and chase out anyone that is not me ok?" I instructed him and patted his head at the same time, making sure that he understands.

I took my keys, wallet, and phone along with me and I left the house after locking the door, I arrived at the convenience store at lightning speed, I picked up whatever I needed and made it to the beverages aisle trying to get the packet of instant coffee when someone got it. I got down and turned towards that person that got the coffee that I wanted, he was a rather small person but who is still taller than me. "What do you want?" He said coldly. Rude - the only word that I can describe him now.

He is also very pale, too pale to be exact, he seems to be like the type that hardly goes out or goes out only at night, like vampires although he doesn't have red eyes or fangs. "N-nothing!" I replied back to him which he ignored me and walked away. Well, there are all sorts of people in this world.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and continued to reach for that pack of instant coffee that I know that I would never reach in a lifetime. "Use this ladder instead, they have plenty of them laying around." Someone else said something this time pushing a ladder beside me. Could it be that guy again? "Thanks..." I said without lifting my head up to see who is it.

"It's my pleasure, boss..." He said. Boss? Me?

I looked up and I saw him again, the guy with awesome body proportions, he is wearing a beanie and glasses this time around. "NamJoon ssi?" I said trying to recall how HwaYeon ssi called him earlier this afternoon.

"You know me? Of course, you do..."

"I don't," I said frankly, I was just being honest, I don't like to lie.

"You don't? Well, there are 7 members in BTS and I am--" That pale guy called him. "NamJoon-ah, Hurry up or my inspiration for the song is gone. I just thought of a good melody to be used in the song." 

"Ok!" He answered. "Hope to see you again, Boss." He said giving me a simple smile before catching up to that pale guy, I assume that they are friends judging by the way he ran to him, it seems friendly.

And that dimpled smile, I don't know how to describe it in words. It is just perfect, he must be a songwriter or a producer judging by their conversation. Maybe he's my Mr Right, who knows...

Ahh, Hakyeonnie! I better go home right now or he is going to be so angry at me for returning back late, he is so much like a human and is a perfectionist.

I paid for the items and sprinted back home in fear of HakYeonnie pouncing on me and scolding me in his dog language which I don't really understand, I opened the door and indeed saw Hakyeonnie sitting in the doorway, his eyes telling me that I am 5 minutes late from my errand. "Omma is back from her shopping and is about to sleep now. Can you do the same too?" I pleaded. He scanned me from top and bottom and then turned around walking to his bed falling asleep instantly. Seriously?

I chuckled at his actions and went to clean up his bowl before going to bed at 3.35 am. Yes, I am a night owl because of my freaking job, the job that caused me to still be single at the age of 30.



I caught up with Suga hyung and he just gave me a bitch face, as expected of Suga hyung. "You know that girl?"

"Well, sort of. We bumped into each other earlier in the shopping mall and she was buying around 5 packets of dog treats."

"Dog Treats? Not human food?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, that's all I know about her. And she is a boss, a CEO."

"You like her?"

"I don't know... You do know that my ideal type is someone who-" He cuts me off. "Who looks good wearing just a white shirt, jeans and red converse high? I know, you even wrote that as a song and I hate converse high."

"Who cares? I just hope that I would see her again and ask her out."

He counted something with his fingers. "And that would your 10th breakup if you fail at getting her."

"I must, I am not getting younger anymore. You too, hyung."

"What about me? I am never getting married."

"OK, grandpa Suga..." I said and ran as fast as I can to avoid him hitting me.

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora