Ch 33

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I was fuming mad as I continued to stare at that weird woman that my brother hired, I can't believe that he has hired a babysitter to take care of this children instead, he has always done the parenting himself ever since my sister-in-law left him, I mean that ex-sister-in-law that broke up their own marriage on her own.

He had to take care of his children on his own because that woman betrayed my brother's love for her and decided that it is better for her to lust after another man who works at the same company as her, she could've just continued to be with my brother for a little while and then divorce him because they don't have feelings for each other anymore, and not because she has feelings for another man while still in a relationship with my brother.

And because of her, my older brother of 5 years have lost all hope for love and he told himself that he would never fall for anyone ever again in fear that he might get hurt once again by another woman who only knew how to toy with his feelings and then tossing him aside after she is done using him. And I am worried that this woman is going to hurt my older brother, I don't care how young she is but I don't want my older brother to get hurt by some woman that he doesn't deserve.

I had my phone to my ear as I stood at the balcony, it is nearing evening and he should be off work by this time, he should be able to pick up my calls and pretend to not know about it. "Yes, Bang Yongguk speaking..."

"Oppa... It's me, HaEun." I replied to him.

"I know... And I know why you are calling as well, she is hired to only take care of my children and she will be only hired for 1 month." He clarified my doubts. "And I have told her to represent me at the family gathering because I couldn't make it, our father knows about it."

"Oppa, I just can't understand why are you so trusting of this woman? Aren't you afraid that she might do something to your children when you are not around? You have seen the news, there is a lot of caretakers who abuse their employers' children and then make sure that the children would listen to them and of course they would listen because they are all afraid of getting beaten up."

"HaEun, listen... Yiyeong is not like the other babysitters that you know, she is different. She wouldn't abuse my children for no reason, she is the kindest person that I have ever known."

That made me want to roll my eyes at him, why is he so attracted to this babysitter? What is so special about her? "But how can you hire some woman that you don't even know? You can just send Sehyun to the daycare centre and SeJeong and Sena are at that age where they could take care of their own needs perfectly well, they don't need such a young woman to take care of them. If I were to be you, I would do just that and focused lesser on work and then I would be able to attend our annual family gathering and not like what you are doing now, throwing your children to some unknown woman while you work. I'm so disappointed in you, Oppa..."

I ended the call and I turned around, jumping up in fright as NamJoon was just standing there, not saying a thing at all. Has he been listening to what I have just said to my own brother? "NamJoon... I thought that you were in the living room, not standing behind me while I was on the phone."

I was afraid that he might think that I am being some control freak over my own brother but he was being rational about it, he didn't think that I am being too outraged about it and I have a reason for it. I don't have a good experience with babysitters myself when I am still younger, my father hired a nanny to take care of me and my older brother while my mother was sick throughout my entire toddler years.

The nanny that my father hired was told to be one of the best nannies in the market but it turns out that she was famous for another reason, she loves to torture fussy toddlers who refuses to have their vegetables and make them not drink any water in exchanged for that and beat me with the metal spoon. I was a fussy toddler who hated eating all the vegetables on my plate and thus I was often being tortured by the nanny when both my parents, but soon she got caught when my mother discovered that I had a lot of bruises on my arms and knees. Needlessly, she was fired from her position without any explanation and my family never hired any babysitters ever again.

And it is not like my older brother has no recollection over the incident that stayed with me throughout our childhood, he was already a child when that incident happened and he too suffered some trauma from that babysitter but he seems to have forgotten everything about it and he hired a babysitter to especially take care of his 4-year-old son. I just don't trust that young lady that she is able to take care of a toddler and 2 teenager's needs, she is not going to fulfil their needs completely. And she is only being hired for a month and my brother already trusts her so much, she seems shady even though I have no idea how she is because today is the first time that I have seen her.

I came back to the living room and she was watching the kids channel with Sehyun who is seated next to her, Sehyun seems to be very attached to her for some reason... It is true that she reminded me of my ex-sister-in-law but they are two different people, but why do they give off the same vibe?

And then I spotted my only niece staring at me with those huge eyes of hers and she pointed to her phone while still staring at me, I whipped out my phone and she indeed messaged me.

Meet me in your room, I have something to talk to you about.

Niece SeNa

She began making her way towards my room and I am afraid that she might do something to my room if I don't stop her, although she is an adorable niece that I had ever since I was 12, she is notorious for making people not being able to refuse the offers that she had given and she is very good at it. I have many times given in to her not because I am afraid of her, it is because I wanted to treat my nieces and nephews like my own siblings and they will do the same to me as well, except that Bang SeNa clearly doesn't do that.

I got into my room before her and she walked into my room with her arms crossed over one another, her phone in her left hand. "I guess that you have already received my message, and here I am in your room."

"Please be more respectful and polite to someone who is on the same level as your father, I am still your aunt even if you grow up," I told her. "What is it that you want to talk about?"

"I saw you talking to Han YiYeong earlier and you didn't seem that pleased upon seeing her and I don't like her as well, because she thinks that she owns the family and Sehyun included. Shall we join forces to bring her down for once?"

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora