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I take a deep bow towards HaEun's friends. "Thank you once again for agreeing to help me out with the proposal." I know that they are just HaEun's friends but they are HaEun's friends for life and she had spent one decade with them and they are probably going to be friends for the rest of their lives.

I was only planning to give HaEun a birthday surprise but I thought of it and it would be better if I were to propose to her at the same time, marriage is a matter of time for us and we technically have already said yes to getting married but only the two of us know about it. And so I wanted to propose to her office and I wanted to find the perfect time to do it and her birthday was the perfect timing for us since it has only been a day ever since we moved in together and the mood is still there for us.

I told everyone about it and they were so ready to help me, especially my members who are not married yet, SeokJin hyung and Hoseok took the backseat for it even though they are most experienced in this. The not married members on the other hand immediately contacted all the places that are needed to put together a perfect proposal but I told them that I don't want something that sounded so personalized but it is being done by a lot of people.

I don't want my proposal to look like an influencer's proposal that millions of people would watch on the screen, I want it to be personal and unique to both of us. So I told them that they didn't need to do anything much and they should be in their places until I instruct them to, this proposal is going to be simple and I am sure that HaEun is going to love it.

"No need to thank you, we need to thank you for taking HaEun away from all the other guys and away from singlehood, she had been single for far too long and she was even thinking about giving up until you came along in her life that she decided to give love a chance." Seo AeRan said and she glanced towards her boyfriend who is currently using his phone and she let out a huge sigh. Little does she know that Yoongi hyung is planning a lot of things for their future too...

"You're the model boyfriend and soon-to-be brother-in-law, I can't believe that we will get a celebrity songwriter as a brother-in-law." Shin Eunhee said to me. "I am looking forward to your marriage with my dear friend, don't make her cry or we will come for you. Even though Yongrim isn't here, I can say a few words to you as a warning. She can break your bones if you are not careful enough, and you will spend the rest of your time laying down and you are not able to get up."

This friend of hers is meek if you want her to but she can be very scary if you touch the wrong nerve, I still have doubts as to whether she is the actual leader of their clique or is it Kang Yongrim? Anyways, I will be making sure that I don't do anything to make the three of them come after me with a chopper.

"Is HaEun even going to be here? I thought that the fierce one went to get her." SeokJin hyung asked me.

"Maybe she is still working, I thought that the fierce one should be able to drag her out of there," JungKook replied to him.

"My dear friend has a name and Yongrim doesn't do anything like that, she might look tough and all but she is a mother of two and she works as a school teacher." That made all the guys laugh. "She is a former MMA fighter but she retired a year ago because she didn't want to get hurt." And they stopped laughing, I just knew that she was involved in martial arts or something because she looks tough and she is tough.

Yoongi hyung clears their throat. "Get to your places, they are reaching any moment. And Kang Yongrim is not with her, she went back home because one of her kids is running a fever."

They all got to their positions, going into the rooms while I stood in the living room and I waited for the perfect moment when she opened the door and I turned towards her when she switched on the lights. "Happy birthday to you, Bang HaEun!" I said to her, holding a birthday cake in my hand.

She immediately went to grab the cake away from me and placed it somewhere safe. "That would've become a disaster, you should just place it on the table."

"You should be happy that I bought-- I mean I made this cake for you on your special day and I want you to blow out the candles," I told her. "Happy birthday once again."

"Today is not my birthday, I am born in September but today is not my birthday." She confessed and I was confused, did I remember the wrong date? But I did hear that she said that she was born a week before me and she is a Virgo...

"Today is not your birthday, I remembered that you said that it was September 5th and we are a week apart from our birthdays." I looked around for help, am I wrong about that. "Then what is your birthday then?"

She suddenly comes closer to me and she kisses me on the lips. "I am born on September 5th, I was just kidding."

I was lost for a moment but her lips want me craving for me so I picked her up in my arms and we landed on the couch, kissing each other on the lips like there is no tomorrow and I heard a camera shutter sound all of a sudden. "Ah, I forgot that the sound can't be muted." I hear JiMin's whispering.

"Who was that?" HaEun asked me. "Are there other people in here?"

"They all gathered here for your birthday and I was supposed to be doing something special for you as well," I said to her. "Will you be my Mrs Kim, Miss Bang HaEun?"

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now