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I keep myself hidden behind NamJoon as he brings me around the studio that he works in and of course for me to meet the other members on a less formal setting, the last time I ever met all the members of his group, it was at the wedding and I didn't say much to them.

I was still really awkward with NamJoon Oppa at the wedding and the other members did nothing but to only make me even more socially awkward than I already am, they were exactly how I thought a real idol group would be but a million times louder.

They were all screaming and cheering for their beloved member and brother when it was time for Jung Hoseok ssi to kiss his wife to be and especially during the dance party, they were wrecking out their dance moves from god knows where and they were flapping around becoming the star of the party just like that when it should be focused on the newlyweds.

Needlessly to say, they are a bunch of people who loved to have fun wherever they are at. Even now when they are in their comfort zone, 3 of the members blasting music in the gaming room that one of the members set up just for the members who love to game.

NamJoon sighed at the sight. "Do you think that we should return later when they are a little less wild?" He suggested to me. "Sorry, they are not this wild usually. I don't know what the hell got into their minds that they are like this."

I giggled. "I think that they are just happy that they get to see each other like this, I don't think that they are crazy." I smiled.

"You won't feel like this when you have once lived with each other for a whole decade, you will get tired and annoyed at this sight." He said giving me a slight squeeze on my hand. "I'll let you meet them later after they have calmed down a little."

I nodded. "Fine. I allow you to meet the workaholics instead, they are really hardcore as well." He led me towards the other side of the building which is dead quiet until I reached one of the dance studios, there was loud music blasting through the soundproof walls. "There they are, as expected. They never take a day off not dancing, even if one is married and one who is too afraid to date anyone else."

He opens the door of the dance studio and I feel my heart tensing up as the seconds go by, a few seconds before I get to meet his members face to face for the first time in 1 month since the wedding. They turned around to the sound of the door being opened, they greeted their awesome leader and asked him about his day.

"Nothing much, I just spent the whole morning travelling back with HaEun ssi." He told them. "And I decided that I should bring her around to give her a tour of the whole place."

"Good afternoon Mrs Kim!" They greeted me with such enthusiasm that I felt myself backing up step by step when in reality, I am frozen in my spot unable to move an inch. Mrs Kim? Is that way too soon?

"G-Good afternoon..." I said back to them and NamJoon pulled me tighter in his hold.

"You guys, don't go claiming her as your sister-in-law!" NamJoon told them off. "You will scare her even more. Why are you guys here on a weekday?"

"I'm bored of being at home all day long so I decided to come to the studio for a few hours of practising." The guy with the naturally high pitched voice spoke, I think that he was called Jimin. "Cookie-hyung was here because he was tired of his wife ranting at him all day long."

He smacks his head. "Since when? She is out working and I had nothing to do so I came here." He explains himself. I guess that married life is not that different from a single lifestyle, it is just the addition of another person who starts to share your living quarters and lives with you like what a roommate would do but with a lot of hugs and kisses.

"Not thinking of adding another family member into the Jung Family?" Jimin earns another smack from his older member. "I thought that you wanted a lot of children?"

"It is just 2, okay?" He turned bright red and I chuckled softly. I have never thought that men like him would turn this red when he is flustered as well.

"I guess that YoungMi is happy as well, Hoseok ssi?" I asked him and he nodded. "Tell her that I said hi."

"Fine, I will not disturb you two anymore. Is Yoongi hyung in today?" NamJoon asked, leaving the room and I bowed down slightly to them.

"Of course, when would he ever take a day off? That guy is really something, he works all year and yet he complains that he is tired all the time. He seriously needs to go date someone else to break that spell." Hoseok ssi told him before the door to the dance studio is closed.

We moved to the recording studio or better known as Genius Lab that is being used by Yoongi ssi or what they called Suga PD, all the members that do rapping have their own recording studios that they use by themselves and in there, they spend days and nights composing tracks that people would love once it is released.

"He is a workaholic as well right?" I asked NamJoon as we walked along the corridor.

"Probably a hundred times more than me, I take walks around the park when I am out of inspiration, he doesn't. He stays in that lab of his and composes one song per day."

My eyes widen. "That's 365 songs in one year? That's crazy yet impressive at the same time." I asked and he nodded.

"That is why he doesn't date anyone, he doesn't have the time to." We reached the venue that Min Yoongi spends most of his life staying inside it. "We have to make him go out on a blind date or something."

He presses the doorbell and the door is opened a few seconds later, revealing a tired-looking man with extreme bedhead. That is exactly the textbook example of someone who sleeps in his workplace, the bedhead is one of his pieces of evidence of being a workaholic.

He is on the phone with someone else which he hangs up once he sees the two of us at his door, gulping his saliva as he scratched his head. "Why are you here again?"

"To check if you are alive, it turns that you are."

He scoffed. "What a joke." He looked at me. "HaEun ssi, you are here as well?"

"I'm giving her a tour around the place since it is her wish too," NamJoon told him and I greeted him at the same time. "Who is it that you are on the phone with?"

"No one important." He replied. "Don't do that too often, the paparazzi are going to know about it very soon."

"Got it," NamJoon told him and his phone started ringing again but he doesn't answer it. "Answer the phone."

"It is no one important, it is just spam mail." He commented and he turned bright red. He is definitely hiding something...

"It is better to pick up, it is a sign of courtesy," I said. "And especially if it is the same person that you were talking to earlier."

He groaned and took out his phone, swiping it to the right. "I thought that I told you not to call me during work!" He started to smile as he continues to talk. "Of course I will listen to you talk as you want. I will record all of it and send it to you on your birthday present, it is this Saturday right?"

Couldn't it be... He is dating someone...
I pulled the sleeves of the person next to me, making him look at me. "Is that someone who is in love?"

"I'm not the one that is thinking about that. He is dating someone else, the spell is already broken." I wonder who is that special someone?

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now