Ch 17

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"Are you kidding me?" I screamed whispered to the staff who is behind the counter and she nodded. "What the--"

HaEun glared at me before speaking to me on my behalf. "Are you really sure that we can't travel back to Seoul by car in this weather?"

"Yes, unfortunately." The staff typed something on her computer and I don't even know if she is really typing or not, she has been doing that ever since we first spoke to her just a minute ago. "The weather is just too windy and rainy for cars to travel on the road. Do you guys really have to return back to Seoul by tonight?"

HaEun told me that she has to get back to Seoul earliest tonight as she has a sudden request from her workplace and she had to get back to Seoul as soon as possible. And the team can't do anything without her, they all needed her to finish up the report before the couple comes by the wedding boutique tomorrow morning which is only a few hours away.

It is my fault that I hadn't asked her if she had things to do before bringing her all the way to Busan without notifying her about it, I only thought of bringing out from her workplace for her to take a short break from work but I never realised that she couldn't take a break from her work even if she wants to.

It is the wedding season now and there is a lot of couples who want to get hitched at this point of time, of course, other wedding boutiques would be busy as well planning the best weddings that they can for the summer.

She has no time to rest even if she wants to, there are not enough employees to replace her if she wants to take a break off. All the wedding planners are busy with their own projects and they can't take on her project at this time and her team is waiting on her to finish up the report so that they can get started on the project.

"I have to, I've got an important thing to do once I have to go back and I have to get back by tonight." She told the staff. "Is that any chance that we can get to the airport by any other transportation?"

She shook her head. "The rain is way too heavy to be driving and I wouldn't advise you to do so. The best way is to get a place for tonight and leave the first time in the morning."

"Where is the nearest hotel then? The one that we wouldn't need to travel far." I then asked as HaEun ssi looked way too tired and dejected, she has been way too stressed with work and now this problem.

"This is this motel that is 5 minutes away and you can find that out by looking at the signboard, it is called Rose Motel." She gave me the address and I looked at it before thanking her.

We left the district office and it was still raining with no signs of ever stopping, it looks like it would rain for the entire day at this rate. I am fine with going back to Seoul on a later date but HaEun ssi can't delay her work, the whole project is going to delay without her being around.

"There is no choice but to stay for a night in Busan," I said to her while we walked to the motel that was mentioned by the staff. "It is not like we can tell the rain to stop right now."

"Did you bring along your laptop with you? I have to do a Skype call with the team later on." She asked and I tried hard not to frown. Is she seriously still worrying about work at this time?

I nodded despite part of me not agreeing with the idea but I didn't want to argue with her on this matter, it is not like I have a part in this. It is her job and she loves it, that is why she stayed in the industry for so long. If she hadn't liked what she's doing, she wouldn't be so passionate and persistent over a slight delay in our schedule.

I liked how she is hard working all the time but she is overworking way too much to the extent that she might get collapsed on the floor due to overworking.

Once we got to the motel and checked ourselves into a room, she immediately got to work, picking up calls from Seoul and engaging her team and the supplier that she is working with. From what I heard from the conversation, the client that she is working with suddenly pushed the wedding date 2 weeks before and they have to work twice as fast to meet their requirements for the location booking and the engagement party all in the same week.

It would be easy if the client is in the same country but the thing is that she is all the way in Japan and she is going to have a wedding in Seoul without having any knowledge about the city or the culture. All she wants is to have a traditional Joseon wedding in Korea while not understanding how it is so hard to replicate the same thing as what she had seen in a particular period drama.

Who the hell would do a wedding like this in this era? Most of the stuff that the client mentioned is not being able to acquire due to the lack of information to get those items.

I watched her running from the bed to the couch and back to the couch while trying to rack her brains out for some ideas to replace the items that the client mentioned, going back to the laptop to search for some more information. It is nearly impossible to think that the client wants the wedding to be planned in 3 weeks when it is still in the pre-planning stage and she is not even in the same country.

And I managed to save HaEun from falling on the floor with a huge thud while she is still on the phone call with her planning team. I touched her forehead and I quickly withdrew my hand from it, she has a high fever. The rain had caused her to be sick in the midst of all the chaos that she is facing.

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now