Ch 44

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I thought that I would never be this nervous up until this moment that I allowed HaEun to meet my family and it is so nerve-wracking for me, I am 31 years old this year and I have never brought a girl home to meet my parents and today is the first time that I am actually doing that. I am not new at relationships and I have dated quite a lot of people throughout my life and I have never thought of bringing any of them home to show off to my partner to my family, I didn't feel the need to do that and I often ended the relationship with them even before I got to tell them more about my family and even bringing up the topic of even meeting my family.

I have also never met anyone's family in any of my relationships and it became a relationship that only consisted of me and my partner, no one comes in between me and we call the shots on our own. It was only until I met HaEun and I decided that I want to let her know everything about me and she would have to tell everything about her as well, there are no secrets between the both of us and we do things like that.

I was actually thinking about allowing HaEun to meet my parents the moment I started dating her but I am afraid that she might get scared of meeting my parents at such an early stage of our relationship, it is her first relationship and I don't want to rush things too quickly or it might stress her out a little too much. But little did I know that she might make me meet her parents first at our second-weekend getaway, I was totally caught off guard and I wasn't prepared for that at all.

I thought that we would be booking a hotel to stay in just like how we booked the motel the last time we went to Busan but she arranged for the both of us to stay in her Incheon house, and both of her parents were there and I met her nephews as well. It quickly turned into their annual family gathering and it was short of her older brother, who wasn't present at the family and he sent the babysitter to go in replacement of her, it wasn't a very nice sight to see when I saw HaEun not being very happy at the babysitter.

I got caught in the middle of their family drama and I don't know how exactly to deal with that but I know that I am able to get along with her parents because her father is my boss and I have met her mother a couple of times but not her older sister, I heard from Bang PD that he is someone who is not to mess with and he is a very serious family man and he is yet another workaholic of the family.

I literally got a shock the last time and I decided to get back at HaEun by bringing her back home to meet my own parents and my younger sister, it is a plan to make her nervous about impressing my parents but it turned out to be me who is feeling all of that nervousness even though I planned this entire thing.

Bang HaEun is unexpectedly getting along with my parents so well that she is actually going to be best friends with them, she doesn't seem that she was nervous and scared that she might make my parents angry at her. And my parents as well, they are laughing at everything that they are doing even when she is meeting them for the first time.

And yet, I am here not knowing what exactly I should do in a situation when I have handled multiple situations like this throughout my entire singing career but I look more like that socially awkward person who was dragged to a party by his friends and my friends have all left me. It feels exactly that way and I looked towards my younger sister for help, she is sometimes helpful in situations like this and I depend on her for this.

"Oppa, why aren't you talking at all? You have been silent for the whole time that you have been here with HaEun ssi, cat got your tongue?" Her comment made everyone turn towards me and I feel even more awkward, I literally forgot that she is the savage princess in my family after the savage queen which is my mother.

"I am just wondering when are we even having fruits? It has been nearly an hour since we are done with dinner and we do need something to properly digest the food that we ate earlier." I directed that to my mother who looked indifferent to what I have said.

"You do that yourself if you really want to have fruits, I am going to stay here to chat with HaEun ssi." She looked towards HaEun. "Do you want to have any fruits, darling?" And Bang HaEun nods her head.

My mother only calls the people that she adores by the term darling and she is already treating Bang HaEun like one even though she has only met her a few hours ago, Bang HaEun is slowly taking over my position in the family by the minute and I can't allow her to do that any longer.

I stood up, looking towards my younger sister and my father. "Anyone else wanting fruits?" I asked them and they nodded, everyone in the house is treating me like a slave and they are liking that so much.

I walked to the kitchen and took out a few fruits and started cutting them, in order to look more appealing on a plate and knowing that I don't have much experience in cooking, this might very well be the last time that I will ever enter the kitchen. But I had to complete the task as I was told to do so and cut off all of those fruits and give it to him, I completed cutting some of the fruits and I suddenly had the confidence to cut more of them up until I decided to cut myself with the knife as well.

I let out a small yell and let go of my knife, holding my injured finger in one hand, not knowing what to do and I might as well die just like that. But a hand came to grab my arm and she dragged me to the sink where she washed off the wound and she disinfected the wound with the first aid kit and taped a cute plaster on top of the wound. "How clumsy can you get, Kim NamJoon? Do I have to be there for you all the time?"

I nodded and I hugged her tightly with my head on her shoulder. "Yes, be there for me all the time and I will always love you." I can't ever hate Bang HaEun because I love her too much more than I hated her and I will never want to leave her side for someone else, no one is able to replace her but Bang HaEun herself.

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now