Ch 19

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I watched her get into her apartment, just staring at her back even though she has told me to return back home multiple times but I don't give a damn about that. I only wanted to see her beautiful face even if the world is breaking apart, all it matters is to be able to see her beautiful smile of hers.
She came back out of the house and pushed me away. "Go back home, I don't want you to stare at my apartment for the next few hours."

"But I want to," I told her directly.

"You will be labelled by a stalker, the security guards will throw you out if you dare to do that." She commented. "You're a freaking idol, take good care of your image."

"I don't care, I just want to be with you," I confessed. I really loved spending time with her...

"Is the entire weekend not enough for you?" I shook my head and she rolled my eyes. "We literally had two whole days to spend time with each other and it is still not enough for you."

"No, I wished that you stay right next to me so that I can see you all the time." My heart skipped a beat, I never knew that I was such a sweet talker. I don't even think any of the members are that clingy with their loved ones.

"Don't you dare think of moving in next door, I will not approve that." That gave me an excellent idea. Why didn't I think of that before?

I pouted, sad over the fact that we don't live near each other and we don't work in the same industry, the chances of us ever seeing each other is lesser and I want to see her all the time. "Then give me a hug."

She sighed deeply before coming closer to me, wrapping her arms next to me and pushing her tiny but glamorous body to mine. It is a good thing that she is tall enough for my height but I wished that she was a little shorter so that I can suffocate when I give her bear hugs.

Her body was filled with warmth and so is my body, being warmed up instantly by her body and my arms wrapped around her waist, my head buried in her neck as I enjoyed the moment that we were close together.

"Are you done?" She asked and I obviously wasn't done yet, I would take the rest of the day off just cuddling in her arms and not doing anything else but my job matters a lot to me as well. I released my arms around her and I gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Rest well, don't go to work for the next few days."

"Got it. You too, take good care of yourself so that you are able to produce great songs that hit the charts." She returns me with a peck on my cheek but she doesn't let go of me. It is more like she doesn't want to get separated from me...

"Should I seriously take the rest of the day off? You are refusing to let me go." I told her and she nodded, still not letting me go. "I have to go to work."

"Can I come along?" She replied and I felt my heart stop for a moment before it begins beating again. Does she want to see me at work?

This is the first time that I have gotten such a request from a woman, all the other women that I have ever dated only wanted to meet me outside of my workplace. They didn't want anyone to know about our relationship and so our relationship only existed out of my recording studio.

"Are you sure? You're going to my workplace and see me at work?" She nodded. "Aren't you afraid that the fans are going to find out more about you?"

"I am..." She released her grip on me and looked at me straight into my eyes. "But I'm curious, I want to know how you are at work. The fans aren't so carefree to watch a 30- something-year-old man work in his recording studio."

The truth hurts but she is right, it is not like anyone is really going to care. The articles are there because of one hand but they are not sure that they know that we are actually dating, the public will still see me as friends if I won't reveal anything.

"So? NamJoon Oppa, can I come to your workplace? I promise that I will be a good girl." She pleaded.

I could do nothing but to agree to her, I couldn't get used to the sudden burst of cuteness that is oozing out of her. She was a little more mature the last time I have seen her, she wasn't that adorable back then but I liked her being this cute. "Fine. But better cover yourself up, it is better to be safe than sorry."

She beamed in delight and got inside her apartment to get something, she came out to give me a cap and she was wearing one as well. "Here's one for you and one for me." I wore it, it is a little small for me but I don't care, it is adorable.

I heard no barking noises and I tilted my head, wondering where did her puppy go to. If I could remember correctly, she has a puppy with black fur by the name Hakyeonnie and he would always appear in video calls whenever I call her.

"Where is Hakyeonnie?" I asked her as she closed the door of her apartment.

"I called my close friend to take care of her the day that we left for Busan, I will taking him back later at night." I nodded at her answer. "Why are you suddenly asking for him?"

"Nothing. I am just wondering where he had gone to since he wasn't making any noises. He is such an adorable puppy, rapmon would be happy to play with him."

She exclaimed happily as we walked out of the apartment building. "You have a dog as well? How old is the dog?"

I intertwined my hands with hers. "If I remember correctly, he should be around 12 years old this year. I got him pretty early during the start of my career and he is still staying with my parents." I chuckled as I remembered how adorable Rapmon was when he was younger. "I should really bring him up to Seoul to live in the dorms and Hakyeonnie could have a playmate."

"That's great. I was hoping to get Hakyeonnie a playmate so that he wouldn't be so bored being at home by himself all day." She smiled at the thought of the two dogs meeting each other in the future. "I'm so glad that I met you this year, thank you for making my 30s a meaningful one."

"Same to me. Thanks for bringing colour in my life again, my lovely Bang HaEun ssi." I thought that I was destined to be single until I met you at the shopping mall.

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now