Ch 67

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I felt the weight of someone crushing on top of me and I almost couldn't breathe, I opened my eyes and I looked down at my chest area, Kim NamJoon is resting his hand there and it felt so heavy so that I grabbed his arm and threw it towards the other side and I could finally breathe again. I guess that he used me as a pillow or something and he slept so soundly like that, I looked at him and I automatically smiled.

I guess that my plan to move in with Kim NamJoon kind of work even though I don't have an idea what happened last night, I was so drunk that I couldn't even stand still and I am amazed at myself that I could even make my way to his place without any issues and my friends left me alone like that, they were so confident that I wouldn't end up somewhere remote and I would get killed or something.

He moved around to my side and he put his leg on my body this time, is it what I am going to deal with for the rest of my life? I got up from the bed this time and I threw his leg to the other direction and I used a little too much force because he is now on the floor and I could see his naked body facing the ceiling, we were naked the entire time and I didn't even realize it.

What even happened last night? That thud was kind of pain that he started to move around and he lifted his head, looking around for me and he turned around and he immediately smiled. "What just happened? How did I even end up on the floor?" He asked me.

"You used me as a pillow and it was kind of suffocating on me so I pushed you away but I used too much strength, what even happened last night?" I asked him and he smiled again. "I have no recollection of what happened last night and I am sure that you know what exactly happened last night and why I am in your bed and I--" The answer came up in my mind and I immediately stopped talking, my face immediately turning red as I realized what we have done last night.

We made love and we ended up sleeping on the bed together without wearing any clothes, I had just lost my virginity without me even knowing about it but one thing that I am glad is that I lost my virginity to my boyfriend and he is not some bastard who is not going to take responsibility for it. "Do you have work today?" He asked me and I nodded my head. "Last night was amazing and I would want to do this again, now that we are officially living together and we have all the time in the world and you are next to me all the time."

I looked at my phone for the time. "I literally have work in an hour, and I need to wash up and change into a new outfit and I don't even have a work outfit." He looked at me with a suggestive look. "I am not going to wear your hoodie to work, people at work are not going to take me seriously if they see me in such comfortable clothing and I don't want them to think that way."

"Then don't go into work and stay with me the entire day, I want you to be with me and I would be happy." He said. "And I want to kiss you like no tomorrow." He climbed back into bed and hugged me tightly.

"But I--" He smelt my hair and kissed my temple. "I need to get to work." He kissed my neck and down to my collarbone where he sucked the skin and I let out a small moan. "Kim NamJoon, I am going to get angry at you for doing that to me."

"You won't." He said, coming up to my face and gave me a little kiss on the lips. "You will never get angry at me and I will drive you to work later."

"You don't even have a drivers license, how are you going to do that," I told him.

"Exactly, so we are not going into work and we are going to do this the entire day." He sucked my lower lip and he looked at me. "Fine, you are still going to work after one round and we will take the bus. Are you in?"

We have finally concluded to make love to each other first thing in the morning and we will do that every single day because that is how much we love each other and we don't want to let go of each other. I got into the shower after 30 minutes and I came out to find out that he is cooking something, he doesn't know how to cook very well and he is making breakfast for me.

I hugged him from the back and I could smell his scent, it is so addictive and I don't want to let go of him. "What are you even cooking?"

"Toast, I learned from Yiyeong and she was so reluctant to teach me but she is so relieved that I could pull it off." He said. "You are going to eat toast from now on because that is the only thing that I know how to make apart from instant noodles."

"Go take cooking classes, and at the same time get a drivers license," I told him.

"What for?" He asked me. "There are cooking tutorials online and I don't need to pay a single cent for it. And you know how it is dangerous for me to drive a car and that is why I have avoided my entire life."

"So that we can get ready for marriage, I am going for cooking classes to make delicious food for you and to be a good wife," I told him and I could feel his heart pounding quickly.

Married at 30 / kim namjoon (#15)Where stories live. Discover now