Senpai, Love Me I (Cassandra Cain x Male Reader)

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The first installment of a mini-series I've been meaning to write for a while.

A Yandere Simulator au! You don't have to know much about Yandere Simulator since it kinda gets explained as you read.

Cassandra is empty until she meets the one she's been missing.



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David Cain wasn't much of a father.

Then again, Sandra Wu-San wasn't much of a mother either.

And of course, Cassandra herself wasn't much of a normal child.

Cassandra was an empty shell.

A hollow human being with a gaping hole where their heart and emotions should have been.

At least her parents could feel things.

Anger was the most prominent it seemed.

They yelled and fought; Cassandra hadn't really cared.

She wanted to care.

Normal kids would care.

She wanted to be like them.

To be angry and annoyed.

To be sad and despondent.

To be happy and excited.

She wanted it so badly, she probably would've killed for it.

"I think cats are cute!"

"I bet Cassandra Cain kills cats."

"That's so horrible! She wouldn't- No one would! I'd die of guilt, for sure! And I'd be so sad afterwards, too!"

There's a cat in front of her when she walks home that day.

It's a small one, probably a kitten.

It has white fur and grey patches with stripes.

It has yellow eyes.

'Was this what the other girl had meant?' Cassandra asked herself, 'That cats were.....cute? Cute.'

Cassandra bent down to get a better look of the kitten.

It was small. So small.

She felt nothing as she looked into it's bright, yellow eyes.

'What does cute even mean, anyway?' Cassandra thought to herself.

I'd die of guilt, for sure! And I'd be so sad afterwards, too!

Guilt. Sadness.

Those were emotions. Strong ones if that girl had been willing to die.

She wants to feel that. Those emotions.

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