Batfamily Incorrect Quotes (Jaime Reyes x Batsis)

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Again, because why not?

Also, we haven't seen Jaime in a while.

(Y/N): Jaime, what are you drawing?

Jaime: A map.

(Y/N): Really, but it looks like you're just drawing a close up of my eyes.

Jaime: That's right. It's cuz I'm always getting lost in them.

(Y/N): *blushes intensely*


Bruce, after being memed the whole day: I am terrified of the Backstreet Boys.

Alfred: Tell me why.

Bruce: *Screams*


Stephanie: So, plan b?

Cassandra: Technically, that's plan g.

Kate: How many plans do we have anyway? Is there like, a plan m?

Silena: Yes, but Barbara dies in plan m.

Helena: I like plan m.


Jaime: Jellyfish have survived six hundred thousand years without brains.

Scarab: A ray of hope for the Impulse.


Jason, whenever Bruce says something: I wasn't listening, but I strongly disagree.


Stephanie: Why don't you take more selfies?

Tim: I have what they call, an unattractive face.

Duke: You best take that back.


Scarab: I have saved your life, Jaime Reyes. Multiple times!

Jaime: That's because you put it in danger. Multiple times!


Damien: I was banned from the zoo.

Bruce: Again?


Barbara, about Dick: I have found my soulmate. Behold my idiot as we spaz into the sunset!


Any of their teammates: Hey, uh, maybe we need Batman's help for this one?

Any Batkid ever: I would literally rather die.


Tim, exhausted: Why do pizzas come in a square box, are made as circles, and eaten as triangles?

(Y/N): I– Why is that a sort philosical question?


Jaime: Did you eat 9 cans of Ravioli last night?

Bart: Come on, Blue! No one wants to admit that.


Jon: I need a scary friend to scare off other scary people.

Damien: I would be honored to be that friend.


Roy: Do you know how weird you are, Jason?

Jason: Do you know how close you are to having a broken nose, Harper?


(Y/N): I don't have a favorite friend! How could you think that?

Tim: It's Jaime, isn't it?

(Y/N): I can't help it. He has those love-me-tender eyes and I'm weak.


Stephanie: Barbara, tell Cass she's an idiot, but I still love her.

Barbara: Tell her yourself.

Stephanie: We're in a fight.

Barbara: You're sitting in her lap?

Cassandra: Humour her.


Kori: Why are you posing? There are no cameras.

Jason: Batman is always watching. Gotta show him that I can be dramatic and pointless too.


Jaime: *turns on lamp for reading*

(Y/N): Might as well call me that lamp.

Jaime: Why…?

(Y/N): Because you turn me on.

Jaime: *slams book shut*


Selina: You know, I'm good at stealing everything.

Bruce, thinking: Except my heart.

Selina, smiling: You look great, by the way.

Bruce, softly: Dammit.


Dick: Thanks for agreeing to see me.

Tim: I didn't. You just walked, switched off my computer and started talking.

Dick: Hush, I don't have time for a History lesson.


Jaime: (Y/N), what do I look like to you?

(Y/N): My next boyfriend.

Jaime: What?

(Y/N):..... I mean, you look like a nerd.


Scarab: There is clear deception going on here, Jaime Reyes.


People I missed: Jaime, Stephanie, Cassandra and Helena.

Hope you enjoyed.

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