Teacher of the Year

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Right now, Danny and Tucker were staying up playing a game called DOOM. They just watched a guy get vaporized by an elite player named Chaos.

"That's the trouble with these online video games. Too many unqualified random players."

"I know what you mean. Nobody but us has a clue. Except for that Chaos guy."

The two were hiding behind a piece of wreckage, looking at Chaos from afar.

"Those guys are unstoppable."

"Were unstoppable. Watch this."

Tucker runs over and calls out to Chaos, surprising them.

"Hey Chaos. Game over vid-wid."

Tucker shoots at him, but Chaos easily dodges it and shoots back at Tucker. It hits Tucker's feet and pushes him back behind the wreckage with Danny.

"Still not stopped."

The two yell and begin to run away from Chao's fire. They duck into an abandoned building and Chaos tosses a bomb in there. They look at it and then at each other.

"Danny, I just want you to know, I accidentally killed your gerbil in the 6th grade."


The bomb explodes, killing both of the boy's characters. Both of their computer screens read 'GAME OVER.'

"Aw man. Smoked again."

"Darn it. I thought using the Fenton Helmet as my game controller would give me an edge."

Danny removes the helmet, revealing his flat hair.

"not hat hair."

He chucks the helmet away and accidentally opens the portal, releasing Technus.

"Ah. Haha! Once again, I, Technus, master of all things electronic and beeping am free once again to conquer this world."

Technus looks over at Danny's computer screen and sees Chaos running around.

"Although, that world looks more entertaining. And the fashion sense is far superior. Perhaps it is there that I shall be king."

"Oh no you don't."

Danny goes ghost and his hair back to normal.

"At least the hair's better." He remarks.

Danny flies towards Technus. But then Technus stops him with a electric forcefield and wraps him in it. A shock goes wild and destroys the computer screen.

"Oh that stinks. No matter. I shall return! So long ghost boy."

Technus escapes, releasing Danny from the electric trap.

"Oh great. Constantly getting zapped in Doomed is bad enough but now I have to track down that loser. Or I can deal with it tomorrow."

Danny cringes and looks over at the clock. It was a ghost clock that read 5:30 am.

"It is tomorrow. I've been up all night. *Yawns* Oh well, one sleepy day at school and one lame ghost freed. What's the worst that could happen?"

Later that day; in class. Danny is passed out, drooling all over his un-marked test. Aero looks over at him from her desk. She puts her head in her hand and smiles. Lancer soon cuts the silence.

"Pencils down! All tests in!"

He looks over and picks up Danny's soggy test.

"Ah teaching. Always rewarding."

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